Juniper Care
Service Description Document – October 2010
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Eligibility and Purchasing ............................................................................................................... 2
3. Service Features and Deliverable Description ............................................................................... 2
4. Technical Support ...................................................................................................................... 2
5. Junos Space Service Now ......................................................................................................... 5
6. Knowledge Transfer ................................................................................................................... 6
7. Customer Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 6
8. Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 7
10. Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 7
© Juniper Networks, Inc.

Juniper Care– Service Description Document – October 2010
1. Introduction
Juniper Care Services (“Services”) are described in this Services Description (“SDD”). The Services are rendered by
Juniper directly to the end user of Juniper Networks products (the “End User”), which End User is identified by name
and address in the order for the Services (whether placed by an authorized J-Partner or otherwise). The Services
cover only those Juniper Networks products of End User purchased from Juniper Networks or an authorized Juniper
Networks reseller and that are specified in the Purchase Order for the Services placed by End User or an Authorized
Juniper Networks reseller, and, for each such product, only during the term of the Juniper Care Suppo rt Services
contract. (Such Juniper Networks products of End User are herein referred to as the “Supported Juniper Products”)
The Services are subject to the terms of the Juniper Networks End User Support Agreement, a copy of which is
posted at http://www.juniper.net/support/guidelines.html (or other written master service s ag reement signed by
Juniper Networks and End User and covering within its scope the terms and conditions under which Juniper Networks
will render support and maintenance services for End User’s Juniper Networks products) (herein, the “End User
Services Agreement” or “EUSA”). In addition, End User’s use of Junos Space and Service Now shall be subject to
the terms of the Juniper Networks End User License Agreement (“EULA”), a copy of which is posted at
www.juniper.net/xxxxxxxxxxx . In the event of any conflict between the terms of this SDD and those of the EUSA or
EULA, the terms of the EUSA and EULA shall take precedence.
2. Eligibility and Purchasing
Juniper Care Support Services are available for purchase only by Juniper Networks-authorized resellers on behalf of
an End User identified by name and address in the purchase order (or by certain qualified End Users), which End
Users have one or more Juniper Networks products under Juniper Care Support Services co ntract and who register
themselves and their Supported Juniper Networks Products with the Juniper Networks Customer Service Center
The Services must be purchased for a term lasting at least 12 months.
3. Service Features and Deliverable Description
As part of the Services, Juniper Networks will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Customer with the followin g:
4. Technical Support
This feature provides End User access to Juniper technical support engineers, software updates and upgrades,
access to online tools and hardware replacement options.
There are six (6) support options End User can choose based on their business needs including Core, Core Plus,
Next-Day, Next-Day Onsite, Same-Day, Same-Day Onsite. Please see table below for features included in each
JTACAccess • • • • • •
SoftwareReleases • • • • • •
OnlineTools • • • • • •
Return‐to‐factory •
Next‐BusinessDayAdvancedReplacement • •
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Same‐DayAdvancedReplacement • •
OnsiteTechnician • •
• JTAC Access
With JTAC support, End User will have unlimited access to JTAC engineers by phone and online 24/7/365. As a
single point of contact for all support needs, JTAC engineers have extensive experience in supporting larg e-scale
networks and will help diagnose system problems, configure, troublesh oot and, provide work-around solutions
where necessary. To ensure that JTAC responds as quickly as possible, automatic escalation alerts to senior
management are triggered on all priority issues.
• Software Releases
Juniper Networks provides End User with access to and the right to a copy of the Supported Software Releases
(as defined below) under the EULA to Use in support of the End User-owner of the Supported Juniper Networks
Product when they are made available for general public release. Rights in Supported Software Releases
granted to End User are further detailed as follows:
1. Embedded Software.
(a) For any unit of End User’s Supported Juniper Networks Product that is Hardware (as defined in the EUSA) that
includes Embedded Software (as defined in the Juniper Ne tworks End User License Agreement (“EULA”) as p osted
at Juniper Networks will grant End User the limited non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferrable right
during the term of the Care Support contract to Supported Embedded Software Releases for End User’s Internal Us e
(as defined in the EULA) on such unit of Hardware Product subject to End User’s acceptance of the terms of the
EULA with respect to such Internal Use.
(b) As used herein, “Supported Embedded Software Releases” at any particular time during the term of the Care
Services contract means those releases of Embedded Software then qualifying as Supported Releases (as per
Juniper Networks’ then current software support policies currently posted at
2. Software under Perpetual License.
(a) For any unit of Supported Juniper Networks Product that is software (including, without limitation, any Juniper
Networks Product consisting of activation key-enabled dormant functionality or dormant performance or usage
capability implemented in Embedded Software or another Juniper Networks software Product, but excluding
Embedded Software itself) that Juniper has licensed directly or indirectly to End User under perpetual lic ense (herein,
“Perpetual License Software”), Juniper Networks will give End User the limited non-exclusiv e, non-sublicensable
and non-transferrable right during the term of that Care Support contract covering such Perpetual L ice nse Software to
such Major Release Updates (as defined bel ow) for the End User’s Internal Use (as defined in the EU LA) all subject
to End User’s acceptance of the same feature, usage and performance limitations with respect to such releases a s
apply with respect to the Perpetual License Software itself and all subject to the terms of the EULA.
(b) As used herein, “Major Release Updates” consist of any Minor Releases (defined below) of th e Perpetual License
Software under the Major Release (defined belo w) for which the Perpetual License Software lice nse was purchased
by such End User. For avoidance of doubt, the term “Major Release Updates” excludes any Major Rele ase and
excludes any Minor Release based on any Major Releas e other than the Major Release for which the underlying
Perpetual License Software license was purchased. As used herein, “Major Release” means a release of the
Perpetual License Software that, due to its enhancements in functionality or performance from prior releases, is made
generally available by Juniper under perpetual license only upon payment of a separate license fee, and “Minor
Release” means any release of Perpetual License Software that is not a Major Release.
3. Software under Subscription License.
Juniper Care– Service Description Document – October 2010
under the title, “EOL and EOS Notification Policy and Procedures”).
990331 – October 2010 Juniper Networks, Inc.
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