Juniper Care Plus
Service Description Document – October 2010
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Eligibility and Purchasing ............................................................................................................... 2
3. Service Features and Deliverable Description ............................................................................... 2
3.1. Service Manager ..................................................................................................................... 2
3.2. Expert to Expert Access ......................................................................................................... 3
3.3. Service Insight ........................................................................................................................ 3
3.4. Training Credits and Webcasts ............................................................................................... 5
3.5. Consulting Credits .................................................................................................................. 6
4. End User Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 8
5. Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 10
7. Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 10
About Juniper Networks .......................................................................................................................... 10
© Juniper Networks, Inc.

Juniper Care Plus – Service Description Document – October 2010
1. Introduction
Juniper Care Plus Services (“Services”) are described in this Services Description Document (“SDD”). The Services
are rendered by Juniper directly to the end user of Juniper Networks products (the “End User”), which End User is
identified by name and address in the order for the Services (whether placed by an authorized J-Partner or
otherwise). The Services cover only those Juniper Networks products of End User purchased from Juniper Networks
or an authorized Juniper Networks reseller and that are under current, valid Juniper Care Sup port Services contract,
and, for each such product, only during the term of its associated contract. (Such Juniper Networks products of End
User are herein referred to as the “Supported Juniper Products”)
The Services are subject to the terms of the Juniper Networks End User Support Agreement, a copy of which is
posted at http://www.juniper.net/support/guidelines.html (or other written master service s ag reement signed by
Juniper Networks and End User and covering within its scope the terms and conditions under which Juniper Networks
will render support and maintenance services for End User’s Juniper Networks products) (herein, the “End User
Services Agreement” or “EUSA”). In addition, End User’s use of Junos Space and Service Now shall be subject to
the terms of the Juniper Networks End User License Agreement (“EULA”), a copy of which is posted at
of the EUSA or EULA, the terms of the EUSA and EULA shall take precedence.
. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this SDD and those
2. Eligibility and Purchasing
Juniper Care Plus Services is available for purchase only by End Users who have one or more Juniper Networks
products under Juniper Care Support Services contract and who register with the Juniper Networks Customer Service
Center (“CSC”). The Services cover only Juniper Networks products for which End User has a current, valid Juniper
Care Services contract; provided, however, that Services shall be furnished with respect to any such product only
during the term of that product’s associated Juniper Care Services contracts.
The Services must be purchased for a term lasting at least 12 months.
3. Service Features and Deliverable Description
As part of the Services, Juniper Networks will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the End User with the
3.1. Service Manager
The Juniper Networks Service Manager is a named contact as End User’s advocate within Juniper Networks to
manage all End User service related operational activities during local business hours. The key deliverables of a
Service Manager include the following:
• Point of contact within Juniper Networks to oversee the delivery of all entitled services in this offering.
• Provide account set up assistance and ongoing account management to ensure that the End User has access to
the service deliverables in this service offering and appropriate resources within Juniper Networks.
• Have onsite kickoff meeting with the End User to provide information needed for the End User to receive
their entitled service deliverables such as user accounts set up, review case notification process, case
opening guidelines, process to receive training credits, consulting credits, case escalation process, key
Juniper Networks contact information and regular meeting schedule.
• Ensure that the End User account is set up correctly internally within Juniper Networks to be able to
open cases and notify internal teams who need to provide the service deliverables to the End User.
• Provide a Service Support Plan, which includes the following:
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Juniper Care Plus – Service Description Document – October 2010
• JTAC User Guide.
• Contact matrix for both Juniper Networks and the End User including escalation process.
• End User device remote access procedure. Coordinate the agreement sign off to receive access to
End User’s network, if required.
• Guidelines on any special outage procedure, if applicable, to ensure End User satisfaction.
• Provide the End User information on how to use Web-enabled Juniper Networks support tools.
• Support the End User to maintain accurate install base data.
• Track and plan all End User entitled service deliverables including training credits, consulting credits, and provide
a report to the End User on credit usage and balance.
• Assist in service planning based on End User’s specific needs and where they are in the services lifecycle and
engage with the account team and the End User in planning for future projects.
• Manage End User escalation related to service support, service readiness, and service planning; working with
Juniper Networks internal delivery teams.
• Advise and guide the End User in accessing resources for implementing the Service Now and Service Insight
infrastructure and related services entitlement deliverables.
• Conduct periodic conference calls to report status on outstanding issues and discuss key future network activities.
• Conduct operational review meetings (onsite or remote) to discuss End User-specific product and service
performance metrics (cases, problem reports/bugs, RMAs), related trends, and services activities planned for the
next quarter. Operational review meeting frequency will set between End User and Service Manager (maximum 4
per year).
• Provide case trend analysis including a regular review of End User reports to identify repeat tactical
hardware, software, or operational issues. Coordinate with Junipe r Networks su pport organizations and
the End User to identify corrective actions on the products and make training recommendations if
required to help the End User close knowledge gaps.
• Provide logistical and operational assistance working with Juniper Networks Logistics to coordinate all escalations
on parts shipped back from the End User for failure, status updates, and drive issues with the global delivery
organizations, as required, to ensure that the contract commitment is met.
• Provide proactive case planning, assistance in coordinating JTAC resources, and provide relevant information for
End User identified (pre-planned) events (e.g. software upgrade) to help ensure efficient response.
3.2. Expert to Expert Access
Expert to Expert Access feature provides the End User on a 24x7 basis access to open and pursue Priority 1
and Priority 2 cases directly with access to a team of senior JTAC engineers with extensive experience, advanced
troubleshooting skills, and demonstrated capability to quickly drive the End User’s high-priority issues to resolution.
(Definition and Examples for Priority 1 and Priority 2 cases are as set forth in the End User Support Agreement.)
3.3. Service Insight
Service Insight is an intelligent application supported by JUNOS Space to deliver proactive reports and
notifications regarding JUNOS –based Product. The Reports and notifications are generated by Juniper Networks
experts and automatically sent to the End User.
As part of the Care Plus Service Juniper Networks will grant to End User a personal, non-exclusive, nonsublicensable, non-transferrable license, effective for the term of the Care Plus Services contract and su bject to
the terms of the EULA, to the Junos Space / Service Insight software for End User’s Internal Use (as defined in the
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