D*AP8 front panel view ……………………………………………………………………………. 4
X*AP RM1 front panel view……………………………………………………………………….. 4
D*AP8 rear view ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Block diagram, Audio processing blocks ………………………………………………………… 6
Control, Operating & Event concept ……………………………………………………………… 7
Getting started – IP setup in general …………………………………………………………….. 8
Getting started – IP setup – via console interface ……………………................................. 8
Getting started – IP setup – via web browser …………………………………………………. 9
Getting started – basic X*AP RM1 remote panel operation …………………………………… 10
Operating – menu structure of the X*AP remote panel – operating displays ……………… 10
Operating – menu structure of the X*AP remote panel – menu tree ………………………… 13
Setup GUI – connecting with the D*AP8 – AUDIO PROCESSOR – Overview ……………. 14
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – System Status …………………………………………………………. 15
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Overview ……………………………………………………………….. 16
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Admin ………………………………………………………………….. 17
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Setup …………………………………………………………………… 19
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – the preset concept in detail …………………………………………. 20
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Remote Access – X*AP Remote …………………………………… 21
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Remote Access – Mobile UI ………………………………………… 21
Safety Information …..……………………………………………………………………………. 96
Warranty …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 96
The D*AP8 is a generic platform with several software options that can be accomplished by an optional
X*AP RM1 remote panel. The bundle is designed to allow the operator a direct access to major functions and
important parameters.
It is available as D*AP8 TAP EDITION that replaces the former T*AP (Television Audio Processor).
While the D*AP8 FLX EDITION can be combined to the customer needs at the moment of ordering but can
later be upgraded in the field with more options. Similar applies to the D*AP8 CODEC edition that is focused
on Dolby encoding / decoding. All three editions are covered by this manual and the MEI (Multi Edition
Image) firmware image. Depending on the licensed features you may not have all functions available.
A special version, the D*AP8 MAP EDITION is also available to suite the special needs of monitoring. It is the
successor of the Dolby DP570 Multi Channel Audio Tool and has its own manual.
For level and loudness measurement and logging applications the D*AP8 may be used as a measurement
box that sits close to the signal sources while measurement data will be streamed over the network to a PC
for live display and/or storing of such data.
The heard of the D*AP8 is a sophisticated audio processor. It renders all functions of the audio blocks, as
well as level and loudness measurements.
A comprehensive Dolby subsystem including a stand alone metadata generator is provided for optional
decoding, emulation and encoding. The influence of metadata on PCM audio signals can be monitored
either directly from the monitoring section of a mixing console or from a decoded Dolby E stream. It allows
you to hear how the metadata will influence the listening experience on the customers side without insertion
of a consumer format encoder / decoder. The metadata emulation part incorporates a Dolby stream
decoder. An optional Dolby Digital/Digital plus or a Dolby-E encoder can be added to the device.
The four AES3id I/Os on the motherboard may be complemented by a variety of interface modules that can
be installed as an option into the D*AP8 interface slots.
Comprehensive routing set-ups allow almost every signal flow from hardware inputs, from and to optional
Dolby decoder / encoder, from the audio processor itself to hardware outputs as well as the metadata I/Os,
the metadata generator and the metadata emulator.
Routing paths, the enabling and disabling of audio processing blocks and the setting of processing
parameters can be pre-configured by individual presets dedicated to each function block. The content of the
presets can be displayed and edited off-line while the device is on duty. These presets may either be
recalled on demand by the operator via the GUI, the X*AP RM1 remote panel hot keys or external systems,
but may also be part of complex scenarios defined by the administrator and automatically executed by the
event manager of the device or by operator intervention.
The D*AP8 provides a web based setup GUI and can be controlled by an X*AP RM1 remote panel that
displays status and metering information and allows user intervention.
Junger Audios application manager J*AM is available as an add on and can be attached with a few simple
clicks to the D*AP8 so that users can log loudness data as well as display it as a live plot on a PC screen in
real time or simply display level bar graphs and numeric loudness values. For production / post-production
needs a built-in LTC reader will be available in the near future. So loudness logging may then be performed in
regard to relative time as well as to time of day.
Completing the feature set of the D*AP8 is the availability of an SNMP agent, which provides traps and status
As with most advanced tools, the D*AP8 can be driven in a variety of ways, depending on requirements
and ideas of the user. These can range from simple and straightforward to quite complex set ups.
Although this manual explains the functions and general operation of the D*AP8, it does not give detailed
scenarios because the operational needs of today’s broadcasters vary so widely between organizations and
their work flows and cover so many different parameters – from ingest to studio operation, from master
control rooms to play-out, or even rebroadcast applications.
Junger Audio is more than happy to discuss your particular requirements with you and to convey your ideas
and solutions to other users of the Junger Audio Processors community.
Hardware concept
The D*AP8 editions are based on the D*AP8 device that carries all relevant connectors.
An optional X*AP RM1 remote panel can be used to control the D*AP8.
D*AP8 front panel view
The front panel of the D*AP8 has a 3 line status display and two hidden touch buttons ~ 2.5cm left of the
display. Button 1 = Home will switch back to the power up display no matter which display level you are in.
Button 2 controls the multi level display:
Level 1 Power up display [Device type, firmware version]
Level 2 Status [OK / Error] / Device Name / IP address
Level 3 IN peak meter (10x)
Level 4 OUT peak meter (10x)
The total number of display levels depends on the number of programs. For 5.1 + 2 mode (2 programs) we
will have 4 more levels while for 4 x 2 (4 programs) we will have 8 more levels:
Level 5 - 8 Program 1 - 4 Out - short term loudness
Level 9 - 12 Program 1 - 4 Out - integrated loudness and integration time
The measures of the loudness displays depend on the setup of the respective loudness mode
(see AUDIO PROCESSOR > SETUP > Loudness Mode).
Display background Green = device status OK
color Red = device status ERROR
X*AP RM1 front panel view
The X*AP RM1 remote panel is powered by POE (Power Over Ethernet) or an external wall plug PS and
designed to control multiple D*AP8 units one at a time. For details of operation see extra manual
"XAP_manual_EN_140328.pdf" or later.
D*AP8 rear view
For fail safe operation the D*AP8 provides two independent power supplies. These power supplies
operate in load balance. The status of both PSUs are combined with other status information and
displayed as back light color the front panel display.
STATUS LED indicates the status of the device controller. It becomes green at the end of
INIT / RESET pressing the INIT / RESET button briefly will warm start the device controller.
Holding down the button until the STATUS LED flashes 5 times will initialize the
LAN RJ45 socket for Ethernet connection to a LAN
USB USB 2.0 type B socket to connect the built in USB >> serial converter with an
ISO-PWR lights up if the isolated 5V power supply for GPI /O application is turned on
GPI/O 25pin Sub-D female connector to interface with the 8 optical isolated general
Interface 1 slot to mount one of the optional interface boards (SDI, AES, analog)
Interface 2 slot to mount one of the optional interface boards (SDI, AES, analog)
METADATA IN 9pin Sub-D female connector to receive and send Dolby® serial metadata
METADATA OUT 9pin Sub-D male connector to send Dolby® serial metadata
LTC IN LTC timecode input not activated jet
SYNC IN 75Ohm BNC connector to connect with external sync sources
WCKL-OUT 75Ohm BNC connector to synchronize external devices to the D*AP8 internal
AES IN 1/2 – 7/8 AES3id inputs
AES OUT 1/2 – 7/8 AES3id outputs
a successful boot process
D*AP8 to factory default
external PC to reach the console interface of the system controller
purpose inputs and 8 solid state relay closure outputs
word clock
Device block diagram:
The above schematic shows the principal blocks of a fully loaded D*AP8.
The core of the is the audio processor with 10 inputs, 8 outputs and a 2ch monitor output.
Dolby Decoding/Emulation is based on a hardware decoder option.
It also provides a Dolby Eencoder that can be licensed
An optoional Dolbyencoder may be fitted to provide an encoded output either in Dolby E(D-E) or one of the
consumer formats Dolby Digitial (D-D) AKA AC3, Dolby Digital plus(D-D+) or AAC and its derivates.
This will save rack space and installation cost and offers a fully integrated solution.
Four AES I/Os on the motherboard are provided for digital line operation. The respective connectors have
relay bypass for power fail operation. The bypass ciruit may be disabled by internal jumpers.
Two interface slots are provided to carry optional 3G / HD / SD-SDI, MADI, Dante, AES I/O or even analog
expansion modules. It allows for extremely flexible interfacing of the D*AP8 in TV installations.
For comprehensive metadata processing the has 9-pin serial metadata I/O connectors. All metadata
functions are centralized in a metadata generator. Furthermore you will have the possibility to emulate the
influence of Dolby metadata on the audio signals for stereo or surround configurations and surround
down mixes, without the need to involve an encoder and a decoder.
The sync circuit can deal with all practical formats to integrate the D*AP8 into digital facilities. Other devices
may be synchronized by the word clock output of the D*AP8 unit. The frame reference for D-E encoding,
can be shifted to align the D-E guard band.
The D*AP8 has 8 balanced GPIs and 8 SSR closure GPOs. This enables the user to simply recall presets or
call events, change device configurations and report general status information.
Audio processing blocks:
Above you see the various function blocks of the audio processor rendered by the DSP engine.
Each function block has its representation in the GUI by individual tab sheets. You may simply click on the
respective graphical area as an alternative way to navigate through the GUI.
It is important to understand that the physical input interfaces of the device (SDI DE-EMBEDDER, AES IN)
must be routed to the DSP inputs in order to process it. Similarly the DSP outputs must be routed to output
interfaces (SDI EMBEDDER, AES OUT). You will find those settings by clicking on the ROUTING tab.
Control concept
The communication between the X*AP RM1 remote panel, the D*AP8 unit, setup and operating tools, is
based on TCP/IP over Ethernet.
The setup GUI utilizes web technology. At the time of editing this manual the functionality of the web GUI is
optimized for Firefox 35.x and higher.
The setup GUI can be complemented by other application programs running on MS Windows® XP, W7, W8
like the Junger Application Manager J*AM. Operator access will also be available for mobile devices running
an appropriate browser on iOS or Android.
An SNMP agent is also available on the device and may be explored via a SNMP monitoring system.
For 3rd party remote control Junger highly recommends using the l-s-b EmBER+ protocol which is widely
distributed in the European broadcast industry. The user community is also increasing rapidly world wide.
By default, the X*AP RM1 remote panel and the D*AP8 "talk" Ember natively.
Operating concept
Further below you will see that the setup GUI for the device is grouped into several parameter areas.
One can reach the parameters via a 3-tier navigation via tabs which may have sub tabs and sub tabs may
have pages embedded or extra soft buttons for groups of parameters.
Each function block (parameter area) has dedicated presets. The presets can be recalled at any time during
operation, either by manual intervention via the embedded web server (browser based GUI), automatically
by the internal event manager or by external applications.
For all relevant settings an ON AIR and a PRESET part exists. I.e. you may either edit the parameters ON AIR or offline for the respective function block of the D*AP8.
The presets of the D*AP8 are persistent by nature. You are working directly on the preset memory.
I.e. you must not worry about storing such presets. The D*AP8 does it for you.
Event concept
The D*AP8 incorporates a sophisticated event management system.
Events may be combined to perform actions. The D*AP8 offers these event types:
* Preset Events for System set-up, Interfaces, Routing, Audio Processing, Dolby related settings etc
* Parameter Events
* Measurement Events for pre-configured measurement scenarios
* I/O Events for GPOs
* Bypass Events
These events may be combined with Actions which are fired by Triggers.
Triggers are defined by a logical combination (AND, OR, XOR) of two random trigger sources.
A trigger source may be GPIs, hotkeys of the X*AP RM1 remote panel, network commands, parameters,
other active events, other active triggers (nested trigger), or device status information (e.g. sync lost).
Getting started – IP setup in general
The process of installing a D*AP8 into an IP network is as follows:
1. Ask the system service IT people for two unique IP addresses of the network,
for the netmask and if a gateway address is necessary
2. Assign the D*AP8 an unique IP address
You have two choices to assign the D*AP8 VAP an IP address: * From the serial console interface
* Via Web browser
3. Assign the X*AP RM1 remote panel a unique IP address configuration
4. Attach the D*AP8 to the X*AP RM1 remote panel
Important Note! If you are not familiar with setting up devices for IP communication, we highly recommend
you consult your system service or IT department to assist you.
Getting started – IP setup – via console interface
The tool to change the IP configuration of the D*AP8 can be selected via the console interface. You must
connect it with the PC via an USB A to B cable. This will install the driver for the built-in USB to serial converter. Now you can open a terminal program. Here you must select the virtual COM port assigned by
the OS. The communication parameters are:
115200kBaud, 8, N, 1 no hand shake. Pressing <ENTER> will open the console menu:
[2014-08-22 12:01] Your choice:
Select item "2": <ENTER>
Current network configuration
IP Address:
Netmask ...:
Gateway ...:
Enter new IP address, press ENTER to cancel:
You must enter the new IP address (e.g.): "" <Enter>
Enter new netmask, press ENTER to cancel:
You must enter the new netmask (e.g.): "" <Enter>
Enter new gateway address, press ENTER to configure without gateway:
You may press <Enter> to skip this point or
You may enter the new gateway address (e.g.): "" <Enter>
Important Note! The gateway entry is optional but you must take care that the gateway address matches the
network mask related to the device IP address! If you are not sure simply enter
or leave it without an entry.
Changing Network configuration
Network configuration has been changed. Please reboot the device
to activate the new settings.
Select item "8: Reboot" <ENTER>
Do you want to reboot the device ?
Press small "y" <ENTER>
Rebooting the device ……..
After reboot has finished, the new IP configuration is active and will be displayed at the top of the
configuration menu.
Getting started – IP setup of the D*AP8 – via web browser
* Read the default IP address printed on a label at the rear of the device.
* Set up network parameters of your PC to fit the default IP address of the D*AP8 unit
(e.g. default IP + 1 and net mask =
* Connect the D*AP8 with the PC either via an Ethernet patch cable (if the PC
supports Auto-MDI(X), an Ethernet cross over cable or via patch cables with a switch.
* Open a browser and type the IP address of the D*AP8 into the URL field and press <ENTER>.
This will open the AUDIO PROCESSOR tab sheet of the GUI.
* Click on <SYSTEM> and afterwards the <Admin> tab:
Enter the desired network configuration and press <apply>
Afterwards you must reboot the D*AP8 in order to activate the new IP configuration.
Important Note! After reboot neither the web browser nor the X*AP RM1 remote panel will be able to
communicate with the D*AP8 unit. You must fill in the new IP address in the URL field and change
the X*AP RM1 remote panel settings to attach this device with its new IP address.
Getting started – basic X*AP RM1 remote panel operation
Power up display – may show up to four D*AP8s enabled for remote control for this X*AP RM
remote panel. This example has just one D*AP8 named "NEWS Channel" attached for remote control
while the status is "connect" (i.e. you may connect with that device). See X*AP RM1 manual for details.
Remote Panel select device to control
News Channel
Pressing one of these buttons will connect with the respective D*AP8.
Now the X*AP RM1 remote panel will gather all necessary information from that D*AP8
(may take a few seconds) and open up the main operating display:
R128ITU1770Loudn Lim
Program 1
Program 2
[Panic 1Panic 2]
From here you may fire pre-defined hotkeys and observe the status of the volume setting.
Because this is the main operating display, the escape button will light up red to indicate that the power up display is below the main operating display. Pressing <ESC> returns you back to the power up display
(device selection).
The hot keys may be programmed by the administrator of the device to recall global settings
(see EVENT management for details) and therefore may have dedicated names.
Operating – menu structure of the X*AP RM1 remote panel – operating displays
Important Note! The functions described below expect a proper routing of the signal from hardware
interfaces to the audio processor and back (see ROUTING pane).
When pressing the <MENU> button, the main page of the operating menu opens up:
Menu News Channel
EBU R 128
This menu allows for high level selections like the control of the audio processor or showing the meter
The fourth key <EBU R128 Meter> opens the loudness measurement display:
EBU R128 Int LRA Time
[LUFS] [LU] [hh:mm:ss]
Input -19.3 6.4
Output -23.25.8 00:12:15
Short-Term TPL Max Momentary Current
[dBTP] Max
- 19.7- 6.6- 12.0
- 21.3- 5.0 - 16.0
reset max Program 1
The highlighted keys will control the measurement process. While the <Shift> key toggles the display
between Current and Recent measurement.
The display represents the measurements of Integrated- / Short Term- and Momentary-Loudness as well
as LRA [LU] - the loudness range and Max TPL [dBTP] - the maximum true peak level.
The measure for the EBU meter display is [LUFS] (Loudness Units Full Scale) as long as not defined
differently. For details pls. refer to the EBU-Tech 3341 document.
You may leave this display by pressing <ESC>. This will bring you back to the first page of the operating
The key #8 switches between the programs of the D*AP8 Program x
(see block diagram AUDIO PROCESSOR > Overview). The other keys will do what is written above tem.
The second key of the operating display opens the Navigation for the Audio Processor (DSP) function blocks:
Audio Processor News Channel
Signature 1/2
The highlighted key will open the parameter settings for the respective function block. The <Shift> key opens
a second page where you will reach Aux Input and Monitor control.
You will find the parameter description further down in this manual explained step by step in relation to the
GUI tab sheets, we will show here the principle how to control parameters via the X*AP RM
example of the AUDIO PROCESSOR > Input function block. After pressing key #1 the following display appears:
Input Link On Mute Gain[dB] Mono 1/2
V2 On off
LFE Off off
0.0 ALLLinked
Program 1
1 by using the
The device can process up to 4 programs (4 x 2). You must select the program that you will
control via key #8. Above you see the display of program 1 of a 5.1 + 2 set-up.
This display has two pages. Page 1/2 (of two) is displayed at the moment. When you press the <Shift>
key the next page 2/2 appears.
Back to page 1/2:
The display is divided into columns above the function keys and horizontal lines representing
audio channels [LFE] or groups of channels [ALL = L/R/C/Ls/Rs].
Function key #1 selects one of the available lines and selects between [ALL] and [LFE].
If you want to change the Gain for the LFE you must press key #1 to select the second line.
If you press the Gain key #5 the second gain parameter in the Gain column will be highlighted and you can
change that gain by simply turning the rotary encoder:
Input Link On Mute Gain[dB] Mono 1/2
ALL Linked On off
LFE On off
Program 1
Similar applies for all parameter setting via the X*AP RM1:
1. Select the program [program 1]
2. select the page where the desired parameter is in [1/2]
2. select the channel / group of channels [LFE]
3. select the parameter [Gain]
4. set the parameter by the rotary encoder [3.5]
ON/OFF parameters can be changed either by pressing the rotary encoder or turning it
counter clockwise > off or clockwise > on.
Operating – menu structure of the X*AP RM1 remote panel – menu tree
Power Up Display
<MENU> opens X*AP RM1 remote panel IP setup menu. See extra manual for details.
<Address> Setup
<Netmask> Setup
<Gateway> Setup
< empty >
Device 1 Setup IP & ON / OFF
Device 2 Setup IP & ON / OFF
Device 3 Setup IP & ON / OFF
Device 4 Setup IP & ON / OFF
<ESC> back to power up display
<connect> will connect with that particular D*AP8 and opens the main operating display:
Hotkey #
1 user defined
2 user defined
3 user defined
4 user defined
5 user defined
6 user defined
7 user defined
8 user defined
Setup GUI – connecting with the D*AP8 – AUDIO PROCESSOR > Overview
You must open a browser and enter the IP address of the D*AP8 unit
into the URL field and press <Enter>. The browser will fetch the necessary information and open the
entrance page:
The entrance page is the AUDIO PROCESSOR pane with its sub pane Overview. If you are returning from
other pages or if you reload your browser content by pressing <F5> it may show a different page due to
caching of the browser.
In the top area you have several bar graph displays for IN/OUT peak level of the audio processor, the AUX
input and the Monitor output. A numeric display of loudness measurement and other bar graphs to display the
gain changes of the function blocks: expander, compressor leveler and limiter complement upper display.
On the following pages we will go through the various panes to perform the basic setup of the device.
You must setup the synchronization source. You may also give the device a name, tell it its location and
define an administrative contact which may be used by monitoring systems of your company (e.g. via SNMP).
You must setup the installed interface modules and finally set the signal routing. Those settings you will find
under the SYSTEM link.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – System Status
The system status is a special link you can reach independently from where you are :
The System Status page provides a top level view of the various status information available for the device.
Device Status provides the hardware status of the D*AP8 unit.
Power 1 status of the first power supply (left hand side from rear).
Power 2 status of second power supply (right hand side from rear).
Temperature measured on the surface of the main PCB.
Sync Lock turns red if the external sync source is removed or unstable.
Processing Status
Bypass turns red if Bypass is activated.
Interface Status
AES I/O turns red if an AES input that is internally in use (i.e. you have routed it to
an input of a function block) has detected an error.
Interface 1 SDI I/O turns red if the SDI input is not locked (not present or bad SDI signal).
Dolby Processing Status
Decoder turns orange if the input signal is not Dolby encoded (PCM).
Encoder A status of the first D-E encoder (if license is installed).
Encoder B1 status of the first D-D/D-D+/AAC encoder (if optional CAT561 is installed).
status of the D-E encoder (if optional CAT569 is installed).
Encoder B2status of the second D-D/D-D+/AAC encoder (if optional CAT561 is
Metadata status of the metadata.
System Messages <current> / <history>
Displays a list of messages produced by the system controller.
System Log The system controller activities will be logged. If there is a suspicious
behavior we recommend to warm-start the D*AP8 by pressing the rear
<INIT / RESET> button briefly. This will keep the log information for later
investigation. If you do a power cycle instead the previous
log information get lost.
<save diagnostics file> Pressing this soft button will start the assembly of files to help with
The console log from the System Status pane, the license file and the
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Overview
diagnostics. The packed .tar archive contains 3 files:
status XML If you experience unexpected behavior of the device you may
be asked by the Junger service team to send such file by e-mail for
The graphical overview shows the main building blocks of the device including options installed,
in this example a MADI and a Dante interface are placed into the interface 1 and 2 locations.
A fully loaded unit can have a Dolby (D / D+ / E / PL II) decoder / metadata emulator including a PL II encoder
and up to two independent Dolby E encoders or one Dolby E and two consumer (Dolby D / D+ / AAC) format
encoders installed.
You may click into the boxes and the respective page will open. The navigation is based on URLs so you may
use the <Back> navigation button of the browser to return to this page.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Admin
This Device Input fields for information utilized by higher level services.
Serial Number The electronic serial number. It is printed on a label at the rear of the
Name Give the device a meaningful name that may be used by name services
Location The place where the D*AP8 is located.
and SNMP management.
Admin / Contact E-mail address of a person in charge.
Graphical User Interface [Onair max / Preset max, Onair max / Preset min,
Onair min / Preset max, Last Used]
Defines the appearance of the parameter panes in the ON AIR vs.
the PRESETS area (which one will be visible when you open a page).
Device Time Allows you to set the device clock. At the factory it is set
Date If you click into the Date input box, you will get a calendar tool:
to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
TimeIf you click into the Time input box,
you will be able to set the device time:
Authentication To prevent non-authorized people from
changing D*AP8 settings the
administrator may assign passwords for
either the admin and/or an operator. While the admin is allowed to set
everything, an operator is just allowed to load presets. Parameters will be
Enable [ON / OFF] The administrator may turn authentication OFF.
Change Password for [admin / operator] Select which password you will set / change
Password typein a password Default passwords are: admin (for admin) and operator (for operator).
Repeat repeat that password
Important Note! The authentication may be enabled / disabled form the console interface as well
(see page 8 "1: Manage Password") via USB connection but also via Telnet! If you have higher security
demands you should turn the Telnet server off. Authentication will be turned off and passwords will be reset if
one initializes the device to factory default (see Reboot - page 19, INIT/RESET rear button - page 4).
If there was an authentication failure, the admin will be notified at
the next proper login about such conditions. The pop up appears
for each login that has failed. It shows the IP address of the device
that caused the authentication failure.
After a correct login the status "who" (e.g. admin)
and a <Log Out> button are available from the GUI :
Network IP address setup, see above:
getting started – IP setup of the D*AP8 – via web browser
IP Address Aproper address for your network – default [10.110.xxx.yyy]
Netmask The net mask of your network – default [2555.255.0.0]
Gateway The optional gateway address – default []
Transmit Metering Data [ON / OFF]
Metering data will be streamed via UDP protocol. In order to receive such
Service Options
Maintenance Interface [OFF / ON]
via RPC For administrative use to enable communication with factory tools.
Telnet Server [ON / OFF]
Enables a telnet server to connect to the consol interface via
<save diagnostics file> It is a duplication of the soft button from the System Status pane.
reset if the operator attempted to change it.
via console interface
data by external applications and the GUI, you must enable it.
TCP (port 23). You must be aware about the security risks if you do that
over the internet!
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Setup
Program Configuration [5.1 + 2 / 4 x 2]
Shows the program configuration (2 times 2 channel). This is also
the default configuration of the audio processing blocks.
Program Labels Each of the two possible programs has a name that will be used
Program 1 - 4 as a reference for the display of parameters and their setup.
Current Sync Source Status shows the status of the 5 tier sync priority circuit
Source active sync source
Sample Rate measured sample rate
Show detailed status [ON / OFF]
If you enable the checkbox you will get detailed information about
Fallback on Sync Error: If an sync error occurs the sync circuit will automatically
Internal fall back to internal.
AES Select [Sync-In AES / Input AES 1/2 BNC … AES 7/8 BNC]
Select from which physical input the AES sync must be taken.
Accept SDI Generator [ON / OFF]
If you run the SDI interface in generator mode and you want to
Important note! It is not possible to gen lock the SDI generator. The generator will run on its own
internal 27MHz crystal clock.
Video Sync Shift For applications like Dolby E encoding it might be necessary to
Offset (lines) [-1023 … 0 … 1023]
The number of lines which the reference point can be moved in
Setup GUI – SYSTEM - the preset concept in detail
The example above shows the preset concept of the D*AP8. It is a general feature of the device and you will
come across it in almost every area. For all relevant settings one set of ON AIR parameters and a practically
unlimited number of PRESETS are available. The count depends on the NV memory space left.
If you want to load parameters from a preset to the ON AIR area or save parameters from the ON AIR area
to a preset, you must press <load>or <save> :
Interface 1 SDI I/O (if fitted) / Sync-In Black Burst/Tri-Level]
synchronize the D*AP8 to the SDI generator.
move the timing reference point.
either direction.
A dialog opens to select the desired preset. When you press <ok> the selected action will be executed.
When you press on the little pencil icon the preset name turns italic and you may edit it.
To generate a new preset offline, you must click into the preset name field below the PRESET headline :
The pull down offers "Add Preset". If you select this a new entry to the list will be
generated. Clicking on the small trash bin symbol will delete that preset.
You may change the default name "Preset x" by clicking on the small pencil icon.
Now the default name becomes italic and you may edit that name.
If you have selected the new preset or one of the existing presets indicated by the name displayed at the
top, you may edit the parameter values.
Important Note! The presets of the D*AP8 are persistent by nature. You are working directly on the preset
memory, i.e. you need not worry about storing such presets. The D*AP8 does it for you.
On the other hand you must be aware that you overwrite the actual preset settings! If you want to keep
original values (e.g. from a factory preset) you must simply copy the content of an existing one to the clip
board, add a new preset, name it differently and paste the clip board to it.
At the bottom of the PRESET part you find the soft buttons to <copy> the content of that preset to the
clip board or to <paste> the content of the clip board into an other preset which you have selected before
You may also <export> or <import> the preset content to / from a file.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Remote Access – X*AP Remote
You will reach general functions and pre-settings of the EVENTS system via remote access from the X*AP
remote panel or from a mobile UI on a tablet, a smart phone or even via a separate browser session.
This function will be implemented with the next firmware release.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Remote Access – Mobile UI
For the moment there is no mobile UI implemented. This feature will be implemented soon.
This pane is meant for basic settings of the SNMPAgent of the device. If you are not familiar with the use of
SNMP protocol for system monitoring you should not enable the SNMP agent.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Backup / Restore
Here you can backup the complete device and restore parts or all of it .If you press <backup> the device
controller will collect all necessary data and assemble it to an XML file. Finally you will get a pop up message:
You must select :
<Save File>.
After pressing <OK>, the
system file dialog opens :
Select a folder
and alter that default file name
if needed.
Similar applies to the restore process. You must select the desired backup file which you want to restore and
check the necessary option(s) under "Restore Device Configuration".
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Firmware Update
The file to update the D*AP8 comes in ZIP format. You must unpack it to your PC's hard drive.
It contains also the manual a quick start guide the version history and a folder with the firmware for the
X*AP remote panel. The folder /base_unit_image contains the so called "image" file for the D*AP8. Here
an example: "rel_dap8_mei_1_2_3-45678.img". It is a bundle that brings the latest firmware versions for all
interfaces and Dolby modules with it.
To update the D*AP8, you must <Browse …> to find the respective firmware file (which you have
unzipped before) and press <start update>. If you do not want to upload all individual module firmware
files for any reason, you may take the "rel_dap8_mei_1_2_3-basic-45678.img" file.
After finishing the update the device will automatically reboot.
Important Note! After the update of the latest firmware image you must observe the Status messages
below the firmware version displays in the middle. If it indicates that you don't have the latest firmware
installed you should select the respective file via the drop down box and press the <start update> soft
button afterwards. But you can also upload an external file in case you need a specialized version for any
reason that is not contained in the uploaded firmware image. Same applies to all interface boards and the
Dolby OEM boards. See Interface 1 as an example:
Interface 1You may also update the firmware of an optionally installed SDI board
Firmware Display of actual installed firmware.
Status [The latest firmware is installed / A firmware update is available]
or other interface boards.
Update Firmware [Load External File / x.y.z.]
You can decide if you want to upload it manually or take the latest
module firmware "x.y.z" that came with the release image
(recommended). You may <Browse…> the file system and select a file
of your choice.
Interface 2 If you have two interface boards installed, similar applies to the second
Dolby Decoder / E-Encoder For the example above we have the optional Dolby decoder installed.
(CAT1100) It is based on the Dolby OEM board CAT1100.
The status says: "The latest firmware is installed".
<reset dolby decoder Pressing this soft button will warm start that module.
Dolby D Encoder (CAT561) For the example above we have installed the optional Dolby E encoder.
It is based on the Dolby OEM module CAT559.
<reset dolby d encoder Pressing this soft button will warm start that module - depending
(cat561)> on the Dolby module you may have installed.
Licensing Here you can see a list of the licensed options of your device.
<save license info> When you buy a license you must provide the "license info" file which
you may obtain here.
Load License FileIn return you will get a "license" file which you must apply to the device
here. You must <Browse …> to find the respective license file (which
you have unzipped before) and press <apply new license>.
Setup GUI – SYSTEM – Reboot
Restore Factory defaults Will clean up the parameter and preset memory and will initialize all
parameters to their factory default values and will reset passwords
and turn authentication off.
Overwrite Current IP You may exclude the current IP settings from this process
IP Configuration to keep your existing settings.
Status [green / red / yellow] The soft LED represents the status
Input Signal Status [OK / Fail]
Fail = no carrier, unlock, cranky [too much jitter]
Input Signal Type[Mute / PCM / Non PCM]
The Non PCM (e.g. Dolby encoded signal) status will be retrieved
from a logical combination of the Validity flag and the channel
Important Note! The input signal status is logically combined and represented as part of the
System Status. If one of the inputs is not assigned by the ROUTING matrix, its status will not be
incorporated into the System Status. If non of the inputs is routed the Interface Status > AES I/O status soft
LED becomes grey.
Enable Relay Bypass [ON / OFF] For fail save operation bypass relays are provided to connect
AES IN / OUT in case of a power fail. One may enable such relays
manually here.
Input Sample Rate [ON / OFF]
Converter For asynchronous sources it is possible to turn a SRC on.
If an SRC is turned on and the input status becomes Non-PCM, the
SCR will be turned OFF automatically in order to maintain the
original data structure of the encoded bit stream (e.g. Dolby E).
Output Channel [Transparent / Prof PCM / Prof Non-PCM / Cons PCM /
Status Cons Non-PCM] The channel status can either be transparent from the
input source of the D*AP8 or may be overwritten.
Important note! The AES relay bypass circuit of the AES I/Os may be deactivated inside the
D*AP8. You must open the cover plate from the D*AP8 unit and locate the red jumpers shown in the
schematic below:
You must remove the jumper to de-activate the respective AES I/O relay power fail circuit.
If the D*AP8 is equipped with an optional SDI interface the following settings will be available.
This pane has five sub panes imbedded:
The overview pane shows all relevant information of that interface:
SDI Status [Locked / Unlocked]
Video Format [SD / HD /3G / N/A]
Video Standard [actual decoded standard (e.g. 1080i50) / No SDI Lock]
Audio De-Embedder [PCM / Dolby E / Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital Plus / MPEG-4 HE AAC /
Status MPEG-4 AAC / N/A]
VANC Metadata The respective soft LED will turn green to indicate the SDID found in the stream
De-Embedder Status while the angle brackets indicate the SDID one has selected in the de-embedder
Audio Embedder [AUTO – Embedding / AUTO – Replace Audio / OFF / Delete]
set-up as a pre-selected stream.
Group 1 – 4 The embedding process distinguishes between 4 different modes for each
group independently:
Embedding – a new group will be built
Replace – the structure of the group from the input is kept and the audio
The SDI interface comes with a local routing matrix to shuffle audio signals from and to the system (device)
(i.e. to and from the central device router) and from and to the physical de-embedders / embedders.
The example below shows the default routing that sends all signals 1:1 from the physical de-embedders
[INTERFACE – SDI IN G1 CH1 … SDI IN G4 CH4] to the internal device matrix
[SYSTEM – SDI De-Embedder DEM 1 … DEM 16].
The signals from the device router [SYSTEM – SDI Embedder EMB 1 … EMB 16] are routed by default
1:1 to the physical embedders [INTERFACE – SDI OUT G1 CH1 … G4 CH4].
You must use the scroll bar to navigate through the matrix. In the upper left corner you can select between
the ONAIR and the PRESETS view of the matrix.
On the ON AIR page you will also see the device signal labels (see ROUTING section further below for
Channel Linking[mono / stereo]
You can decide if the routing must be performed in mono or stereo mode
(where adjacent odd/even channels are routed at once).
You may select cross points by hovering with the mouse over the little squares and select / deselect cross
points with a left mouse button click. A trace that symbolizes the signal flow is shown.
The color of the respective squares changes:
Mouse over Color codes of cross points:
dark blue Possible new cross point.
orange You are about to reconnect a cross point.
grey Cross point is not allowed (i.e. routing will cause a loop and will not
redYou are about to disable a cross point
An animated signal flow will help you when navigating through the matrix.
therefore be performed) or dedicated input is not activated.
SDI Bypass
SDI Relay Bypass Will deactivate the Bypass
Relay. It provides a shortcut from
SDI-IN to SDI-OUT1 and
disconnects the de-embedder
from the SDI input. This relay
also serves as a fail bypass if
the power is off. This feature
maintains the SDI signal for
downstream equipment.
SDI Embedder Will pass the embedded audio
Bypass data from the de-embedder to the
embedder 1:1. This function
preserves the original
Video Delay
Ancillary Data structure.
Video Delay [0 … 15]
(frames) For compensation of any kind of
audio processing delay within the
chain of devices you may use a
Video Delay. Position “0” turns
off the delay function.
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