Jung 3360, 3360-1 Operating Instructions Manual

KNX Presence detector Standard/Universal Ref.-no.: 3360, 3360-1
Operating Instructions KNX Presence detector Standard/ Universal
1. System information........................................................................... 1
2. Safety warnings................................................................................. 2
3. Presence detector principles........................................................... 2
4. Function of presence detector ‘Standard’...................................... 2
5. Fitting.................................................................................................. 4
6. Adjustment......................................................................................... 5
7. Field of detection............................................................................... 8
8. Snap-on mask.................................................................................... 9
9. Technical data .................................................................................10
10. Acceptance of guarantee................................................................ 11

1. System information

This unit is a product of the instabus- EIB-System and corresponds to the EIBA Guidelines. Detailed technical knowledge acquired in instabus training courses is a prerequisite for the understanding of the system. The functions of the device are softwaredependent. Detailed information on the software and the functions implemented and the software itself are available from the manufacturer’s product data bank.
Planning, installation and commissioning of the device are effected with the help of EIBA-certified software. For the productdatabase and technical descriptions please refer to the internet at www.jung.de offering up-to-date information.
Stand: Jan-08 825 403 03
KNX Presence detector Standard/Universal Ref.-no.: 3360, 3360-1
2. Safety warnings
Attention: Electrical equipment must be installed and fitted by qualified electricians only.
Non-observance of the installation instructions may damage the device and cause fire or other hazards.

3. Presence detector principles

A presence detector belongs to the group of passive infra-red detectors (PIR) exactly like movement detectors or detectors for alarm These devices can be distinguished by their internal structure, signal detection and signal evaluation which make them suitable for different applications:
After detecting movements, a movement detector switches the light
on dependent on brightness and off in dependent of brightness when no movements are detected anymore.
A movement detector for alarm systems signals a movement (pulse)
to a central alarm station independent of brightness. The number of pulses transmitted within a time slot can often be freely selected. The field of detection is limited to narrower angles (90° and in most cases even less).
A presence detector is designed to switch on the light dependent on
brightness when movements are detected and to switch it off when it is no longer needed. This is the case if it is bright enough without artificial lighting or when no one is present anymore. This means that the ‘presence’ of a person is detected depending on a preset brightness level.
These PIR detectors differ mainly in the design of the Fresnel lense installed, their adjustment with regard to ambient conditions, the type of fitting and the properties of the movement or brightness signal.
A presence detector is exclusively installed under the ceiling of a room and monitors the room surface below. It works with a passive infra-red sensor (PIR) and responds to thermal movements triggered by persons, animals or objects.

4. Function of presence detector ‘Standard’

Function presence Standard
The presence detector ‘Standard’ is used for the detection of presence (presence detector mode) and for the detection of movements (ceiling detector mode) in rooms.
Both modes of operation offer 2 independently programmable output channels. The respective mode of operation (ceiling detector or presence detector) is programmed for the presence detector ‘Standard’ model with the ETS software. Subsequent switching between the operating modes is not possible. A change of the mode of operation requires reprogramming of the device.
L The presence detector ‘Standard’ can only be used as a stand-alone
unit. It is not possible to use several presence detectors ‘Standard’ in
KNX Presence detector Standard/Universal Ref.-no.: 3360, 3360-1
the same room to enlarge the detection range. The detectors would interfere with one another.
Function of presence detector ‘Universal’
The instabus presence detector ‘Universal’ can be operated in three different modes::
ceiling detector mode
presence detector mode
signalling mode
The modes are selected when the device is programmmed with the ETS software. The device can be programmed so that only one mode is active (mono operation) or that the device can be switched between two preset modes via the instabus EIB (alternative operation, e.g day-time presence mode and night-time signalling mode).
Both modes of operation offer two output channels with independent parameter programming.
Depending on the type of application, the presence detector
‘Universal’ can be used as individual unit, main unit or extension unit. The operation as main unit and as extension unit permits enlarging the zone of detection. The presence detector ‘Universal’ can also be used in combination with flushmounted automatic switches from JUNG in a master-slave configuration. For brightness-independent activation it is also possible to use a touch sensor as extension unit.
Description of the modes of operation with predefined parameters
Ceiling detector moder In the ceiling detector mode, the device detects movements and
transmits the programmed telegram representing the beginning of detection, when the measured brightness is below the preset brightness value. The device is now operational independent of brightness. If no further movements are detected, the device transmits the programmed telegram representing the end of detection when the preset overall transmit delay has elapsed.
Presence detector mode In the presence detector mode, the device detects the presence of a
person and transmits the programmed telegram representing the beginning of detection, when the measured brightness is below the preset brightness value.
If no presence is detected anymore and if the preset overall transmit delay has elapsed or if the preset brightness value has been exceeded for at least 10 minutes by the double, the presence detector transmits the programmed telegram representing the end of detection.
The functional difference with regard to the ceiling detector mode lies... a) in the processing of the movement signal Contrary to the ceiling
detector mode, a presence is detected only after several successive movement pulses have been received.
b) in the processing of the brightness signal The presettable brightness range to be monitored for the brightness threshold value is larger than in
KNX Presence detector Standard/Universal Ref.-no.: 3360, 3360-1
the ceiling detector mode. It is only after twice the value of the preset brightness threshold (switch-off brightness) has been exceeded that the programmed telegram representing the end of detection is transmit ted after ca. 10 minutes even if someone is still present. This switch-off brightness can be changed with a correction factor in the programmed parameters.
c) in the evaluation of combined movement and brightness signals The light is switched on when a person is present and when, at the same time, the brightness falls below the preset brightness threshold. The light is switched off when nobody is present or when the ambient brightness without artificial lighting is high enough.
Signalling mode (only in the ‘Universal’ version) In this mode with a signalling function, the device detects movement
pulses independent of brightness and counts them with a pulse counter. If – within a fixed time-span (standard value: 10 seconds) – at least the fixed number of pulses (standard value: 4) have passed the counting gate, the programmed telegram representing the beginning of detction will be transmitted. When no movement pulses are detected anymore, the presence detector transmits the programmed telegram representing the end of detection after the standard transmit delay of 10 seconds has elapsed. In the signalling mode, the presence detector ‘Universal’ is always operated as an individual unit.
Further product features:
Alarm function: When someone tries to remove the device, the
detector can be made to transmit a programmed telegram.
Teach-in function: The switch-on threshold within the brightness
range can be changed by means of an instabus EIB telegram.
A more detailed description of the functions is given in the instabus documentation for these products.

5. Fitting

The presence detector must be installed together with an instabus bus coupler only under the ceiling. The fitting and connection instructions for bus couplers are set out in the technical documentation of this product.
Plug the presence detector on the base without exerting pressure on the lens. The electrical contact is established via the user interface (AST).
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