System information
By statute, the transmitting power, the reception characteristics and the antenna cannot be
The range of a radio system from the transmitter to the receiver depends on various
The range of the system can be optimised by selecting the optimal installation location, taking
into account the structural circumstances.
Figure 2: Reduced range due to structural obstacles
Example of penetration of various materials:
Material Penetration
Wood, Plaster, Plasterboard approx. 90%
Brick, Chipboard approx. 70%
Reinforced concrete approx. 30%
Metal, Metal grid approx. 10%
Rain, Snow approx. 1-40%
Intended use
- Integration of radio transmitters into KNX installations
- Surface-mounting in indoor areas
Product characteristics
- Reception of radio telegrams and forwarding of commands in KNX installations
- 50 radio channels can be saved
- 100 control functions can be saved, e.g. hand transmitter rockers, motion detectors
- Functions:
Radio transmitter KNX functions
Hand transmitter and wall transmitter:
– Channel rockers/buttons
2 x switchover,
Venetian blind,
2 x value transmitter,
2 x light scene extension
Radio Management
Radio-KNX converter