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Data Sheet 90.6022 Page 1/5
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors
to EN 60 751
■ for temperatures from -200 to +800 °C
■ standardized nominal values and tolerances
■ as single or twin temperature sensor
■ wide temperature measuring range
■ high resistance to temperature shock
■ excellent stability, even with varying temperatures
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors use a ceramic tube as the housing base, in which
there are either two or four bores. Depending on the version to be produced, platinum
coils that have already been calibrated and fitted with connecting wires are inserted into
these bores. The remaining space in the bores is then filled with highly pure alumina
powder, to fix the coils and to improve heat transfer. Finally, both ends of the ceramic tube
are closed with a sealing compound that is fused on. This seals off the embedded
measurement winding and also relieves the strain on the connecting wires.
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors are highly appreciated, mainly because of their
wide application temperature range. Depending on the version, the maximum range
covers temperatures from -200 to +800°C. In addition, the special internal construction of
these temperature sensors ensures excellent temperature stability and shock resistance.
A further advantage is the close adherence of the characteristic to the EN 60 751
standard, from which this style deviates only very slightly.
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors are suitable for almost any application. The
comprehensive selection of sizes available from stock and the high accuracy of the
dimensional tolerances enable simple and universal processing.
Main application areas include industrial probes for elevated temperatures, and analytical
and laboratory technology.
PK style
Technical publication
JUMO platinum temperature sensors
Construction and application of platinum temperature sensors Data Sheet 90.6000
Platinum-glass temperature sensors Data Sheet 90.6021
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors Data Sheet 90.6022
Platinum-foil temperature sensors Data Sheet 90.6023
Platinum-glass temperature sensors with glass extension Data Sheet 90.6024
Platinum-chip temperature sensors with connecting wires Data Sheet 90.6121
Platinum-chip temperature sensors on epoxy card Data Sheet 90.6122
Platinum-chip temperature sensors with terminal clamps Data Sheet 90.6123
Platinum-chip temperature sensors in cylindrical style Data Sheet 90.6124
Platinum-chip temperature sensors in SMD style Data Sheet 90.6125
This revised edition takes account of altered
standards and recent developments.
new chapter “Measurement uncertainty”
incorporates the basic concept of the
internationally recognized ISO guideline
“Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
measurement” (abbreviated: GUM).
In addition, the chapter on explosion
protection for thermometers has been
updated in view of the European Directive
94/9/EC, which has been in force since 1st
July 2003.
August 2002
Publication FAS 146
Sales No. 90/00085081
ISBN: 978-3-935742-07-8
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
Delivery address:Mackenrodtstraße 14,
36039 Fulda, Germany
Postal address:
36035 Fulda, Germany
Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Fax: +49 661 6003-607
e-mail: mail@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumo.net
JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
Temple Bank, Riverway
Harlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK
Phone: +44 1279 635533
Fax: +44 1279 635262
e-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
Internet: www.jumo.co.uk
JUMO Process Control, Inc.
8 Technology Boulevard
Canastota, NY 13032, USA
Phone: 315-697-JUMO
Fax: 315-697-5867
e-mail: info@jumo.us
Internet: www.jumo.us
Data Sheet 90.6022 Page 2/5
Platinum-ceramic temperature sensors
PK/H style
to EN 60 751
Brief description
PK style platinum-ceramic temperature sensors cover by far the widest temperature range
of all platinum temperature sensors. They are the preferred choice for measuring elevated
temperatures or for analytical and laboratory applications. Type H temperature sensors
are designed for operating temperatures from -200 to +600°C.
The special internal construction of these wirewound temperature sensors largely
prevents permanent changes in the resistance value, which may occur in other styles due
to significant temperature variations or shock-like temperature changes.
A large selection of different versions is available from JUMO ex-stock. Size, temperature
measurement range and tolerance class as well as the number of measurement windings
can be chosen as required. Only the nominal value is restricted to 100 ohms, because of
the special internal construction of platinum-ceramic temperature sensors in general.
Temperature sensors in blister pack
Temperature sensor Connecting wire Sales No. for tolerance class
Type R0/Ω D L Material D1 L1 RL in mΩ/mm 1/3 DIN B A B
PK 1.1015.1H 1x100 1.0 15 Pd-Au 0.20 10 6 90/00430014 90/00430007 90/00430015
PK 1.1508.1H 1x100 1.5 8 Pd-Au 0.20 10 6 90/00430161 90/00430189 90/00430177
PK 1.1515.1H 1x100 1.5 15 Pd-Au 0.20 10 6 90/00430060 90/00430030 90/00430061
PK 1.1525.1H 1x100 1.5 25 Pd-Au 0.20 10 6 90/00430147 90/00430148 90/00430146
PK 1.2630.1H 1x100 2.6 30 Pd-Au 0.27 10 3 90/00044196 90/00428246 90/00037986
PK 1.3630.1H 1x100 3.6 30 Pd-Au 0.27 10 3 90/00044861 90/00428252 90/00037987
PK 1.4530.1H 1x100 4.5 30 Pd-Au 0.27 10 3 90/00044199 90/00428256 90/00037988
PK 2.1725.1H 2x100 1.7 25 Pd-Au 0.20 10/11 6 90/00430198 90/00430199 90/00430196
PK 2.2630.1H 2x100 2.6 30 Pd-Au 0.27 10/11 3 90/00061608 90/00429088 90/00061390
PK 2.4530.1H 2x100 4.5 30 Pd-Au 0.27 10/11 3 90/00061609 90/00428311 90/00038293
Dim. tolerances: ΔD = ±0.15 / ΔL = +2/-1 / ΔD1 = ±0.02 / ΔL1 = ±2 For a definition of the tolerance classes,
Dimensions in mm. see Data Sheet 90.6000
Dimensional drawing