• Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
maintenance can cause
maintenance can cause maintenance can cause
maintenance can cause property damage, injury or death
property damage, injury or deathproperty damage, injury or death
property damage, injury or death.
Read the installation instructions thoroughly before
Read the installation instructions thoroughly before Read the installation instructions thoroughly before
Read the installation instructions thoroughly before
installing this equipment.
installing this equipment.installing this equipment.
installing this equipment.
• Warning: accessible parts may be very hot. Keep young
Warning: accessible parts may be very hot. Keep young Warning: accessible parts may be very hot. Keep young
Warning: accessible parts may be very hot. Keep young
children away.
children away.children away.
children away.
• Do not move the appliance during use.
Do not move the appliance during use.Do not move the appliance during use.
Do not move the appliance during use.
• Any modification of the appliance m
Any modification of the appliance mAny modification of the appliance m
Any modification of the appliance may be dangerous.
ay be dangerous.ay be dangerous.
ay be dangerous.
• Installer to leave instructions with the consumer and
Installer to leave instructions with the consumer and Installer to leave instructions with the consumer and
Installer to leave instructions with the consumer and
consumer to retain them for future reference.
consumer to retain them for future reference.consumer to retain them for future reference.
consumer to retain them for future reference.
• Dispose of all polythene packing carefully and keep out of
Dispose of all polythene packing carefully and keep out of Dispose of all polythene packing carefully and keep out of
Dispose of all polythene packing carefully and keep out of
the reach of children
the reach of childrenthe reach of children
the reach of children
This appliance must
This appliance mustThis appliance must
This appliance must only be used in an above
only be used in an above only be used in an above
only be used in an above
ground open
ground openground open
ground open----air situation with natural ventilation,
air situation with natural ventilation,air situation with natural ventilation,
air situation with natural ventilation,
without stagnant areas, where products of
without stagnant areas, where products of without stagnant areas, where products of
without stagnant areas, where products of
combustion are rapidly dispersed by
combustion are rapidly dispersed bycombustion are rapidly dispersed by
combustion are rapidly dispersed by
wind and natural convection
wind and natural convectionwind and natural convection
wind and natural convection
• This BBQ is an outdoor appliance only
outdoor appliance onlyoutdoor appliance only
outdoor appliance only. Under no
circumstances should it be use indoors.
• Do not store chemicals or flammable materials
near this appliance.
• Unsupervised children should not be near the
BBQ while cooking or during warm up or cool
• People with flammable clothing such as nylon
etc. should keep well away from the BBQ when it
is operating.