User Manual
Jumbl™, maker of ne electronics for home and travel, introduces the Ab Wheel Roller, a great addition to any exercise program. It promotes hard, toned abs, builds muscle throughout the body and burns fat while you use it. Use it at home or take it to the gym; pack it for your next vacation or business trip so you don’t lose muscle when unable to do your usual exercise routine.
Safety Information
• Consult your doctor before engaging in an exercise program.
• If you feel unwell or injured, discontinue exercising until you conrm that you are healthy enough to continue.
• The Jumbl™ Ab Wheel Roller is not a toy; do not allow children to use it unsupervised.
Product Features/highlights
• Rubberized, traction grips.
• Dual wheels for increased stability.
• Works upper and lower abs.
• Anti-slip wheels.
• Solid metal bar.
• For men and women!
• For home and gym use.
• Not just for abs! With regular use, can help build shoulders, back, biceps, triceps and much more!
Box Contents
Jumbl™ Ab Wheel Roller User Guide
First Time Use
Roll outs are a common beginning ab roller exercise, though you may begin using any ab roller exercises you prefer.
If you have not been on a regular exercise program, begin slowly and with caution to avoid injury or muscle strain.
Regular Use
Use regularly for best results.
Sample Exercise with the Ab Wheel Roller: Roll-outs.
Roll-outs are among the commonest Ab Wheel exercises; they are not difcult to learn and are very effective. It may be helpful to visualize Roll-outs as a variation on push-ups.
• Use a pad or folded towel to cushion your knees, if desired. Have your knees resting on a surface that will not allow slipping.
• Roll-outs require a space large enough for you to lie down.
• Kneel on the pad.
• Hold the roller with a hand on each of the roller handles.
• Lean forward and place the roller on the oor.
• Your goal is to be able to roll forward supporting your body above the oor until your arms are extended as fully as possible; experts can extend their arms over their heads.
• To start, practice rolling forward and back, gradually increasing the rolling distance and supporting more and more of your weight on your extended arms.
• Ideally, your arms should be extended with a modest bend in the elbows.
• As you roll, adjust your body to the correct posture. Keep your back at without curving toward the oor or arching up.
• As you extend, feel your abs supporting your body and stretching; as you pull back, feel your abs pulling. Resist using momentum to decrease the difculty. Move slowly.
• If you are new to this exercise, execute only a few roll-outs and gradually increase the number or repetitions.
• For a variation, roll-out at an angle to the left and right to work the oblique ab muscles.
• You may want to wear gloves to avoid hand irritation while using the Ab Wheel Roller.
• Keep your Ab Wheel Roller near you as you work about the house so you can use it when you have a few minutes between activities.
• If you begin your Ab Wheel Roller exercise program with Roll Outs, consider using a cushion or pad to lessen the pressure on your knees.
• As needed, use a moist cloth and mild detergent to clean the Ab Wheel Roller. Debris accumulated on the handles and wheels may decrease the safety measures built into the unit.
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