Mains plug10.
Mains lead11.
blade and the right hand slots
and 4 are used to sharpen the left hand side of
the knife blade.
Until you are familiar and comfortable with using the Knife Sharpener, it is
recommended that you practise the appropriate sharpening technique described
below with the Knife Sharpener switched off. After this, start the Knife Sharpener
as described in the following steps 1 and 2, then proceed as described under Knife
Sharpening, Scissor Sharpening, or Screwdriver Restoring, as required.
Insert the Mains Plug 1.
into a mains socket and switch on at the socket.
Set the ON/OFF Switch 2.
to the ON position; the switch will illuminate and the
grinding wheels will revolve.
Knife Sharpening
Knife sharpening is performed in two stages - a coarse grind, followed by a fine •
grind, alternating between one side of the knife, then the other, and repeating
three times, at each stage. The grinding technique, used at both stages, is
described in steps A and B. The sequence to follow is detailed in steps 1 to 7.
With the sharpener switched on, insert the knife blade into one of the knife slots, A.
keeping the blade sufficiently high in the slot
to avoid contact with the grinding wheel and
ensuring that the cutting edge of the blade is
pushed fully into the slot.
Note: the diagrams show the knife in the right
hand Coarse Grind Knife Slot 2.
In a single motion, move the knife blade B.
downwards into the slot, until you feel
the blade is in good contact with the
spinning grinding wheel, then steadily
pull the entire length of the knife
blade through the slot towards you,
maintaining a constant light pressure.
The rate at which you pull the knife
should be about 4cm per second, so a
20cm blade will take about 5 seconds. Do
not pause as you withdraw the knife.
If the knife blade has a curved cutting edge near its end, raise the handle as you
withdraw the end of the blade, so as to keep the cutting edge in line with the slot.
Grind one side of the knife using one of the Coarse Grind Knife Slots 1.
or 2, as
described in A and B.
Repeat for the other side of the knife in the other Coarse Grind Knife Slot 2.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 two more times.3.
Grind one side of the knife using one of the Fine Grind Knife Slots 4.
or 4, as
described in A and B.
Repeat for the other side of the knife in the other Fine Grind Knife Slot 5.
or 3.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 two more times.6.
Set the ON/OFF Switch 7.
to the OFF position, to switch the sharpener off.
If the knife blade has burrs after you have performed the process described in
steps 1 to 7 of Knife Sharpening, you can hone the blade manually, as follows:
The Knife Sharpener will sharpen a large range of knives, including those that must
be ground on only one side. It will also sharpen scissors and restore damaged flat-
bladed screwdrivers.
How to use
Cutlery should be clean and dry before being sharpened and should be wiped clean •
after sharpening. Take care when wiping knives as they become extremely sharp.
Knives are sharpened by grinding in two stages - coarse grinding, then fine. At
each stage, most knives are sharpened on both sides, but some must be sharpened
on only one side, which is readily determined by examining the knife; the
instructions below are for knives that are sharpened on both sides.
The left hand slots
and 3 are used to sharpen the right hand side of the knife
With the sharpener switched off, insert the knife into the left hand Fine Grind 1.
Knife Slot
, ensuring that the cutting edge of the blade is pushed fully forward
into the slot.
Move the knife downwards, so that it is firmly in contact with the stationary 2.
grinding wheel, then pull it out slowly towards you, maintaining firm contact
with the wheel.
Repeat for the other side of the knife in the right hand Fine Grind Knife Slot 3.
Scissors Sharpening
With the sharpener switched on, insert one of the scissor blades as far forward as 1.
it will go into the outer edge of the Scissor Slot
In a single motion, move the scissor blade into the slot, until 2.
you feel the blade is in good contact with the spinning grinding wheel,
then steadily pull the entire length of the scissor blade across the slot to
the rear of the sharpener, maintaining a constant light pressure.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 of Scissor Sharpening two more times.3.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 of Scissor Sharpening for the other scissor blade.4.
Set the ON/OFF Switch 5.
to the OFF position, to switch the sharpener off.
Screwdriver Restoring
With the sharpener switched on, insert the point of the damaged screwdriver 1.
blade into the Screwdriver Slot
, until it makes contact with the spinning
grinding wheel. Hold it in position briefly, then withdraw the screwdriver.
The grinding action is very effective, so do not use undue pressure or apply for
longer than a second or two at a time. Use only with flat-bladed screwdrivers.
Examine the screwdriver to determine if the damage has been repaired and 2.
repeat step 1 as necessary, turning the screwdriver through 180° each time.
Set the ON/OFF Switch 3.
to the OFF position, to switch the sharpener off.
Cleaning & Care
The body of the Knife Sharpener will require only •
occasional wiping with a slightly damp cloth.
Dust from the grinding process is collected in the two •
magnetic waste drawers 8 and 9. These should be
removed periodically from the rear of the sharpener
and wiped clean with a damp cloth or tissue.
Note: The drawers are not interchangeable and must be
replaced in their original positions.
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