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IQ® Paging System
Station with Keyboard

Paging System Setup
Keypad Transmitter:
Unwrap all transmitter components. Lock the antenna into the hole in the upper right-hand corner of the transmitter.
Plug the power supply with the large tip into a standard 110 outlet and plug it into the back of the transmitter. Plug in
the keyboard on the back of the transmitter. We recommend some type of surge suppressor on the power supply for
protection. Power surges are not covered under system warranty.
Pager Setup:
Situate the black charging base in a sturdy, out of the way location. Connect the charger bases together using the
included jumper wires. Use the power supply with the small tip and plug it into a standard 110 outlet and into either
open plug on the charger base. Be sure to plug the jumpers and power supply jacks in all the way. Stack the pagers
on the black charging base. The pager number will always face front and the red charge indicator light will be on the
left. The red light indicates proper charging is taking place. We recommend that you do not stack pagers more than
15 high.
Note: A wall mountable pager holder is available for this system.
Pager Numbers:
On the front / top of each pager is your pager number.
ISTATION Transmitter
Surge Protection Recommended
Smart Charger
Smart Call IQ Pagers

Auto Renumbering
JTECH's Smart charger allows you to number your pagers with just a press of a button
> Pagers will be renumber in order according to the "starting number" which is shown on the charger’s
display. The location of the pager will coincide with it's number.
The top left slot is always the first in the series.
> To activate the programming cycle, return all pagers back to charging base.
- PRESS and HOLD the PROG button on the charger for eight (8) seconds.
- Charger will beep twice indicating that the cycle has begun.
- You will see the pagers perform several functions as it applies each of the pager configurations. When
the process is complete, all pagers will be in sequential order.
System Configuration
Your system was set at the factory and will function as soon as it is powered up.
Default setup is as follows:
Current time is set.
Sleep shutdown is off.
Range Test is off. (Testing range is only necessary for very large properties)
Duty Alert is off.
Out of Range alert is off.
This configuration should be satisfactory for most locations. Should the need arise to make any configuration changes
follow the instructions below. If you have difficulty call our customer service department at 800-312-6221 and a
technician will be happy to walk you through the process.