OX Revised Build Instructions Rev 4.5 09/29/2018
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Thank you for purchasing the Hobby-Fab OX kit. The OX is widely popular and can be found around the globe. If you run across a
snag, feel free to send us a message or hop online; there are communities just for this machine. You can join the G+ OX
community (https://plus.google.com/communities/110852928951643236736) where you will find a helpful, experienced group
that uses this very machine.
The OX was first generated by Mark Carew. Our group soon picked up the design, cleaned it up slightly, and the end product is
what you are about to build. Good luck with this project and we look forward to seeing the awesome things you will create!
The below instructions will assist you in building the Hobby-Fab OX CNC kit. Each step begins with a BOM, then guides you
through that step. If something looks confusing, or a term doesn’t make sense, scroll a few photos up or down and the query will
most likely become clear.
The BOM has been double-checked by our team. We suggest a full inventory by the builder prior to beginning the build as well but
must warn, DO NOT open all boxes and dump all parts in a pile! This will make the build next to impossible to complete.
The extruded aluminum is cut to length. Pairs of the axis, i.e. both X gantry 20 x 60 and one 20 x 40 are cut together, surfaced
together, and bundled together to be an exact fit. The most frequent comment we get comes from builders unbundling the entire
kit and getting pieces and parts incorrectly assembled. We take extra precaution to ensure the kit goes together as smoothly as
possible. Leaving the extruded aluminum bundled up and parts in their step number box until you reach that step, will ensure a
smooth and quick build.
Shipping Damage – If there are any dents or dings in packaging please stop now and take pictures of the boxes. The most
damaged item in shipping is the aluminum extrusions. We will not replace damaged extrusions if the boxes are thrown away and
discarded prior to a notice being given about shipping damage.
Use of a CNC can be dangerous. There is noise, electrical, respiratory, and other safety concerns. Please read about the use of a
CNC machine and understand its purpose and the materials you will be working with prior to continuing the build and use of this
Hobby-Fab, SMW3D, and its affiliates cannot bear any responsibility for damages or personal injury caused by the use of this
machine. It is up to the end user to ensure all safety matters are addressed and proper use of this machine is understood. Have
fun and be careful!