Calling an extension number
Enter the number;
Press [Option→Insert→Pause] and then input the
extension number;
Press “Call”. Select SIM1 to dial with SIM1; select
SIM2 to dial with SIM2
Calling an emergency phone number
Enter the emergency phone number;
Press “Call”. Select SIM1 to dial with SIM1; select
SIM2 to dial with SIM2
Answer or reject incoming calls
If there is an incoming call, press “Answer” to
answer it;
If there is an incoming call, press “Reject” to reject it;
Menu during a call
During a call, you can:
Hold: Press [Hold] to hold current call, and press
[Unhold] to resume the current call when holding
(this function needs to be supported by the
network provider).
Contacts: Enter into your contact list.
Keypad: Enter into the dial interface.
Record: Record the call details, and a recording
will be kept in the le manager automatically.
Note: It is illegal to record any phone call in some
countries. So please do so with the speaker’s prior
Mute: Turn o the microphone during the call.
In the mute mode, you can hear the speaker but
the speaker can’t hear you.
Handsfree: Start or cancel a handsfree call.
Adjust volume
You can adjust the volume of receiver by pressing
options key, select the “adjust volume”.
End a call
Press “Hang up” to end a call.
Browsing contacts
Select [Contacts] and open the name list.
The contacts are listed in the order of unnamed,
special symbols, digit and alphabetically.
Quick search
Select [Contacts] and open the name list.
Choose search bar to search contacts through the
New contact
SIM1: The contact is added to SIM1 with only
one number stored under a name.
SIM2: The contact is added to SIM2 with only
one number stored under a name.
Phone: Contact is stored on the handset and
the editable items include incoming call Icon,
the name, phone number, home number, and/or
group to which it may belong.
Function Menu of Contacts
Select [Contacts] and press “options” to access
the following functions:
New: add new list to SIM or phone.
Delete multiple: can delete some contacts or
all contacts.
Import/Export: export contacts to microSD
card or import contacts from microSD card.
Others: includes speed dial, own number,
service number and memory status.
On the contacts list interface, choose one record
and press options to access the following functions: