J. Rockett Mr. Moto User Manual

J.#Rockett#Audio#Des igns#
The Mr. Moto is everything you wish your amp had built in. The Mr. Moto is a very musical Tremolo with a super lush spring reverb as well. Both can be run independently or together. The Tremolo can go from a very subtle throb to a choppy rhythmic pulse. Mr. Moto is great for very lush, beautiful tones all the way to full on surf rock. The options are many but no matter where you set it the effect can completely change your tone, feel and the way you approach music altogether.!
Depth!–!Controls!the!intensity!of!the!Tremolo! Speed!–!Controls!the!speed!of!the!Tremolo! Wave!–!Controls!the!wave!form/Sine!Wave!(Smooth)!to!Square!Wave!(Choppy)! !
Spring!Reverb!>!! Reverb!–!Controls!the!depth!of!the!reverb!just!like!an!old!amp!
Set the Depth to 2 O’clock, the speed to 11 O’clock, Wave form all the way left and reverb to 3 O’clock and you have a beautiful lush spacious sound. Adjust from there for fast Tremolo, slow Tremolo or anything in between. You can turn the Depth control all the way down and use the Mr. Moto for Reverb only as well.
•! Tremolo and Reverb in one
•! I/O Jacks at the Head of the Pedal
•! 9V DC Operation with Standard (- tip and + sleeve)
•! Approximately 4” x 2.50” in Size
•! Weight is 1 pound
•! True Bypass!
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