Quuiicckk SSttaarrtt
MMeeddiiccaall AAlleerrtt SSyysstteemm TT330
Kindly Tips
The product can provide limited protection, and reduce tragedy to be occurred, but it's can ensure this perfectly
safe. For your safety, not only need well use this product, but also need guard every security issues occur in
your daily life;
When encounter danger, emergency issue, don't worry, press the big red button on T30, or press the button on
Panic Button, to get help;
Please use the device at least once per month.
I. Interface Description
Top View:
1. HELP/Panic Button(Used to Power On, Dial Emergency Call)
2. Cancel Button (Used to Hang Up Call, Enter Menu Mode)
3. Away Button (Used to Enable/Disable Away/At home mode)
4. Speaker
5. LOGO LED Lamp
6. Microphone
Back View:
11 7 8
7. Line
8. Telephone
9. DC Power Supply Port
10. Power OFF Button
11. Backup Battery
5 4
6 2 1

LED Lamp Indication:
1. Green: Normal standby / Everything fine
2. Green flash very slow: low battery standby
3. Green flash: calling
4. Green and red flash alternately: Detect Hardware Error, such as not plug adapter
5. Red flash quickly: No telephone line
6. Green and yellow flash shortly: Intrusion mode have enabled
7. Green flash quickly: Inactivity detect mode have enabled
8. White: wireless pare mode
9. Blue: Away mode is enable, and under normal standby
10. Blue flash very slow: Away mode is enable, and low battery standby
Blue and red flash alternately: Away mode is enable, and detect Hardware Error, such as not plug adapter
Initial Operation and Installation
Step 1
Connect the Line port of the device to land line socket port
via an extend telephone wire.
Step 2
Connect the Telephone port of the device to normal
telephones via an extend telephone wire.
Step 3
Plug the DC adapter to the
Power Supply Port.
Step 4
Long Press Red Button
(for about 4 seconds)
to power on it.