
Owner's Manual
Multi Functional Thermometer
Model DET-218
Doc ument N o.: JDE T-0 904- 002
Art icle No .: 001
Versi on: Z
Dat e of Issu e: 2017 -12
Contents Introduction
In tr od uc tion ..... .. .. .. .. ......................... .. .. .. .. ........02
Produ ct Descr iption ............... ........ ........ ........ .... 03
Lcd Display Introduction ........................................ 04
Basic Funct ions ............................................... 05
S y stem S e t t i n g . . . . ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 6
Body Temperature ..............................................09
Illus tration For Use . ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .10
Temperature Taking Hints .................................16
Memor y Mode ....................................................18
Care And Cleaning .............................................19
Batte ry Replacement .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......21
Speci fication s .....................................................22
Tro ubleshoo ting . ........ ........ ........ ........ ................23
Calib ration ... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..25
Service .... ..... ................. ................. ................. .26
Warranty .............................................................27
Elect romagnet ic Compatibility Information ...............28
F C C I n f o r m a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......33
The multi funct ion al thermometer is intended sole ly for measuring
forehead temp era ture, ear temperature and ob jec t temperature. It
allows you to qui ckl y and easily measure body temp era ture and
object temper atu re. It converts the measured h eat i nto a temperature
reading displ aye d on the LCD. The i nfrared thermometer is int end ed
for the intermi tte nt measurement of human body t emp erature by
people of all age s.
Please read all instru cti ons caref ull y and thoro ugh ly
before u sing this prod uct.
This thermome ter i s intended for home use only.
It's not meant to r epl ace a visit to the doctor. Please
consult with do cto r if you have health concerns.
2. There is no gender or age limit ati on for using multi
functional th erm ometer.
3. Do not allow chi ldr en to take their temperatures uns upervised,
some parts are sm all e nough to be swallowed.
4. Never immers e thi s device in water or other liquids(not
5. Do not modify th is eq uipment without authoriz ati on of
manufacture r.
6. Do not expose th e the rmometer to temperature ex tre mes
(below -25℃/-13℉ o r ove r 55℃/131℉) nor excessive
humidity (>95 %RH ).
7. Keep the batte ry aw ay from children.
8. Remove batte ry fr om the device when not in operat ion f or
a long time.
1 2

Product Description
1. Forehead Cov er
2. Probe
3. M Button
4. Button
5. S Button
6. Battery Cove r
7. Forehead But ton
LCD Display Introduction
Object m ode sign
Ear mode s ign
Forehe ad mode sign
Tim e and da te
Blueto oth sign
Unit sig n: ℃ or ℉
Measur ing sign
/ S witc h℃ ℉
Real Time C lock
Ear /Forehe ad
Temperat ure Mo de
Object Temp erat ure
Mod e
Memory M ode
Beep Sou nd
Blu eto oth
Basic Functions
Please s ee the Tem pera ture S cale S etti ng sectio n to lea rn
how to change be twee n Celsius a nd Fahrenheit.
The real time cl ock wi ll be recorded wi th the m emory functi on and
help you to recogniz e each measurem ent re sult .
→ Please s ee the S yste m Setting se ctio n to learn ho w to
setup th e time i n the first u se.
The ther mome ter ha s been desi gned for practi cal use. It's not
meant to re place a vis it to th e doctor. Ple ase also rememb er to
compar e the me asur emen t result to your regula r body t emperat ure.
→ Please s ee the sectio n to lea rn how t o
measure the bo dy tem perature.
The obje ct mod e shows the a ctua l, unadju sted s urface
temper atur es, wh ich is d ifferent from the bod y temp erature. It can
help you t o moni tor if t he obj ect tempe ratu re is su itable fo r the ba by
or patie nt, for exam ple the baby's milk.
→ Please s ee the sectio n to lea rn how t o
measure the ob ject t emperat ure.
There ar e 30 mem orie s for ea r/fo rehe ad/o bjec t measure ment s.
Each mem ory al so rec ords t he mea sure ment d ate/ time/mo de ico n.
The t her mome ter al lows t o turn o n/of f beep s ound b y touc hing
The t her mome ter al lows t o turn o n/of f the bl ueto oth fu ncti on.
The B lue toot h tran smis sion s tart s afte r a meas urement i s take n
(th e scr een di spla ys nei ther L o nor Hi )or af ter en tering th e memo ry
mode for t he fir st tim e.
Illust rati on For U se
Illust rati on For U se
Memory S ign
Low volt age sign
Temp erature r esult
Beep sig n
System Setting
When using ther mom eter for the first time, pleas e set t he parameters
of the thermome ter.
1. Press BUT TON to turn on the the rmometer(See Figure1).
2. Press and hold t he S BU TTO N for 5 s econds
changing mode .
3. Press and rele ase S BUTTON to s elect the unit(See Figure2).
4. When the preferred unit on th e dis play, pre ss M BUTTO N t
enter into the re al ti me clock setting mode.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Set the time format
The device can display the time
in either an AM/PM (12-hour) or
a 24:00(24-hour) format. Press
and release S BUT TON to s ele ct
the format. With the prefer red
time format on the display, press
M BU TTON, the H our f igu re is
flashing automatically.
to enter into uni t

System Setting
Set the year
Press and release the S BUT TON to a dva nce
one year until the correct year appears .
After the year is set, press M BUTTON, t he Month
figure is flashing automatically.
Set the month
Press and release the S BUT TON to a dva nce
one month until the correct month appea rs.
After the month is set, press M BUTTON , the Date
figure is flashing automatically.
Set the date
Press and release the S BUT TON to a dva nce
one day until the correct day appears.
After the day is set, press M B UTTO N, th e Hour
figure will appear.
After the minute is set o enter into the
5. , press M B UTT ON t
Bluetooth con tro l mode.
the Bluetooth f unc tion on or off( See Figure3).After the Blu eto oth
function is set , pre ss M BUTTO N to exit system setting mode.
System Setting
Set the minute
Press and release the S BUT TON to a dva nce
one minute until the correct minute app ear s.
Press and relea se S BU TTO N to se t
Figure 3
Set the hour
Press and release the S BUT TON to a dva nce
one hour until the correct hour appears .
After the hour is set, press M BUTTON, t he
Minute figure is flashing automaticall y.
Body Temperature
The temperatu re of a h ealthy person is affected by various factors :
the person’s indivi dual metabolism, their age(bo dy te mperature is
higher in babie s and t oddlers and decreases with a ge. G reater
temperature f luc tuations occur faster and mo re of ten in children,
e.g. due to growt h spu rts), their clothing, the am bie nt temperature,
the time of day(b ody t emperature is lower in the mor nin g and
increases thr oug hout the day towards evening ), th e preceding
physical and, t o a les ser extent, mental activity.
The temperatu re va ries depending on the part of th e bod y where the
measurement i s tak en. The difference can be between 0.2℃(0. 4℉)
and 1℃(1.8℉) for a heal thy p erson.
The normal temp era ture ranges are as follows:
• On the forehead : 35. 8℃(96.4℉) to 37.6℃(99.7℉) , measured
with a forehead t her mometer
• In the ear: 36.0℃(9 6.8℉) t o 37.8℃(100.0℉) , measured with an
ear thermomet er
• In the mouth: 36. 0℃(96 .8℉) to 37.4℃(99.3℉) , measured with
a conventiona l the rmometer
In order to track t emp erature change, always tak e the m easurements
in the same part of t he bo dy.
Illustration For Use
Before measurement :
Check before ea ch us e that the lens is intact. If it is damag ed,
contact your re tai ler or the service address.
Bear in mind that t he th ermometer needs to have been in the r oom
in which the meas ure ment is taken for at least 30 minutes b efore
● sers and the ther mom eter should be in the same ambie nt
temperature .
Before each mea sur ement, make sure that the device is i n the
appropriate m ode f or the measurement that you wi sh to t ake.
To measure forehead temperatu re:
Oils or cosmeti cs on t he forehead may give a lower tem per ature
reading than th e act ual one.
taking a measur eme nt. Wait at least 1 0 min utes after washing the
forehead area b efo re taking a reading.
Do not use the ther mom eter on a perspiring or sweati ng fo rehead,
as this may affect the reading .
● Remove hat and ha ir an d wait 10 minutes before takin g a rea ding.
Remove dirt fro m the f orehead before