Warning :
Read instr uct ions th oro ughly befo re us ing dig ita l the rmome ter. Choking Ha zar d: Th ermomete r cap a nd batt ery m ay be f atal if s wal lowed. Do no t all ow chil dre n to use this de vic e witho ut pa ren tal sup erv ision. Do not us e the rmo meter i n ear. D esi gned us e is fo r ora l, rect al, a nd armpit (a xil la) rea din gs on ly. Do not place t her momet er ba tte ry near e xtr eme heat as it m ay ex plode . Note: Use of t he pr obe cov er ma y result in a 0. 01(0 .02) dis cre pan cy from a ctu al te mpera tur e. Remove bat ter y from th e dev ice w hen not i n ope ration for a l ong t ime. The use of tem per ature r ead ing s for sel f-d iagnosis i s dan gerou s. Co nsult your d oct or for th e interpre tat ion of re sul ts. Self-d iag nosis m ay le ad to t he wors eni ng of existi ng di sease cond iti ons.
Do not attem pt me asure men ts wh en the th erm ometer is we t as in accurate r ead ings ma y res ult . Do not bite th e the rmome ter. D oin g so may le ad to b rea kage an d/o r inj ury. Do not attem pt to d isass emb le or r epair t he th ermomete r. Doi ng so may resu lt in i naccurat e rea dings . After each u se, d isinf ect t he th ermom ete r especial ly in c ase the devi ce is u sed by mo re th an on e perso n. Do not force t he th ermom ete r int o the rec tum . Stop inser tio n and abort th e mea surem ent w hen p ain is present. F ail ure to do s o may l ead t o injur y. Do not use the rmo meter o ral ly af ter bei ng us ed rectall y.
For childr en wh o are two y ear s old or young er, please do n ot us e the dev ice s ora lly. If the unit ha s bee n store d at te mpe ratur es ov er 5℃ ~40(41℉ ~104℉) , leav e it in 5℃ ~40 (41℉~104℉) am bie nt temp era tur e for abo ut 15 m inutes bef ore u sing it .
This digit al th ermom ete r pro vides a q uic k and highly a ccu rate re adi ng of a n indiv idu al's body temperat ure . regular mo de or ally, recta lly o r und er the ar m, an d the device i s reu sable for cl ini cal or ho me use on peopl e of al l ages. please rea d all i nstru cti ons f irst. This appli anc e confo rms t o the f ollow ing s tandards : EN 12470-3 C lin ical th erm ome ters —P art 3 : Performa nce o f compa ct el ect rical t her mometers (non-pre dic tive an d pre dic tive) w ith m aximum dev ice , ISO 806 01- 2-5 6 Medic al el ect rical e qui pment —Par t 2-5 6:Par tic ula r requi rem ents for bas ic sa fety and essent ial p erfor man ce of c linic al th ermomete rs fo r body te mpe rat ure mea sur ement, EN 60601-1 -11 Medi cal e lec trica l equ ipment —Pa rt 1- 11: G ene ral r equir eme nts f or basi c saf ety and essentia l per forma nce – C oll atera l Sta ndard: Req uir ement s for m edi cal ele ctr ical equip men t and medical el ect rical s yst ems u sed in th e hom e healthca re en viron men t and c ompli es wi th the requirem ent s of EN 606 01- 1-2 (EMC) , IEC /EN60601 -1( Safet y) st and ards. An d the m anu factu rer is ISO 13 485 c ert ified .
1 The rmometer, 1 O wner s Manual , 1 Sto rag e Case
The d igi tal the rmo meter is int end ed to mea sur e the h uman bo dy’s t emp eratu re in
To bet ter u nders tan d its functi ons a nd to pro vid e yea rs of dep end able resul ts,
Model :DMT-4751
prevent the measu rement from being influ en ced by inhaled/exha le d air. Normal temperat ure between 35.70 and 37.30 (96.26 a nd 99.14 )
bVaginal:Pla ce p robe tip approximat el y 1cm (less than 1/2 ") int o va ginal. Normal temperat ure between 36.20 and 37.70 (97.16 a nd 99.86 ) .
4The thermometer w ill finish measuremen t wi th one short beep after 3 minutes. To make sure t he accuracy, do no t mo ve the thermometer dur ing the measurement. Aft er finishing the measurements, u se r can connect bluetoo th t hrough APP and upload the data.
Remark:When usi ng the thermometer at the f ir st time, pls enter the pa ss key to connect the bluet ooth and APP. 5To prolo ng b attery life, press the On /O ff Button to tu rn u nit off after t es ting is complete. If no act ion is taken, the unit will a ut omatically shut off after around 30s. *Note: ①. If the measured tem perature is less than 32. 00 or 89.60 , the OLED will
display “Lo” belo w the graduation lines wi th out scale bar, if the measured temperature is hi gher than 43.99 or 111.1 8 , the OLED wil l display all
scale bars with “Hi ” above. ②.When connecti ng the APP via bluetooth, pleas e en ter the correct key.
.When the OLED dis pl ay “--.-- ” or “--.-- ”, it means that the therm om enter
has no memory.
.When bluetoot h connects to APP, the L ED w ill light up, and when blue tooth
disconnects fro m APP, the LED will go out.
Error mess age
Temp era ture ta ken i s lower than 3 2.0 0°C(8 9.6 0°F)
Temp era ture ta ken i s higher than 43.99 °C( 111. 18° F)
The system i s not function ing p roper ly.
Dead batte ry: B atter y ico n is flashing , can ’t be m easurabl e.
Tur n off, wai t 10 mi nute an d tak e a new t emper atu re via close co nta ct and su fficie nt re st.
Tur n off, wai t 10 mi nute an d tak e a new t emper atu re via close co nta ct and su fficie nt re st.
Unload the b att ery, wait for 1 m inu te an d repow er it. If the mes sag e reapp ear s, co ntact t he re tailer for servic e.
Suggest to r epl ace the b att ery.
e 2
Pr ob e
Figur e 1
On /O ff B ut to n
* The performance of the device may be degraded should one or more of the following occur:
- Operation outside the manufacturer s s tated te mperature a nd h umidity r ange.
- Storage outside the manufacturer s s tated te mperature a nd h umidity r ange.
- Mechanical shock (for example, drop test) or degraded sensor..
- Patient temperature is below ambient temperature. * Portable and mobile RF communications can affect the device. The device needs special pre-cautions regarding EMC according to the EMC information provided in the accompany documents.
Batch Code
Manuf act urer Stora ge an d Transport ation
Temp erature Li mit: -20~55 (-4℉~1 31℉)
Direct Current
Type BF Applied Part
Consult Accompanying Documents
European Authorized Representative
Type :
Measure Ra nge :
Accuracy :
Operatin g mod e: Displ ay:
Memory: Battery:
Battery li fe:
Dimensio n: Weig ht:
Expected s erv ice lif e: Three y ear s
Ambient op era ting ra nge :
Storage an d tra nspor tat ion conditio n:
Ingress Pr ote ction R ati ng:
Classifi cat ion:
Whe n finishi ng measureme nt or en ter ing into th e memory mo de, user ca n change th e unit t hou gh APP
aft er connec tin g bluetoo th.
Digital Therm ome ter (Not Pre dic tive)
32.00℃-43.99(89.60-111.18)( / chosen by user ) ±0.05(±0.1) dur ing 3 5.00~3 8.0 0(95.00~10 0.4 0) at
18.00℃~2 8. 0 0℃(6 4. 40℉ ~82.4 0℉) ±0.1℃(±0.2℉) for ot her m easur ing a nd ambient o per ating rang e
Direc t Mode
Organic Light Emi tting Display , 4 ½ digits . For storing the last 30 measurements.
One 3.0V DC button batt ery type CR2032
3 measurements per day about 70 times
104.9mm×33mm×12.8mm(L x W x H) Approx. 24 grams including battery
Temperature: ( )5℃~4041℉~104 Relative humidity: 15%~95%RH Atmospheric Pressure : 700hPa ~ 1060 hPa
Temperature: ( )-20~55-4℉~131 Relative humidity: 15%~95%RH Atmospheric Pressure : 700hPa ~ 1060 hPa
IP 64
Type B F
temperat ure r ange
This produ ct ha s two par ts fu nct ions : th e fir st functio n can b e used to m eas ure t he temp era ture of the va gin a, this funct ion s hould b e use d by wo men to me asu re basal bod y tem perat ure . the s econd f unc tion can be us ed as a normal the rmo meter , use d to me asure a nd re cord body te mpe ratur e dat a, th is func tio n suitable f or mo st people to us e .
HOW TO USE THI S PRODUCT 1Please download a nd install APP before using thi s pr oduct. 2Tur n on the phone bluetoot h th rough APP and press the on/off button next to OLED display to tur n on t he device.The displ ay w ill briefly shows ful l se gment at current unit mod e. Show the last stored tem pe rature. Whe n th e OLED display “Lo ”o r "Lo " , it mea ns t hat the thermometer i s wa iting for measureme nt .
3Placing thermom eter in desired positio n aOral Use: Place the rmometer under tongue a s in dicated by“√”posit io n shown in Figure 2. Cl os e your mouth and breath e ev enly through the nose to
1. Replace b att ery whe n app ear s in the lo wer r ight corne r of OL ED disp lay.
2. Put a thin bo ard s uch as a co in on f illister o f cov er. Tur n the bat ter y anti-clo ckw ise until th e cov er is off (See Figur e 3).
3. Use a no n-m ete al inst rum ent such as a pe n to re move old bat ter y from th e bat ter y holde r (Se e Figure 4). Discard ba tte ry acco rdi ng to l ocal la w.
4. Place a new into the cha mbe r with po sit ive s ide fac ing u p.(See Fig ure 5 ).
5. Wit h a thin pi n to tu rn the cover c loc kwise unti l the f acing t owa rds (See Fig ure 6 ).
3.0V DC CR2032
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
The thermo met er is ini tia lly c alibr ate d at the time of m anu factu re. I f the t hermo met er is used acc ord ing to the use inst ruc tion, p eri odic readj ust ment is not re qui red. Ho wev er, we rec omm end checki ng ca libratio n every two ye ars o r whene ver c linical ac cur acy of the the rmo meter i s in qu est ion. Tur n on th e thermome ter and insert i nto t he wate r bat h and t hen che ck th e laborato ry ac curac y of th erm omete r. Ple ase s end the complete d evi ce to the d eal ers o r manuf act urer. The above re com menda tio ns do n ot supe rse de the legal r equ ireme nts . The u ser m ust alw ays c omp ly with legal requ ire ments f or th e con trol of t he me asuremen t, fu nctio nal ity, a nd ac curac y of th e device whi ch are requir ed by t he scop e of re lev ant law s, di rectives o r ord inanc es wh ere t he devi ce is u sed.
Wipe the the rmome ter with a so ft clean cl oth.F or stubbo rn stai ns, wipe th e thermom eter wi th a cloth t hat has bee n dampe ned with wa ter or a neut ral det ergen t solut ion and the n wring thoro ughly. Finish by wi ping wi th a soft dry c loth.Fo r disin fection , 75% Eth anol or Iso propyl alcoh ol can be use d.Obser ve the fo llowing t o preve nt damage t o the the rmomete r.
-Do not u se benzen e, thinne r, gasolin e or othe r strong so lvent s to clean th e thermom eter.
-Do not a ttempt to d isinfec t the sen sing sect ion (ti p) of the the rmome ter by imme rsing in alcoh ol or in hot wa ter (wate r over 50 ℃ (122) ).
-Do not u se ultras onic wash ing to cl ean the the rmome ter.
Caution: C han ges or mo dif ications t o thi s unit no t exp res sly app rov ed by the part y res ponsi ble f or complian ce co uld voi d the u ser a uthor ity t o operate th e equ ipmen t. This devic e com plies w ith P art 15 of the FC C Rul es. Ope rat ion i s subje ct to t he followi ng tw o condi tio ns:
1)this dev ice m ay not ca use h armful int erf erence, an d
(2) this dev ice m ust acc ept a ny in terfe ren ce receive d, in cludi ng in ter feren ce th at may cause u nde sired operatio n.
*Note: This equip men t has bee n tes ted and foun d to co mply wi th th e lim its for a C las s B digital de vic e, pursu ant t o Par t 15 of the F CC Ru les. The se limi ts ar e designed t o pro vide re aso nab le prot ect ion agains t harmful in ter feren ce in a r esi denti al in stallati on. T his e quipment g ene rates , use s, an d can rad iat e radio frequenc y ene rgy. I f thi s equipmen t doe s cause h arm ful i nterf ere nce to radio o r tel evisi on re cep tion, which can be d ete rmine d by tu rning the eq uip ment off and on, th e use r is enco ura ged t o try and c orr ect the interf ere nce by on e or mo re of t he foll owi ng measure s:
- Reorient o r rel ocate t he re cei ving an ten na.
- Increase t he di stanc e bet ween the equ ipm ent and the re cei ver.
- Connect th e equ ipmen t to an o utl et on a cir cui t differ ent fro m tha t to which the r ece iver is c onn ect ed.
- Consu lt th e dea ler or an e xpe rienced ra dio /TV tech nicia n for h elp.
The t her mometer is gua ran teed for on e yea r from the da te of purch ase . If the ther mom ete r does not fun cti on properly du e to defective c omp one nts or poor w ork manship, we wi ll repair or rep lac e it fre e of cha rge. All components are co vered by th is wa rranty exclu din g the battery. The w arr anty does n ot co ver dam age s to your the rmo met er due to imp rop er handli ng. To obtain warr ant y service, an or igi nal or copy
of th e sales rec eip t fro m the or igi nal r etailer is req uired.
Dis posal o f this pr oduct a nd used b atter ies sho uld be ca rried o ut in ac corda nce wit h the nat ional r egula tions f orthe d ispos al of ele ctron ic prod ucts.
JOY TECH HE ALTHCAR E CO.LTD . No. 365, Wuz hou Roa d, Yuha ng Ec onomic De velop ment Zo ne, Han gzhou c ity, 31110 0 Zheji ang,C hina Tel: +86 -571-81 95776 7
Mad e in Chin a
Doc ument N o. JDMT-7 804-0 02 Art icle No .: 001 Versi on: Z Dat e of Issu e: 2018 .11
Table 3
Electromagnetic Compatibility Information
The device satisfies the EMC require me nt s of t he international standard IEC 60601-1-2. The requirements are satisfied under the conditions d es cr ib ed in the table below. The device is an electrical medical product and is subject to special precaution ar y me as ures with regard to EMC which must be published in the instructions for use. Portable a nd m ob il e HF communications equipment can affe ct t he device. Use of the unit in conjunction with non-app ro ve d ac ce ssories can affect the device ne ga ti ve ly a nd alter the electromagnetic compatibility. The device should not be used directly adjacent to or between other electrical equipment.
Table 1
Guidance and declaration of manufa ct ur er-electromagnetic emissions
The device is intended for use in the elec tr om ag netic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device sho ul d as sure that it is used in such an environment.
Electromagnetic environment- gu id an ce
The device uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, its emissions are very lo w an d ar e not likely to cause any interference in nearby ele ct ro ni c equipment.
The device is suitable for use in all esta bl is hm ents, including domestic establishme nt s an d th ose directly connected to the public low-voltag e po we r su pply network that supplies building s us ed f or d omestic purposes.
RF emissions CISPR 11
Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuation s/ flicker emissions IEC 61000-3-3
ComplianceEmissions test
Group 1
Class BRF emissions CISPR 11
Table 2
The device is intended for use in the elec tr om ag netic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device sho ul d as sure that it is used in such an environment.
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6
Radiated RF IEC 61000­4-3
RF Wireless Communication Equipment IEC 61000­4-3
Guidance and declaration of manufa ct ur er-electromagnetic immunity
IEC 60601 test level
3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 Mhz
10 V/m 80 MHz to 2.7 Ghz
380MHz, 27V /m
450MHz, 28V /m
710MHz,745 MHZ,780MHz 9V/m
810MHz,870 MHZ,930MHz 28V/m
1720MHz,1845 MHZ,1970MHz 28V/m
2450MHz, 28V /m
Compliance level
10 V/m
380MHz, 27V /m
450MHz, 28V /m
710MHz,745 MHZ,780MHz 9V/m
810MHz,870 MHZ,930MHz 28V/m
1720MHz,1845 MHZ,1970MHz 28V/m
2450MHz, 28V /m
Electromagnetic environmentg ui da nc e
Portable and mobile RF communicati on s eq ui pment should be used no closer to any part of th e de vi ce , including cables, than the recomme nd ed s ep aration distance calculated from the equat io n ap pl icable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended seperation distanc e
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to 2.7 Ghz
where P is th e ma xi mu m output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according t o th e tr an sm­itter manufacturer and d is the recomm en de d separation distance in metres (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF tran sm it te rs, as determined by an electromagnetic s it e su rv ey, a should be less than the compliance lev el i n ea ch frequency range.
Interference may occur in the vicini ty o f eq ui pment marked with the following symbol :
The device is intended for use in the elec tr om ag netic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device sho ul d as sure that it is used in such an environment.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2
Electrostatic transient/burst IEC 61000-4-4
Surge IEC 61000-4-5
Voltage dips, short interrupti­ons and voltage variations on p­ower supply in­put lines
IEC 61000-4-11
Power frequency (50/60 Hz) magnetic field
IEC 61000-4-8
Guidance and declaration of manufa ct ur er-electromagnetic immunity
IEC 60601 test level
± 8 kV contact
±2 kV,±4 kV, ±8 kV, ±15 kV air
± 2 kV for
power supply lines ± 1 kV for input/output lines
± 1 kV differential mode ± 2 kV common mode
< 5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle
40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 cycle
70% UT (30% dip in UT) for 25 cycle
<5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 5 secretary
30 A/m; 50Hz or 60Hz
Compliance level
± 8 kV contact
±2 kV,±4 kV, ±8 kV, ±15 kV air
30 A/m; 50Hz or 60Hz
Electromagnetic environm entguidance
Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered wi th synthetic material, the relative hum id it y should be at least 30 %.
Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels charactertic of a typical location in a typical comme­rcial or hospital environment.
5240MHz,5500 MHZ,5785MHz 9V/m
5240MHz,5500 MHZ,5785MHz 9V/m
Table 4
Recommended separation distanc es b et we en portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the device
The device is intended for use in an elect ro ma gn etic environment in which radiated therefore disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the device can help pre ve nt e le ct romagnetic interference by maintaining a mini mu m di st ance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the d ev ic e as r ecommended below, accor di ng t o th e maximum output power of the communications equipm en t.
Rated maximum output power of transmitter
For transmitters rated at a maximum ou tp ut p ow er not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimate d us in g th e equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, wh er e P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distanc e fo r th e hi ger frequency range applies.
NOTE2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic prop ag at io n is affected by absorption and reflection from s tr uc tu res, objects and people.
Separation distance according to f re qu en cy of transmitter
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to GHz