Warning :
Read instr uct ions th oro ugh ly befo re us ing digita l the rmome ter.
Choking Ha zar d: Th ermomete r cap a nd batt ery m ay be f atal if s wal lowed. Do no t all ow childre n
to use this de vic e witho ut pa ren tal sup erv ision.
Do not use the rmo meter i n ear. D esi gned us e is fo r ora l, rect al, a nd armpit (a xil la) readin gs on ly.
Do not place t her momet er ba tte ry near e xtr eme heat as it m ay ex plode.
Note: Use of t he pr obe cov er ma y res ult in a 0. 01℃(0 .02℉) discre pan cy from a ctu al te mpera tur e.
Remove bat ter y from th e dev ice w hen not i n ope ration for a l ong t ime.
The use of tem per ature r ead ing s for sel f-d iagnosis i s dan gerou s. Co nsu lt your d oct or for the
interpre tat ion of re sul ts. S elf-d iag nosis may le ad to t he wors eni ng of e xisti ng di sease cond iti ons.
Do not attem pt me asure men ts wh en the th erm ome ter is we t as in accurate r ead ings may res ult .
Do not bite th e the rmome ter. D oin g so may lead to b rea kage an d/o r inj ury.
Do not attem pt to d isass emb le or r epair t he th erm omete r. Doi ng so m ay resu lt in i nac curat e rea dings.
After each u se, d isinf ect t he th ermom ete r esp ecial ly in c ase the devi ce is u sed by more th an on e perso n.
Do not force t he th ermom ete r int o the rec tum . Sto p inser tio n and abort th e mea surement w hen p ain is
present. F ail ure to do s o may l ead t o injur y.
Do not use the rmo meter o ral ly af ter bei ng us ed re ctall y.
For childr en wh o are two y ear s old o r young er, pl ease do n ot us e the device s ora lly.
If the unit ha s bee n store d at te mpe ratur es ov er 5℃ ~40℃(41℉ ~104℉) , leave it in 5℃ ~40℃
(41℉~104℉) am bie nt temp era tur e for abo ut 15 m inutes bef ore u sing it.
This digit al th ermom ete r pro vides a q uic k and highly a ccu rate readi ng of a n indiv idu al' s body
temperat ure . The d igital the rmo meter is int end ed to mea sur e the h uman bo dy’s t emp eratu re in
regular mo de or ally, recta lly o r und er the ar m, an d the d evice i s reu sable for cl ini cal or home
use on peopl e of al l ages. To be tte r under sta nd it s funct ion s and to provi de ye ars of de pen dab le
results, p lea se read a ll in str uctio ns fi rst.
This appli anc e confo rms t o the f ollow ing s tandards :
ASTM E111 2 Stand ard S pec ifica tio n for Electr oni c The rmo meter f or In termitte nt De terminat ion o f
Patient Temp eratu re,
ISO 80601- 2-5 6 Medic al el ect rical e qui pment —Par t 2-5 6:Partic ula r requi rem ent s for bas ic sa fety
and essent ial p erfor man ce of c linic al th ermomete rs fo r body tempe rat ure mea sur eme nt,
IEC 60601- 1-11 Med ica l ele ctric al eq uipment —P art 1 -11: Gen era l requi rem ent s for bas ic sa fet y and
essentia l per forma nce – Col later al St andard: Re qui rements fo r med ical el ect ric al equi pme nt an d
medical el ect rical s yst ems u sed in th e hom e healthca re en vironmen t and c ompli es wi th th e
requirem ent s of IEC 60 601 -1- 2(EMC ), AAM I/A NSI ES6 060 1-1(Safe ty) s tanda rds . And th e
manufact ure r is ISO 13 485 c ert ified .
1 The rmo meter, 1 O wner s Manual , 1 Sto rag e Case
Model :DMT-4735 b
①. If the measu red t emper atu re is l ess tha n 32. 00℃ or 89.6 0℉, the L CD will d isp lay “ Lo” bel ow
the gradua tio n lines w ith out s cale ba r, if th e measu red t emperatu re is h igher t han 4 3. 99℃
or 111 .18℉, t he LCD wi ll di spl ay all sc ale b ars with “Hi ” abo ve.
②.When the L CD di splay “ --- -” , it m eans th at th e thermome ter i s waiti ng fo r Blu etoot h con nection, y ou
only have 30 s eco nds to co nne ct yo ur ther mom eter , other wis e it will s kip t he Bl uetoo th co nnection i nto
the normal t emp eratu re me asu remen t. Or y ou can press t he on /off button to sk ip th e waiti ng fo r Blu etoot h
connecti on in to the no rma l tem perat ure i mmediate ly.
PART1: For norm al th ermom ete r , pos ition t her mometer in d esi red locati on (m outh, r ect um, o r armpi t.)
a) Oral U se: P lac e therm ome ter u nder to ngu e as indicat ed by“ √ ”
position s how n in Figu re 2. C los e your mo uth a nd breathe e ven ly
through th e nos e to prev ent t he me asure men t from being i nfl uence d
by inhaled /ex haled a ir. No rma l tempe rat ure b etwee n 35. 70℃ and 37.30℃
(96.26℉ and 9 9.1 4℉)
b) Rect al Us e: Lu brica te si lve r probe t ip wi th petrole um je lly for e asy i nse rtion . Gen tly i nsert
sensor app rox imate ly 1c m (le ss than 1 /2 ") i nto rectum . Nor mal tem per atu re betw een 3 6.20℃
and 37.70℃ (9 7.1 6℉ and 99. 86℉).
c) Armp it Us e: Wip e armpit dry. Plac e pro be in armpit a nd ke ep arm pr ess ed fi rmly at s ide .
From a medic al vi ewpoi nt, t his m ethod w ill a lways prov ide i naccu rat e rea dings , and s hould not
be used if pre cis e measu rem ent s are req uir ed. Normal t emp eratu re be twe en 35.2 0℃ and 3 6.70℃
(95.36℉ and 9 8.0 6℉).
PART2: For basa l bod y tempe rat ure , while w ake u p in the morni ng ,o pen the APP and me asuremen t met hod
referenc e to ab ove Ora l Use
①. Whe n the pea k tempe ratur e has bee n reach ed, the ℃ o r ℉ will st op flas hing an d the the rmome ter wil l sound a s eries o f beeps .
The m ini mum measu remen t time un til the s ignal ing ton e (beep ) must be m ainta ined wi thout e xcept ion. Th e mea sure ment
con tinue s even af ter the b uzzer n otifi catio n. So tha t in orde r to achi eve bet ter bod y tempe ratur e measu remen t resul t,
rec ommen d to keep t he prob e in mout h and rec tum abo ut 2 minu tes, or i n armpi t about 5 m inute s regar dless o f the bee p sound
and a t least 3 0 secon ds meas ureme nt inte rval sh ould be m ainta ined.
②. To prolong b atter y life, p ress th e On/Of f But ton to tu rn unit o ff afte r testing i s compl ete. If n o actio n is take n, the un it will
aut omati cally s hut off a fte r arou nd10 mi nutes .
Figure 2
Figur e 1
Pr ob e
Figur e 1
On /O ff B ut to n
* The performance of the device may be degraded should one or more of the following occur:
- Operation outside the manufacturer s s tated te mperature a nd h umidity r ange.
- Storage outside the manufacturer s s tated te mperature a nd h umidity r ange.
- Mechanical shock (for example, drop test) or degraded sensor..
- Patient temperature is below ambient temperature.
* Portable and mobile RF communications can affect the device. The device needs special pre-cautions
regarding EMC according to the EMC information provided in the accompany documents.
Direct Current
Type BF Applied Part
Consult Accompanying Documents
The first num.2:Protercted against access to hazardous parts with a finger,and the jointed test
finger of 12mm φ,80 , 80 mm length, shall have adequate clearance from hazardous parts .
And protected against solid foreign objects of 12,5 mm Ф and greater. The second number 7:
IP 27
Protected against water and the test is made by completely immersing the enclosure in water
between 0.15m and 1m for about 30 minutes. The water temperature does not differ from
that of the equipment by more than 5 K.
Batch Code
Manuf act urer
Stora ge an d Transport ation
Temp erature Li mit: -20℃~55℃
(-4℉~1 31℉)
Type :
Measure Ra nge :
Accuracy :
Operatin g mod e:
Battery li fe:
Dimensio n:
Weig ht:
Expected s erv ice lif e: Three y ear s
Ambient op era ting ra nge :
Storage an d tra nspor tat ion
conditio n:
Ingress Pr ote ction R ati ng:
Classifi cat ion:
Tempe rat ure readi ngs are ava ila ble in C elsius or F ahrenheit( located in the upper r ight corn er of LCD.) .
With t he dev ice off, pr ess an d hold the On /Off B utton for a pprox. 3 se conds to ch ange the un it and when the
the rmometer con nected wi th the APP ,it wil l synchro nize the cu rrent uni t. The L CD displa y will brie fly shows
ful l segment s at curren t unit mode w ith beep st one. Then th e dis play show s another u nitmode a fter chan ge.
Fol lowed by la st stored t emperat ure , the the rmometer is now in the testing mo de.
This produ ct ha s two par ts fu nct ions : th e fir st functio n can b e used as a basi c the rmome ter f or mo nitor ing
ovulatio n cyc les and o the r phy siolo gic al informa tio n, this func tio n shoul d be us ed by w omen to m eas ure
basal body t emp eratu re. t he se cond fu nct ion can be use d as a no rmal therm ome ter ,us ed to m eas ure and r eco rd
body tempe rat ure dat a, th is fu nctio n sui table for mo st pe ople to use .
Digital Therm ome ter (Not Pre dic tive)
32.00℃-43.99℃(89.60℉-111.18℉)(℃ /℉ chosen by manu facturer)
±0.05℃(±0.1℉) dur ing 3 5.50℃~4 2.0 0℃(95 .90℉~10 7.6 0℉)
±0.1℃(±0.2℉) duri ng T< 35. 50℃( 95.90℉)
or T> 42.00℃(107 .60℉)
Direc t Mode
Liquid crystal display, 4 1/2 digi ts
For storing the last measured value
One 3.0V DC button batt ery type CR2032
Eight month with 3 measurements per day
13.4cm×3.1cm×1.6cm (L x W x H)
Approx. 26 grams including battery
Temperature: ( )5℃~40℃ 41℉~104℉
Relative humidity: 15%~95%RH
Atmospheric Pressure : 700hPa ~ 1060 hPa
Temperature: ( )-20℃~55℃ -4℉~131℉
Relative humidity: 15%~95%RH
Atmospheric Pressure : 700hPa ~ 1060 hPa
IP 27
Type B F
1.Please d own load an d ins tal l APP be for e usi ng this p rod uct. The n regis ter n ew account u se yo ur email acc oun t
and select y our p urpos e, ov ula tion mo nit oring or nor mal t hermo met er.
2.Turn o n the p hone bl uet ooth throu gh APP an d press t he on /off but ton nex t to LC D display to t urn o n the dev ice .
The d isplay wil l bri efly shows f ull s egmen t at cu rre nt unit m ode w ith beep ton e. Fo llowe d by la st st ored
temperat ure , a nd show s 37. 00℃ or 9 8.60℉. The n select the d evi ce ID by th e APP and b ind it. Wh ile it
connecte d suc cessf ul , APP wi ll be syn chr oni zed wit h the t hermomet er.
Error mess age
Temp era ture ta ken i s
lower than 3 2.0 0°C(8 9.6 0°F )
Temp era ture ta ken i s higher
than 43.99 °C( 111. 18° F)
The system i s not
function ing p roper ly.
Dead batte ry: B atter y ico n is
flashing , can ’t be m easurabl e.
Tur n off, wai t one m inute and ta ke a ne w tempe rat ure
via close co nta ct and su fficie nt re st.
Tur n off, wai t one m inute and ta ke a ne w tempe rat ure
via close co nta ct and su fficie nt re st.
Unload the b att ery, wait for 1 m inu te an d repow er
it. If the mes sag e reapp ear s, co ntact t he re tailer
for servic e.
Suggest to r epl ace the b att ery.
1. Replace b att ery whe n “ ” app ear s in the lo wer r ight corne r of LC D displ ay.
2. Put a thin bo ard s uch as a co in on f ill ister o f cov er. Tur n the bat ter y ant i-clo ckw ise until th e cov er is off
(See Figur e 3).
3. Use a non-m ete al inst rum ent s uch as a pe n to re move old bat ter y from th e bat ter y holde r (Se e Fig ure 4).
Discard ba tte ry acco rdi ng to l ocal la w.
4. Place a new into the cha mbe r with po sit ive s ide fac ing u p.(See Fig ure 5 ).
5. Wit h a thin pi n to tu rn th e cover c loc kwise unti l the “ ” f acing t owa rds “ ”( See Fig ure 6 ).
3.0V DC CR2032
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
The thermo met er is ini tia lly c alibr ate d at the time of m anu facture. I f the t hermo met er is u sed acc ord ing to
the use inst ruc tion, p eri odi c readj ust ment is not re qui red. Ho wev er, we rec omm end c hecki ng ca libratio n
every two ye ars o r whene ver c lin ical ac cur acy of the the rmo meter is in qu est ion. Tur n on th e the rmome ter
and insert i nto t he wate r bat h and t hen che ck th e laborato ry ac curacy of th erm omete r. Ple ase s end the
complete d evi ce to the d eal ers o r manuf act urer.
The above re com menda tio ns do n ot supe rse de the legal r equ ireme nts . The u ser m ust always c omp ly with
legal requ ire ments f or th e con trol of t he me asuremen t, fu nctio nal ity, a nd ac curac y of th e dev ice whi ch
are requir ed by t he scop e of re lev ant law s, di rectives o r ord inanc es wh ere t he devi ce is u sed.
Wipe the the rmome ter with a so ft clea n cloth.F or stubbo rn stai ns, wipe th e therm ometer wi th
a cloth t hat has bee n dampe ned with wa ter or a neut ral det ergen t solut ion and the n wring
thoro ughly. Finish by wi ping wi th a soft dry c loth. For disin fection , 75% Eth anol or Iso propy l
alcoh ol can be use d.Obs erve the fo llowing t o preve nt damage t o the the rmomete r.
-Do not u se benzen e, thin ner, gasolin e or othe r strong so lvent s to clean th e therm ometer.
-Do not a ttempt to d isinf ect the sen sing sect ion (ti p) of the the rmome ter by imme rsing i n
alcoh ol or in hot wa ter (wa ter over 50 ℃ (122℉) ).
-Do not u se ultras onic wash ing to cl ean the the rmome ter.
Caution: C han ges or mo dif ica tions t o thi s unit not exp res sly app rov ed by t he part y res ponsible f or co mplia nce
could void t he us er auth ori ty to o perat e the e quipment . Thi s dev ice compl ies w ith P art 1 5 o f t he F CC
R ules. O per ation i s s ubj ect to t he f ollowin g tw o c ond iti ons :
(1) t hi s de vice m ay n ot c ause h arm ful inter fer ence, a nd
(2) t hi s de vice m ust a cc ept an y in terferen ce r eceiv ed, i nc ludin g in terferen ce t hat may ca use
u ndesir ed o perat ion .
This equip men t has bee n tes ted a nd foun d to co mply with th e lim its for a C las s B dig ital de vic e,
pursu ant t o Par t 15 of the F CC Ru les . The se limi ts ar e des igned t o pro vide reaso nab le prot ect ion a gains t
harmful in ter feren ce in a r esi denti al in stallati on. T his e quipment g ene rates, use s, an d can rad iat e rad io
frequenc y ene rgy. I f thi s equipmen t doe s cause h arm ful i nterf ere nce to radio o r tel evision re cep tion,
which can be d ete rmine d by tu rni ng the eq uip ment off a nd on, th e use r is encoura ged t o try and c orr ect
the interf ere nce by on e or mo re of t he foll owi ng measure s:
- Reorient o r rel ocate t he re cei ving an ten na.
- Increase t he di stanc e bet wee n the equ ipm ent and the re cei ver.
- Connect th e equ ipmen t to an o utl et on a cir cui t differ ent fro m tha t to which the r ece iver is conn ect ed.
- Consu lt th e dea ler or an e xpe rie nced ra dio /TV tech nicia n for h elp.
The t her mometer is gua ranteed for on e year from the da te of purch ase . If the ther mom ete r does not
fun cti on properly du e to defective c omp onents or poor w orkmanship, we wi ll repair or rep lace it fre e of
cha rge. All components are co vered by th is wa rranty exclu din g the battery. The w arranty does n ot cover
dam age s to your the rmo meter due to imp roper handli ng. To obtain warr ant y service, an or igi nal or copy
of th e sales rec eip t from the or igi nal retailer is req uired.
Dis posal o f this pr oduct a nd used b atter ies sho uld be ca rried o ut
in ac corda nce wit h the nat ional r egula tions f orthe d ispos al of
ele ctron ic prod ucts.
No. 365, Wuz hou Roa d, Yuha ng Ec onomic De velop ment Zo ne, Han gzhou c ity
, 3111 00 Zh ejia ng,Ch ina Tel: +86- 571-8 19577 67
Made in Chin a
Doc ument N o. JDMT-5 604-0 17
Art icle No .: 005
Versi on: Z
Dat e of Issu e: 2018 .06.0 9
Electromagnetic Compatibility Information
The device s ati sfies t he EM C req uirem ent s of the inter nat ional s tan dar d IEC 606 01- 1-2. The r equir eme nts
are satisf ied u nder th e con dit ions de scr ibed in the ta ble b elow. The d evi ce is an el ect rical medi cal p roduct
and is subje ct to s pecia l pre cau tiona ry me asures wit h reg ard to EM C whi ch mu st be pub lis hed in the
instruct ion s for use . Por tab le and mo bil e HF communi cat ions eq uip men t can affect the de vic e. Use of t he
unit in conj unc tion wi th no n-a pprov ed ac cessorie s can a ffe ct the devic e neg atively an d alt er the
electrom agn etic co mpa tib ility. Th e device sho uld n ot be use d dir ect ly adja cen t to or betwee n oth er
electric al eq uipme nt.
Tabl e 1
Guidance a nd de clara tio n of ma nufac tur er- ele ctrom agn eti c emiss ion s
The device i s int ended f or us e in th e elect rom agnetic en vir onment spe cif ied bel ow.
The custom er or t he user o f the d evi ce shou ld as sure that it i s use d in such a n env iro nment .
Complian ceEmission s tes t
RF emissio ns CI SPR 11
Harmonic e mis sions
IEC 61000- 3-2
Volta ge fl uctuatio ns/
flicker em iss ions
IEC 61000- 3-3
Group 1
Class BRF emissio ns CI SPR 11
Tabl e 2
Guidance a nd de clara tio n of ma nufac tur er- ele ctrom agn eti c immun ity
The device i s int ended f or us e in th e elect rom agnetic en vir onment spe cif ied bel ow.
The custom er or t he user o f the d evi ce shou ld as sure that it i s use d in such a n env iro nment .
Electros tat ic
discharge (ES D)
IEC 61000- 4-2
Electros tat ic
transien t/b urst
IEC 61000- 4-4
IEC 61000- 4-5
Volta ge di ps,
short inte rru ptions and volt age
variatio ns on p ower suppl y input lines
IEC 61000- 4-11
Power freq uen cy
(50/60 Hz)
magnetic f iel d
IEC 61000- 4-8
IEC 60601 te st le vel
± 8 kV
±2 kV,±4 kV,
±8 kV,
±15 kV air
± 2 kV fo r
power supp ly
± 1 kV fo r
input/ou tpu t
± 1 kV
differentia l
± 2 kV
< 5% UT (>95 % dip in UT )
for 0.5 cycl e
40% UT (60% dip in UT )
for 5 cycle
70% UT (30% dip in UT )
for 25 cycle
<5% UT (>95% dip in U T)
for 5 secret ary
30 A/m ; 50Hz
or 60Hz
Electrom agn etic en vir onm ent-g uid ance
The device u ses R F energy only for i ts in terna l fun cti on.
Therefor e, it s emiss ion s are v ery low a nd ar e not likely t o
cause any in ter feren ce in n ear by elec tro nic equipm ent .
The device i s sui table f or us e in al l estab lis hments,
includin g dom estic e sta bli shmen ts an d those dire ctl y
connecte d to th e publi c low -vo ltage p owe r supply
network th at su pplie s bui ldi ngs use d for d omestic
purposes .
Complian ce
± 8 kV
±2 kV,±4 kV,
±8 kV,
±15 kV air
30 A/m ; 50Hz
or 60Hz
Electrom agn etic en vir onm
entguida nce
Floors sho uld b e wood, c onc ret e or
ceramic ti le. I f floor s are c ove red wit h
syntheti c mat erial , the r ela tive hu mid ity
should be at l eas t 30 %.
Power freq uen cy magn eti c fie lds
should be at l eve ls char act ert ic of a
typical lo cat ion in a ty pic al co mmercial or hos pit al envi ron men t.
Tabl e 3
Guidance a nd de clara tio n of ma nufac tur er- ele ctrom agn eti c immun ity
The device i s int ended f or us e in th e elect rom agnetic en vir onment spe cif ied bel ow.
The custom er or t he user o f the d evi ce shou ld as sure that it i s use d in such a n env iro nment .
Condu cted
61000 -4-6
Radia ted RF
IEC 610 004-3
RF Wirel ess
Commu nicatio n
Equip ment
IEC 610 004-3
IEC 60601
test level
3 Vrms 1 50
kHz to 80
10 V/ m 80
MHz to 2. 7
380MH z, 27 V
450MH z, 28 V
710MH z,7 45
MHZ,780M Hz
810MH z,8 70
MHZ,930M Hz
1720MHz, 184 5
MHZ,1970 MHz
2450MHz, 2 8V
5240MHz, 550 0
MHZ,5785 MHz
Complian ce
10 V/ m
380MH z, 27 V
450MH z, 28 V
710MH z,7 45
MHZ,780M Hz
810MH z,8 70
MHZ,930M Hz
1720MHz, 184 5
MHZ,1970 MHz
2450MHz, 2 8V
5240MHz, 550 0
MHZ,5785 MHz
Electrom agn etic en vir onm entgu ida nce
Portable a nd mo bile RF c omm uni catio ns eq uipment
should be us ed no c loser t o any p art o f the dev ice ,
includin g cab les, th an th e rec ommen ded s eparatio n
distance c alc ulate d fro m the e quati on ap plicable t o
the freque ncy o f the tra nsm itt er.
Recommen ded s epera tio n dis tance
80 MHz to 8 00 MH z
800 MHz t o 2.7 G hz
where P is t he ma ximum o utp ut po wer rat ing o f the
transmit ter i n watts ( W) ac cor ding to t he tr ansmitter manu fac turer a nd d is t he re comme nde d
separati on di stanc e in me tre s (m).
Field stre ngt hs from f ixe d RF tr ansmi tte rs, as
determin ed by a n elect rom agn etic si te su rvey, a
should be le ss th an the co mpl ian ce leve l in ea ch
frequenc y ran ge.
Interfer enc e may occ ur in t he vi cinit y of eq uipment
marked wit h the f ollow ing s ymb ol:
Tabl e 4
Recommen ded s epara tio n dis tance s bet ween porta ble a nd mobi le RF c omm unica tio ns eq uipme nt an d
the device
The device i s int ended f or us e in an e lectr oma gnetic env iro nment in whi ch ra diate d the ref ore
disturba nce s are con tro lle d. Th e custo mer o r the u ser of th e dev ice can help p rev ent electr oma gneti c
interfer enc e by main tai nin g a minim um di stance bet wee n portable a nd mo bile RF c omm uni catio ns
equipmen t (tr ansmi tte rs) a nd the de vic e as recomme nde d below, accordi ng to t he maxi mum o utp ut
power of the c omm unica tio ns eq uipme nt.
Rated maxi mum o utput p owe r
of transmi tte r
For transm itt ers rat ed at a m axi mum out put p ower not lis ted a bove, t he re com mende d sep ara tion
distance d i n met res (m) c an be e sti mated u sin g the equati on ap plicable t o the f reque ncy o f the
transmit ter, where P is th e maxim um ou tpu t power r ati ng of the tran smi tter in watt s (W) a ccord ing t o
the transm itt er manu fac tur er.
NOTE1 At 80 MHz a nd 80 0 MHz, the sep ara tion di sta nce f or the hi ger f requency r ang e applies.
NOTE2 These gui del ines may not a ppl y in all si tua tio ns. Ele ctr omagneti c pro pagation i s aff ect ed by
absorpti on an d refle cti on fr om stru ctu res, objec ts an d peopl e.
Separati on di stanc e acc ord ing to fr equ ency of tran smi tter
80 MHz to 800 MH z
800 MHz to GHz