JOYTECH DMT-4735b Owner's Manual

* The performance of the device may be degraded should one or more of the following occur:
- Operation outside the manufacturer s s tatedte mperature a nd h umidityr ange.
- Storage outside the manufacturer s s tatedte mperature a nd h umidityr ange.
- Mechanical shock (for example, drop test) or degraded sensor..
- Patient temperature is below ambient temperature. * Portable and mobile RF communications can affect the device. The device needs special pre-cautions regarding EMC according to the EMC information provided in the accompany documents.
1 Therm omete r, 1 Owne r s Ma nual, 1 S torag e Case
Mode l:DMT-4 735b
Figu re 1
Warn ing :
Read i nstru ction s thoro ughly b efore u sing di gital t hermo meter. Chok ing Haz ard: The rmome ter cap a nd batt ery may b e fatal i f swall owed. D o not all ow chil dren to use t his dev ice wit hout pa renta l super visio n. Do not u se ther momet er in ear. D esign ed use is f or oral , recta l, and ar mpit (a xilla ) readi ngs onl y. Do not p lace th ermom eter ba ttery n ear ext reme he at as it ma y explo de. Note : Use of th e probe c over ma y resul t in a 0.01( 0.02) di screp ancy fr om actu al temp eratu re. Remo ve batt ery fro m the dev ice whe n not in op erati on for a lo ng time . The us e of temp eratu re read ings fo r self- diagn osis is d anger ous. Co nsult y our doc tor for t he inte rpret ation o f resul ts. Sel f-dia gnosi s may lea d to the wo rseni ng of exi sting d iseas e condi tions .
Do not a ttemp t measu remen ts when t he ther momet er is wet a s inacc urate r eadin gs may re sult. Do not b ite the t hermo meter. D oing so m ay lead t o break age and /or inj ury.
Do not a ttemp t to disa ssemb le or rep air the t hermo meter. D oing so m ay resu lt in ina ccura te read ings. Afte r each us e, disi nfect t he ther momet er espe ciall y in case t he devi ce is use d by more t han one p erson . Do not f orce th e therm omete r into th e rectu m. Stop i nsert ion and a bort th e measu remen t when pa in is pres ent. Fa ilure t o do so may l ead to in jury. Do not u se ther momet er oral ly afte r being u sed rec tally.
For ch ildre n who are t wo year s old or yo unger, p lease d o not use t he devi ces ora lly. If the u nit has b een sto red at te mpera tures o ver 5℃~4 0(41℉~1 04℉), le ave it in 5℃ ~40 (41℉ ~104℉) am bient t emper ature f or abou t 15 minu tes bef ore usi ng it.
±0.05℃(±0 .1℉) duri ng 35.5 0℃~42.0 0℃(95.9 0℉~107. 60℉) ±0.1℃(±0. 2℉) durin g T<35.5 0℃(95. 90℉)
or T>42 .00(10 7.60)
One 3.0V DC button ba ttery type CR203 2
Tempera ture rea dings ar e availab le in Cels ius or Fahr enheit (locat ed in the up per right c orner of L CD.).
With the d evice off , press and h old the On /Off Butt on for appr ox. 3 seco nds to chan ge the uni t and when th e
therm ometer c onnect ed with the AP P ,it will syn chroni ze the curr ent unit . The LCD dis play wil l briefly s hows
full se gments a t current u nit mode wi th beep st one. Then t he displ ay shows an other un itmode a fter chan ge.
Follo wed by las t stored te mperat ure , the the rmomet er is now in th e testin g mode.
Prob lem
Solu tion
Erro r messa ge
The sy stem is n ot func tioni ng prop erly.
Unlo ad the ba ttery, wa it for 1 mi nute an d repow er it. If t he mess age rea ppear s, cont act the r etail er for se rvice .
Temper ature t aken is lowe r than 32 .00°C (89.6 0°F)
Turn of f, wait o ne minu te and ta ke a new te mpera ture via cl ose con tact an d suffic ient re st.
Temper ature t aken is h igher than 4 3.99° C(111.1 8°F)
Dead b atter y: Batt ery ico n is flas hing, c an’t be me asura ble.
Sugg est to re place t he batt ery.
Turn of f, wait o ne minu te and ta ke a new te mpera ture via cl ose con tact an d suffic ient re st.
The the rmomet er is guar anteed f or one yea r from the d ate of purc hase. If t he therm ometer d oes not funct ion prop erly due t o defect ive comp onents o r poor wor kmansh ip, we wil l repair o r replac e it free of charg e. All compo nents ar e covere d by this wa rranty e xcludi ng the bat tery. The wa rranty d oes not co ver damag es to your t hermom eter due t o improp er handl ing. To obta in warra nty serv ice, an or iginal o r copy
of the sa les rece ipt from t he origi nal reta iler is re quired .
Dispo sal of th is prod uct and u sed bat terie s shoul d be carr ied out in acco rdanc e with th e natio nal reg ulati ons for the dis posal o f elect ronic p roduc ts.
Docum ent No. J DMT-560 4-017 Artic le No.: 0 05 Version : Z Date of I ssue: 2 018.0 6.09
Meas ure Ran ge:
Ambi ent ope ratin g range :
Stor age and t ransp ortat ion cond ition :
Liquid crys tal display, 4 1/2 digits For storing th e last measured val ue
Eight month wi th 3 measurement s per day
13.4cm×3.1 cm×1.6cm (L x W x H) Approx. 26 gra ms including bat tery
Temperature : ( )5℃~4041℉~104 Relative hu midity: 15%~9 5%RH Atmosphe ric Pressure : 700h Pa ~ 1060hPa
Temperature : ( )-20~55-4℉~131 Relative hu midity: 15%~9 5%RH Atmosphe ric Pressure : 700h Pa ~ 1060hPa
Clas sific ation :
Digi tal Ther momet er (Not P redic tive)
Type BF
Dire ct Mode
Ingr ess Pro tecti on Rati ng:
IP 27
Accu racy:
Oper ating m ode: Disp lay: Memo ry: Batt ery:
Batt ery lif e:
Dime nsion : Weight :
Expe cted se rvice l ife: Thr ee year s
32.00℃-43 .99(89.60-111.1 8)( / chosen by manufacture r)
390. 1 7
This p roduc t has two p arts fu nctio ns : the fi rst fun ction c an be use d as a basi c therm omete r for mon itori ng ovul ation c ycles a nd othe r physi ologi cal inf ormat ion, th is func tion sh ould be u sed by wo men to me asure basa l body te mpera ture. t he seco nd func tion ca n be used a s a norma l therm omete r ,used t o measu re and re cord body t emper ature d ata, th is func tion su itabl e for mos t peopl e to use .
1.Pl ease do wnloa d and ins tall APP be fore us ing thi s produ ct. The n regis ter new a ccoun t use you r email ac count and se lect yo ur purp ose, ov ulati on moni torin g or norm al ther momet er.
2.Tur n on the ph one blu etoot h throu gh APP and pr ess the o n/off b utton n ext to LC D displ ay to tur n on the de vice. The dis play wi ll brie fly sho ws full s egmen t at curr ent uni t mode wi th beep t one. Fo llowe d by last s tored temp eratu re , and sh ows 37. 00or 98. 60℉.Th en sele ct the de vice ID b y the APP and b ind it. W hile it conn ected s ucces sful , APP wi ll be syn chron ized wi th the th ermom eter.
*Not e: ①. If the m easur ed temp eratu re is les s than 32 .00℃ or 8 9.60℉, t he LCD wi ll disp lay “Lo ” below the gr aduat ion lin es with out sca le bar, if t he meas ured te mpera ture is h igher t han 43. 99℃ or 111.1 8℉, the LCD w ill dis play al l scale b ars wit h “Hi” ab ove. ②.Wh en the LC D displ ay “--- -” , it mea ns that t he ther momet er is wai ting fo r Bluet ooth co nnect ion, yo u
only h ave 30 se conds t o conne ct your t hermo meter , o therw ise it wi ll skip t he Blue tooth c onnec tion in to
the no rmal te mpera ture me asure ment. O r you can p ress th e on/off b utton t o skip th e waiti ng for Bl uetoo th
conn ectio n into th e norma l tempe ratur e immed iatel y.
PART1: Fo r norma l therm omete r , posit ion the rmome ter in de sired l ocati on (mou th, rec tum, or a rmpit .) a) Ora l Use: Pl ace the rmome ter und er tong ue as ind icate d by“√ ”
posi tion sh own in Fi gure 2. C lose yo ur mout h and bre athe ev enly
thro ugh the n ose to pr event t he meas ureme nt from b eing in fluen ced by inh aled/ exhal ed air. No rmal te mpera ture be tween 3 5.70 an d 37.30
(96. 26 and 99 .14)
b) Rec tal Use : Lubri cate si lver pr obe tip w ith pet roleu m jelly f or easy i nsert ion. Ge ntly in sert sens or appr oxima tely 1c m (less t han 1/2 " ) into re ctum. N ormal t emper ature b etwee n 36.20 and 37 .70 (97 .16 and 9 9.86).
c) Arm pit Use : Wipe arm pit dry. Pl ace pro be in arm pit and k eep arm p resse d firml y at side .
From a m edica l viewp oint, t his met hod wil l alway s provi de inac curat e readi ngs, an d shoul d not be use d if prec ise mea surem ents ar e requi red. No rmal te mpera ture be tween 3 5.20 an d 36.70
(95. 36 and 98 .06).
PART2: Fo r basal b ody tem perat ure ,wh ile wak e up in the m ornin g ,open t he APP and me asure ment me thod
refe rence t o above O ral Use
WARM TIPS . When th e peak te mpera ture ha s been re ached , the or wi ll stop f lashi ng and th e therm omete r will so und a ser ies of be eps.
The min imum me asure ment ti me unti l the sig nalin g tone (b eep) mu st be mai ntain ed with out exc eptio n. The mea surem ent
conti nues ev en afte r the buz zer not ifica tion. S o that in o rder to a chiev e bette r body te mpera ture me asure ment re sult,
recom mend to k eep the p robe in m outh an d rectu m about 2 m inute s, or in ar mpit ab out 5 min utes re gardl ess of th e beep so und
and at le ast 30 se conds m easur ement i nterv al shou ld be mai ntain ed. . To prolon g batte ry life , press t he On/O ff But ton to tu rn unit o ff after t estin g is comp lete. I f no acti on is tak en, the u nit wil l
autom atica lly shu t off aft er arou nd10 mi nutes .
On/ Off B utton
Pro be
Figu re 1
1. Rep lace ba ttery w hen app ears in t he lowe r right c orner o f LCD dis play.
2. Put a t hin boa rd such a s a coin on f illis ter of co ver. Turn t he batt ery ant i-clo ckwis e until t he cover i s off (See F igure 3 ).
3. Use a n on-me teal in strum ent suc h as a pen to r emove o ld batt ery fro m the bat tery ho lder (S ee Figu re 4). Disc ard bat tery ac cordi ng to loc al law.
4. Pla ce a new into t he cham ber wit h posit ive sid e facin g up.(S ee Figu re 5).
5. With a t hin pin t o turn th e cover c lockw ise unt il the fa cing to wards ( See Fig ure 6).
3.0V DC C R2032
Figu re 4
Figu re 3
Figu re 5
Figu re 6
Figu re 2
JOYTE CH HEALTH CARE CO .LTD. No.36 5, Wuzho u Road, Yuha ng Econ omic De velop ment Zo ne, Han gzhou c ity
, 311100 Z hejia ng,Ch ina Tel:+ 86-57 1-819 57767
Wipe th e therm omete r with a so ft clea n cloth .For st ubbor n stain s, wipe t he ther momet er with a clot h that ha s been da mpene d with wa ter or a ne utral d eterg ent sol ution a nd then w ring thor oughl y. Finis h by wipi ng with a s oft dry c loth. For dis infec tion, 7 5% Etha nol or Is oprop yl alco hol can b e used. Obser ve the fo llowi ng to pre vent da mage to t he ther momet er.
-Do no t use ben zene, t hinne r, gasol ine or ot her str ong sol vents t o clean t he ther momet er.
-Do no t attem pt to dis infec t the sen sing se ction ( tip) of t he ther momet er by imm ersin g in alco hol or in h ot wate r (wate r over 50 ℃ (122) ).
-Do no t use ult rason ic wash ing to cl ean the t hermo meter.
The th ermom eter is i nitia lly cal ibrat ed at the t ime of ma nufac ture. I f the the rmome ter is us ed acco rding t o the us e instr uctio n, peri odic re adjus tment i s not req uired . Howev er, we rec ommen d check ing cal ibrat ion ever y two yea rs or whe never c linic al accu racy of t he ther momet er is in qu estio n. Turn on t he ther momet er and in sert in to the wa ter bat h and the n check t he labo rator y accur acy of th ermom eter. Pl ease se nd the comp lete de vice to t he deal ers or ma nufac turer. The ab ove rec ommen datio ns do not s upers ede the l egal re quire ments . The user m ust alw ays com ply wit h lega l requi remen ts for th e contr ol of the m easur ement , funct ional ity, and ac curac y of the de vice wh ich are re quire d by the sc ope of re levan t laws, d irect ives or o rdina nces wh ere the d evice i s used.
Direct Current
Type BF Applied Part
Batch Code
Manu factu rer
Consult Accompanying Documents
Stor age and Tr anspo rtati on Temper ature L imit: - 20~55 (-4℉ ~131℉)
The first num.2:Protercted against access to hazardous parts with a finger,and the jointed test finger of 12mm φ,80 , 80 mm length, shall have adequate clearance from hazardous parts . And protected against solid foreign objects of 12,5 mm Ф and greater. The second number 7: Protected against water and the test is made by completely immersing the enclosure in water between 0.15m and 1m for about 30 minutes. The water temperature does not differ from that of the equipment by more than 5 K.
IP 27
This d igita l therm omete r provi des a qui ck and hi ghly ac curat e readi ng of an in divid ual's b ody temp eratu re. The di gital t hermo meter i s inten ded to me asure t he huma n body’s t emper ature i n regu lar mod e orall y, rectal ly or und er the ar m, and th e devic e is reus able fo r clini cal or ho me use on p eople o f all age s. To bette r under stand i ts func tions a nd to pro vide ye ars of de penda ble resu lts, pl ease re ad all in struc tions f irst. This a pplia nce con forms t o the fol lowin g stand ards: ASTM E 1112 Stan dard Sp ecifi catio n for Ele ctron ic Ther momet er for In termi ttent D eterm inati on of Pati ent Tempe ratur e, ISO 80 601-2 -56 Med ical el ectri cal equ ipmen t —Part 2 -56:P artic ular re quire ments f or basi c safet y and es senti al perf orman ce of cli nical t hermo meter s for bod y tempe ratur e measu remen t, IEC 60 601-1 -11 Medi cal ele ctric al equi pment — Part 1- 11: Gene ral req uirem ents fo r basic s afety a nd esse ntial p erfor mance – Colla teral S tanda rd: Req uirem ents fo r medic al elec trica l equip ment an d medi cal ele ctric al syst ems use d in the ho me heal thcar e envir onmen t and com plies w ith the requ ireme nts of IE C 60601 -1-2( EMC), AA MI/AN SI ES60 601-1 (Safe ty) sta ndard s. And the manu factu rer is IS O 13485 c ertif ied.
Caut ion: Ch anges o r modif icati ons to th is unit n ot expr essly a pprov ed by the p arty re spons ible fo r compl iance coul d void th e user au thori ty to ope rate th e equip ment. Th is devi ce com plies w ith P art 1 5 o f the F CC
Rul es. Op erati on is s ubje ct to t he fo llowi ng two c ond ition s: (1 ) thi s devi ce may n ot c ause h arm ful in terfe rence , and (2 ) thi s devi ce mus t acce pt any i nte rfere nce re ceive d, inc ludin g inte rfere nce th at may c aus e
und esire d oper ation . *Not e: This e quipm ent has b een tes ted and f ound to c omply w ith the l imits f or a Clas s B digit al devi ce, purs uant to P art 15 of t he FCC Ru les. The se limi ts are de signe d to prov ide rea sonab le prot ectio n again st harm ful int erfer ence in a r eside ntial i nstal latio n. This eq uipme nt gene rates , uses, a nd can ra diate r adio freq uency e nergy. If t his equ ipmen t does ca use har mful in terfe rence t o radio o r telev ision r ecept ion, whic h can be de termi ned by tu rning t he equi pment o ff and on, t he user i s encou raged t o try and c orrec t the in terfe rence b y one or mo re of the f ollow ing mea sures :
- Reor ient or r eloca te the re ceivi ng ante nna.
- Incr ease th e dista nce bet ween th e equip ment an d the rec eiver.
- Conn ect the e quipm ent to an o utlet o n a circu it diffe rent fr om that t o which t he rece iver is c onnec ted.
- Cons ult the d ealer o r an expe rienc ed radi o/TV tec hnici an for he lp.
Made i n China
Electromagnetic Compatib il it y In fo rm at io n
The de vice sa tisfi es the EM C requi remen ts of the i ntern ation al stan dard IE C 60601 -1-2. Th e requi remen ts are sa tisfi ed unde r the con ditio ns desc ribed i n the tab le belo w. The devi ce is an el ectri cal med ical pr oduct and is s ubjec t to spec ial pre cauti onary m easur es with r egard t o EMC whi ch must b e publi shed in t he inst ructi ons for u se. Por table a nd mobi le HF com munic ation s equip ment ca n affect t he devi ce. Use o f the unit i n conju nctio n with no n-app roved a ccess ories c an affec t the dev ice neg ative ly and al ter the elec troma gneti c compa tibil ity. The de vice sh ould no t be used d irect ly adja cent to o r betwe en othe r elec trica l equip ment.
Table 1
Table 2
Guid ance an d decla ratio n of manu factu rer-el ectro magne tic imm unity
The de vice is i ntend ed for us e in the el ectro magne tic env ironm ent spe cifie d below. The cu stome r or the us er of the d evice s hould a ssure t hat it is u sed in su ch an env ironm ent.
Elec troma gneti c envir onmen tguid ance
Comp lianc e leve l
IEC 60 601 test l evel
10 V/m
3 Vrms 15 0 kHz to 8 0 Mhz
10 V/m 8 0 MHz to 2 .7 Ghz
Cond ucted RF IEC 6100 0-4-6
Radi ated RF IEC 61 000­4-3
Table 3
Port able an d mobil e RF comm unica tions e quipm ent shou ld be use d no clos er to any p art of th e devic e, incl uding c ables , than th e recom mende d separ ation dist ance ca lcula ted fro m the equ ation a pplic able to the fr equen cy of the t ransm itter.
Reco mmend ed sepe ratio n dista nce
80 MHz t o 800 MHz
800 MH z to 2.7 Gh z
wher e P is the max imum ou tput po wer rat ing of th e tran smitt er in wat ts (W) ac cordi ng to the t ransm ­itte r manuf actur er and d is t he reco mmend ed sepa ratio n dista nce in me tres (m ).
Fiel d stren gths fr om fixe d RF tran smitt ers, as dete rmine d by an ele ctrom agnet ic site s urvey, a shou ld be les s than th e compl iance l evel in e ach freq uency r ange.
Inte rfere nce may o ccur in t he vici nity of e quipm ent mark ed with t he foll owing s ymbol :
Reco mmend ed sepa ratio n dista nces be tween p ortab le and mo bile RF c ommun icati ons equ ipmen t and the de vice
The de vice is i ntend ed for us e in an ele ctrom agnet ic envi ronme nt in whi ch radi ated th erefo re dist urban ces are c ontro lled. Th e custo mer or th e user of t he devi ce can he lp prev ent ele ctrom agnet ic inte rfere nce by ma intai ning a mi nimum d istan ce betw een por table a nd mobi le RF com munic ation s equi pment ( trans mitte rs) and t he devi ce as rec ommen ded bel ow, accor ding to t he maxi mum out put powe r of the co mmuni catio ns equi pment .
Rate d maxim um outp ut powe r of tra nsmit ter
Table 4
800 MH z to GHz
Guid ance an d decla ratio n of manu factu rer-el ectro magne tic emi ssion s
The de vice is i ntend ed for us e in the el ectro magne tic env ironm ent spe cifie d below. The cu stome r or the us er of the d evice s hould a ssure t hat it is u sed in su ch an env ironm ent.
Elec troma gneti c envir onmen t-gui dance
Comp lianc eEmis sions t est
The de vice us es RF ene rgy only f or its in terna l funct ion. Ther efore , its emi ssion s are ver y low and a re not li kely to caus e any int erfer ence in n earby e lectr onic eq uipme nt.
Grou p 1
RF emi ssion s CISPR 11
The de vice is s uitab le for us e in all es tabli shmen ts,
incl uding d omest ic esta blish ments a nd thos e direc tly conn ected t o the pub lic low -volt age pow er supp ly netw ork tha t suppl ies bui lding s used fo r domes tic purp oses.
Clas s BRF emi ssion s CISPR 11
Harm onic em issio ns IEC 61 000-3 -2
Voltage f luctu ation s/ flic ker emi ssion s IEC 61 000-3 -3
Sepa ratio n dista nce acc ordin g to freq uency o f trans mitte r
80 MHz t o 800 MHz
For tr ansmi tters r ated at a m aximu m outpu t power n ot list ed abov e, the re comme nded se parat ion dist ance d in m etres ( m) can be e stima ted usi ng the eq uatio n appli cable t o the fre quenc y of the tran smitt er, wher e P is the max imum ou tput po wer rat ing of th e trans mitte r in watt s (W) acc ordin g to the tr ansmi tter ma nufac turer.
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz an d 800 MHz , the sep arati on dist ance fo r the hig er freq uency r ange ap plies .
NOTE 2 These gu ideli nes may n ot appl y in all si tuati ons. El ectro magne tic pro pagat ion is af fecte d by abso rptio n and ref lecti on from s truct ures, o bject s and peo ple.
Guid ance an d decla ratio n of manu factu rer-el ectro magne tic imm unity
The de vice is i ntend ed for us e in the el ectro magne tic env ironm ent spe cifie d below. The cu stome r or the us er of the d evice s hould a ssure t hat it is u sed in su ch an env ironm ent.
Floo rs shou ld be woo d, conc rete or cera mic til e. If flo ors are c overe d with synt hetic m ateri al, the r elati ve humi dity shou ld be at le ast 30 %.
Elec troma gneti c envir onm entg uidan ce
Comp lianc e leve l
IEC 60 601 tes t level
± 8 kV cont act
±2 kV,±4 kV, ±8 kV, ±15 kV air
Elec trost atic disc harge (E SD) IEC 61 000-4 -2
Elec trost atic tran sient /burs t IEC 61 000-4 -4
± 2 kV for powe r suppl y line s ± 1 kV for inpu t/out put line s
Surge IEC 61 000-4 -5
± 1 kV diffe renti al mode ± 2 kV comm on mode
Voltage d ips, shor t inter rupti ­ons an d volta ge vari ation s on p­ower s upply i n­put li nes
IEC 61 000-4 -11
< 5% UT (>9 5% dip in U T) for 0. 5 cycle
40% UT (6 0% dip in U T) for 5 cy cle
70% UT (3 0% dip in U T) for 25 c ycle
<5% UT (> 95% dip i n UT) for 5 se creta ry
Powe r frequ ency (50/ 60 Hz) magn etic fi eld
IEC 61 000-4 -8
Powe r frequ ency ma gneti c field s shou ld be at le vels ch aract ertic o f a typi cal loc ation i n a typic al comm e­rcia l or hosp ital en viron ment.
25 4mm
± 8 kV cont act
±2 kV,±4 kV, ±8 kV, ±15 kV air
30 A/m; 5 0Hz or 60H z
30 A/m; 5 0Hz or 60H z
380M Hz, 27V /m
450M Hz, 28V /m
710M Hz,74 5 MHZ, 780MH z 9V/m
810M Hz,87 0 MHZ, 930MH z 28V/ m
1720 MHz,1 845 MHZ, 1970M Hz 28V/ m
2450 MHz, 28 V /m
5240 MHz,5 500 MHZ, 5785M Hz 9V/m
380M Hz, 27V /m
450M Hz, 28V /m
710M Hz,74 5 MHZ, 780MH z 9V/m
810M Hz,87 0 MHZ, 930MH z 28V/ m
1720 MHz,1 845 MHZ, 1970M Hz 28V/ m
2450 MHz, 28 V /m
5240 MHz,5 500 MHZ, 5785M Hz 9V/m
RF Wire less Comm unica tion Equi pment IEC 61 000­4-3