Joy-it RB-Explorer700 User guide

RPi - Explorer700
Ausgabe 07.12.2016 Copyright by Joy-IT 1
1. Connecons
2. Introducon
3. Connecng the expansion board and the RPI
4. LED sample programs - Changing the LED status
5. Key sample programs
6. PCF8574 sample programs - I/O expansion demos
7. BMP180 sample programs - Barometer Demos
8. DS3231 sample programs - High precision RTC Demos
9. DS18B20 sample programs - Temperature sensor Demos
10. IRM sample programs - Infrared reecve sensor
11. UART sample programs - Transming the serial data received
12. OLED sample programs
13. Libraries Installaon for RPi
13.1 Install WiringPi Library
13.2 Install C Library bcm2835
13.3 Install Python Library
13.4 Conguring the interfaces
14. Code example download
15. Support
RPi - Explorer 700
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1. Connections
RPi - Explorer700
1. Raspberry Pi GPIO interface: to connect with Raspberry Pi
2. USB to UART: control the Pi with serial terminal
3. AD/DA IO interface: screw terminal
4. 1-WIRE interface: to connect 1-WIRE devices like DS18B20
5. Sensor interface: to connect various sensors
6. 0.96 inch OLED: SSD1306 driver, 128x64 resoluon, SPI interface
7. Buzzer
8. CP2102: USB to UART converter
9. PCF8591: 8 bit AD/DA converter I2C interface
10. BMP180: pressure sensor, I2C interface
11. PCF8574: I/O expension chip, I2C interface
12. DS3231: Real-Time-Clock chip, I2C interface
13. Power indicator
14. User LED
15. Joysck
16. LFN0038K IR receiver
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RPi - Explorer700
2. Introducon
Raspberry Pi Expansion Board, Miscellaneous Components, All-in-One
3. Connecng the expansion board and the RPI
The Explorer700 expansion board supports the Raspberry Pi A+ / B+ / 2 / 3 Model B. Before running the sample programs, please make sure the Explorer700 is connected to the RPi and the RPi is powered up by the USB power supply. Without the RPi main board, the sample programs cannot be used on the expansion board.
Connected to Raspberry Pi Model A+:
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Connected to Raspberry Pi B+/2/
3 Model B
RPi - Explorer700
4. LED sample programs - Changing the LED status
bcm2835 program:
Open the Linux terminal and enter to the corresponding path and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/bcm2835 $ make
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/bcm2835 $ sudo ./led
Expected result: The LED1 is blinking. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
wiringPi program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/wiringPi $
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/wiringPi $ sudo ./led
Expected result: The LED1 is blinking. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/wiringPi $
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/wiringPi $ sudo ./pwm
Expected result: The brightness of the LED1 is changing gradually. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
Ausgabe 07.12.2016 Copyright by Joy-IT 5
sysfs program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/fs $ make
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/fs $ sudo ./led
Expected result: The LED1 blinks 10 mes and then the program will automacally quit.
Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
python program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/python $ sudo python
Expected result: The LED1 is blinking. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/LED/python $ sudo python
Expected result: The brightness of the LED1 is changing gradually. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
RPi - Explorer700
Ausgabe 07.12.2016 Copyright by Joy-IT 6
RPi - Explorer700
5. Key sample programs
bcm2835 program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/KEY/bcm2835 $ make
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/KEY/bcm2835 $ sudo ./key
Expected result:
Press the center key of the joysck, and the terminal will display the following informaon:
Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
wiringPi program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for compiling the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/KEY/wiringPi $
The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/KEY/wiringPi $ sudo ./key
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Expected result:
Press the center key of the joysck, and the terminal will display the following informaon:
Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
python program:
Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands: The command for execung the program:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Explorer700/KEY/python $ sudo ./
Expected result:
Press the center key of the joysck, and the terminal will display the following informaon:
Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.
RPi - Explorer700
Ausgabe 07.12.2016 Copyright by Joy-IT 8
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