Pascalstr. 8 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
Note: In this document the program PuTTY is used to control the Rasp-
berry Pi via the serial communication if nothing else is indicated. If
a serial port for the Raspberry Pi terminal uses debug, this can not
be used as a normal serial port anymore because the system is oc cupied by the debug function.
Important: Should you use a new Raspbian and not one of our
prefabricated images, you should start with point 5.
Prior to the application of the Explorer 500 program, you should install the
libraries of bcm2835, wiringPi and python on the Raspberry Pi that you can
add further APIs. Additionally, you should adjust the settings to start the
core driver of I2C, SPI and UART automatically aer the installation of the
Note: Every example should be in the according folder, for example
if you want to use the LED-example in python, you enter the
following command:
cd Desktop/EXP500/LED/python/
sudo python led.py
This changes the folder:
cd Desktop/EXP500/LED/python
The sudo means that the command is run by the super user.
sudo python led.py
The sudo is not required if you are declared as the root user, The python led.py
runs the file led.py with python.
The C-programms of bcm2835, wiringPi, sysfs and so on must be compiled in
advance. In our examples it already is compiled. If you want to change something at the source code, you must remove the old file with...
make clean
To compile it again, run this command: