JOY-IT POSTEP60-256 User guide

Version: 25/6/2016
User manual
PoStep60 user manual
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1. All information included in this document is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however,
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2. PoLabs does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of
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3. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the
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5. PoLabs devices may be used in equipment that does not impose a threat to human life in case of the malfunctioning,
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8. You should use the PoLabs products described in this document within the range specified by PoLabs, especially with
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10. Usage: the software in this release is for use only with PoLabs products or with data collected using PoLabs products.
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17. Trademarks: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PoKeys, PoKeys55, PoKeys56U, PoKeys56E,
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PoStep60 user manual
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General symbols for this instructions ...................................................................................... 6
2 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3 PoStep60 features ........................................................................................................................... 6
4 Connection diagram ........................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Board use requirements .......................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Connection and setting ........................................................................................................... 7
4.3 PoStep pinout .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Stepper motor connection ...................................................................................................... 8
4.4.1 10 pin IDC connector pinout............................................................................................ 8
4.4.2 Stepper motor connections ............................................................................................. 9
4.5 DC motor connection ............................................................................................................ 11
4.5.1 6 pin PWM connector pinout ........................................................................................ 11
4.5.2 DC motor connection .................................................................................................... 11
4.6 PoStep LEDs ........................................................................................................................... 12
4.6.1 Status LED ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.7 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 12
5 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 13
6 Technical specifications ................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Electrical specification – limiting values ................................................................................ 13
6.2 Electrical specification – static characteristic ........................................................................ 13
7 User application............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 PoStep60 main application GUI ............................................................................................. 14
7.1.1 PoStep driver status ...................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Basic user control of the PoStep driver ................................................................................. 16
7.3 Advanced settings ................................................................................................................. 18
7.4 Step control ........................................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Auto control ........................................................................................................................... 19
7.5.1 Position control mode ................................................................................................... 19
7.5.2 BINx Up/down mode ..................................................................................................... 21
7.5.3 Speed / Auto run mode ................................................................................................. 21
7.6 DC motor control ................................................................................................................... 22
7.7 Log charts .............................................................................................................................. 23
7.8 Firmware update ................................................................................................................... 24
7.9 Major changes in application version 0.61 ............................................................................ 24
7.9.1 Major changes from 0.57 to 0.58: ................................................................................. 24
7.9.2 Major changes from 0.53 to 0.57: ................................................................................. 24
8 PoStep60 I2C protocol specification ............................................................................................. 25
PoStep60 user manual
8.1 I2C address ............................................................................................................................ 25
8.2 PoStep60 I2C protocol ........................................................................................................... 25
8.2.1 Master write .................................................................................................................. 25
8.2.2 Master read ................................................................................................................... 26
8.3 PoStep60 I2C commands ....................................................................................................... 26
8.3.1 0x01 - Loopback read .................................................................................................... 26
8.3.2 0x03 – Set Run/Sleep mode .......................................................................................... 26
8.3.3 0x0A – Read HW/FW info .............................................................................................. 27
8.3.4 0x10 – Read voltage ...................................................................................................... 27
8.3.5 0x11 – Read temperature .............................................................................................. 27
8.3.6 0x12 – Read pin statuses ............................................................................................... 27
8.3.7 0x13 – Read driver status .............................................................................................. 27
8.3.8 0x14 – Read driver mode .............................................................................................. 28
8.3.9 0x20 – Read full scale current ....................................................................................... 28
8.3.10 0x21 – Read idle current ................................................................................................ 28
8.3.11 0x22 – Read overheat current ....................................................................................... 28
8.3.12 0x23 – Read step mode ................................................................................................. 28
8.3.13 0x24 – Read temperature limit ..................................................................................... 29
8.3.14 0x25 – Read faults ......................................................................................................... 29
8.3.15 0x30 – Set full scale current .......................................................................................... 29
8.3.16 0x31 – Set idle current ................................................................................................... 29
8.3.17 0x32 – Set overheat current .......................................................................................... 30
8.3.18 0x33 – Set step mode .................................................................................................... 30
8.3.19 0x34 – Set temperature limit ........................................................................................ 30
8.3.20 0x35 – Reset faults ........................................................................................................ 30
8.3.21 0x3F – Write settings to EEPROM ................................................................................. 30
8.3.22 0x40 – Read position ..................................................................................................... 30
8.3.23 0x41 – Read maximal speed .......................................................................................... 30
8.3.24 0x42 – Read acceleration .............................................................................................. 30
8.3.25 0x43 – Read deceleration .............................................................................................. 31
8.3.26 0x50 – Set position ........................................................................................................ 31
8.3.27 0x51 – Set maximal speed ............................................................................................. 31
8.3.28 0x52 – Set acceleration ................................................................................................. 31
8.3.29 0x53 – Set deceleration ................................................................................................. 31
8.3.30 0x5E – Set zero .............................................................................................................. 32
8.3.31 0x5F – Stop .................................................................................................................... 32
9 Errata information ......................................................................................................................... 33
10 User manual changes ................................................................................................................ 33
11 Grant of license ......................................................................................................................... 34
11.1.1 Access ............................................................................................................................ 34
11.1.2 Usage ............................................................................................................................. 34
11.1.3 Copyright ....................................................................................................................... 34
PoStep60 user manual
11.1.4 Liability .......................................................................................................................... 34
11.1.5 Fitness for purpose ........................................................................................................ 34
11.1.6 Mission Critical applications .......................................................................................... 34
11.1.7 Viruses ........................................................................................................................... 34
11.1.8 Support .......................................................................................................................... 34
11.1.9 Upgrades ....................................................................................................................... 34
11.1.10 Trademarks ................................................................................................................ 34
PoStep60 user manual
Tells you other important information.
Tells you something that could be considered to reduce a risk of failure or malfunction.
Tells you something that could cause damage to a property.
1 Introduction
This manual contains information required to configure over an USB and run the PoStep60 driver. Please read the manual carefully to avoid damage to the driver. This section covers the instrument general description, instrument specifications and characteristics.
1.1 General symbols for this instructions
A few symbols are used throughout this manual that you should be aware of in order to complete certain tasks safely and completely. These symbols have different degrees of importance as described below:
2 Description
The PoStep60 driver incorporate advanced stepper motor controller and external N-channel MOSFETs to drive a bipolar stepper motor or two brushed DC motors. A micro-stepping indexer is integrated, which is capable of step modes from full step to 1/256-step. An ultra-smooth motion profile can be achieved using adaptive blanking time and various current decay modes, including an auto-mixed decay mode. A simple step/direction or PWM interface allows easy interfacing to controller circuits. An I2C serial interface can further be used to control all the driver functions including position control on board. All running parameters (output current (torque), micro stepping, step mode, decay mode...) can be set over USB and stored on board for standalone operation. Internal shutdown functions are provided for over current protection, short circuit protection, under voltage lockout and over temperature. Fault conditions are indicated via a FAULT LED, and each fault condition can be read in configuration software.
3 PoStep60 features
up to 6,0 Amps Phase Current advanced settings available through USB connection compatible with 4, 6, and 8 wire stepper motors of any voltage +10 VDC to +50 VDC Power Supply up to 256 Micro-steps per Step various modes of decay mode for smoother moving of motors 3,3V and 5V logic compatible inputs 250 kHz Max Step Rate Advanced “Auto-run” modes 0 °C To 85 °C Operating Temperature LED Power and Status Indicator Small Size: 54 mm X 75 mm
PoStep60 user manual
Please make sure bipolar stepper motor is connected before applying power.
Please make sure power input polarity is correct. Double check before powering up the driver. Reverse power input polarity results in permanent device failure.
7: Status LEDs
1: USB connector
2. 10 pin IDC connector
3: PoExtension connector
4: Power input
6: PWM inputs
5: Motor outputs
4 Connection diagram
4.1 Board use requirements
To properly operate the PoStep60 driver using external controller following connections need to be setup: step, direction and enable inputs; 10-50 VDC power supply, connected bipolar stepper motor before applying power.
4.2 Connection and setting
1. Mount PoStep60 driver firmly to a stable surface. If PoStep60 is mounted to a conductive
(metal) surface, please make sure the driver is properly isolated.
2. Connect USB cable (1) to your PC and run PoStep user application
3. Please setup running parameters (output current (torque), micro stepping, step mode, decay
mode...) using PoStep user application.
4. Connect step, direction, enable and GND from PoStep60 (2) to controller or BOB
5. Connect steeper motor (5) using one of wiring options bellow(
6. Connect power supply (4)
Figure 1: PoStep connections
PoStep60 user manual
Enable (inverted, 0=enable, 1=disable)
Fault feedback (OC, 1=driver OK, 0=fault detected)*
+5V external supply voltage
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Please note some of the drivers are showing failed Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) fault status when disabled and supply voltage within required limits. The fault is removed after driver is enabled and supply voltage within limits.
4.3 PoStep pinout
4.4 Stepper motor connection
4.4.1 10 pin IDC connector pinout
*Fault feedback signal is an open-colector signal. External pull-up resistor is needed to function properly (please see Figure 2). For input and open-collector output limiting values please refer to Section 6 - Technical specifications.
Figure 2: Fault feedback pin connection diagram
PoStep60 user manual
To avoid malfunctions please make sure the phase winds are connected correctly.
Resistance between leads of different phases is usually > 100kΩ. Resistance between leads of the same phase is usually < 100Ω.
Simple method of finding correct pairs of each winding wires is as follows (before proceeding none of the motor wires should be connected): take two random wires and short circuit them. Try rotating the stepper axis. If the pair is matching the resistance while trying to rotate the motor is much higher comparing to when none of the wires is short circuited.
On the motor connector on the PoStep board there is a shield pin available (in the middle). Please use proper shielding techniques for best performance.
type A
type B
type C
type D
type E
4.4.2 Stepper motor connections
The drive will work with 4-wire, 6-wire or 8-wire stepper motors.
Figure 3: Stepper motor wiring options 4-wire motors (type A)
are truly bipolar, and can only be run as such. 6-wire motors
can be wired two ways to work with the bipolar drive.
The first is half-winding (type B): In this method, one end wire, and the center-tap wire of the phase is used. The other end is insulated and left unused. This method uses unipolar nameplate current specifications, and will produce nameplate torque.
The second is series winding (type C): In this configuration, the center-tap is insulated, and unused. This method uses all of the wiring per phase, but has double the number of wire turns as halfwinding or unipolar mode. Because of this, the amperage requirement becomes half the nameplate rating.
Because the wire in the coil can handle more current than ‘half’, motor manufacturers will often “boost” the torque rating by specifying currents up to 71% of unipolar rated current while running in
series mode. This is fine for FULL step motor drives, but not necessarily so good for microstepping drives. Using this much can smear microstepping smoothness and accuracy. Any extra torque achieved by this method will generally be lost to machine vibrations due to loss of microstepping smoothness. The best performance will be somewhere between the 50% and 71% current rating.
PoStep60 user manual
The advantage of using series winding is that lower power drives may be used. For example a unipolar motor rated for 4.0A/phase running in series requires only 2.0A/phase to achieve the same torque. The disadvantage of this method is that it raises motor inductance, which in turn, slows motor coil charging time. Since proper torque is reached only when the coil has charged to the required level, the longer it takes to charge, the longer until full torque is achieved. This leads to slower full torque stepping rates. Conversely, a half-winding configuration requires full nameplate rated current, but if the drive is capable of this, the advantage is that rated torque can be achieved twice as fast as series winding (using the same voltage, when comparing half-winding and series). 8-wire motors
can be run in paralell (type E) or serial (type D) mode. Parallel mode needs higher current, has lower inductance and better torque, Serial mode needs lower current and has lower torque. Please read also 6-wire motors.
PoStep60 user manual
End Switch
PWM AIN2 (inverted)
PWM AIN1 (inverted)
PWM AIN1 and PWM AIN2 inputs are inverted.
Please make sure driver is configured to support DC motor drive. If not the DC motor can randomly rotate in speed and direction due to active micro stepping indexer.
Full-scale current value still applys when in DC drive mode. Idle current is not applicable and is not being used.
2 4 6
1 3 5
4.5 DC motor connection
4.5.1 6 pin PWM connector pinout
All PWM connector input pins has on board pull-up resistors. The pins can be either open-collector toward GND or push-pull driven. For input limiting values please refer to Section 6 - Technical specifications.
4.5.2 DC motor connection
The PoStep driver can be configured to enable direct control the state of the output drivers. This allows for driving up to two brushed DC motors. First DC motor is connected to terminals A1 and A2 and second DC motor to terminals B1 and B2. Speed and direction of DC motor rotation is controlled by PWM AINx and PWM BINx for first and second motor respectively. Driver allows connection of only one DC motor on A or B terminals as well as two DC motors.
Figure 4: Connection of up to 2 DC motors
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