jotron Tron TR30 User Manual

Tron TR30
Table of contents
1 Listof figures 8
2 Abbreviations 9
3 General 11
4 Standards 13
5.1 Productimage 20
6 Battery safety instructions (GMDSS radio) 22
6.1 Hazardsidentification 23
6.2 First aidmeasures 24
6.3 Firefightingmeasures 24
6.4 Accidentalreleasemeasures 25
6.5 Handlingand storage 26
6.5.1 Transportation 26
7 Battery safety instructions(Maritime VHF radio) 27
7.1 Hazards identification 28
7.2 First aidmeasures 29
7.3 Firefightingmeasures 29
7.4 Accidentalreleasemeasures 30
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7.5 Handlingand storage 31
7.5.1 Transportation 31
8 Functionaldescription 32
8.1 TronTR30components 32
8.2 Antenna 34
8.3 Batteryendurance 34
8.4 Emergency battery 35
8.5 Rechargeablebattery 36
8.6 RCH-30Battery charger 37
8.6.1 RCH-30Battery charger components 39
8.6.2 MountingtheRCH-30 Battery charger 41
8.6.3 LED indicator 42
9 Technical specifications 43
9.1 Product specification 43
10 Installation 45
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10.1 Upon receiptof the radio 45
10.2 In an emergency situation 46
10.3 Replacingthe emergency battery 48
10.4 Installingthe rechargeablebattery 48
10.5 Changingthe rechargeablebattery 49
11 Operationinstructions(GMDSS radio) 51
11.1 Emergencymode 51
11.2 Channelselection 52
11.3 Channel16button 53
11.4 Volume adjustment 53
11.5 Squelchadjustment 54
11.6 Key lock andunlock 55
11.7 Watch 55
11.7.1 Dual watch 56
11.8 Menus 57
12 Operationinstructions (Maritime VHF radio) 62
12.1 Regularradiomode 62
12.2 Channelselection 63
12.3 Channel16button 63
12.4 Callchannel 64
12.5 Custom channels 65
12.6 Volumeadjustment 66
12.7 Squelchadjustment 66
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12.8 Key lock andunlock 68
12.9 Watch 68
12.9.1 Dualwatch 69
12.9.2 Triple watch 70
12.9.3 Scan 71 ScanProg 72
12.10 Menus 73
12.11 Externalaccessories 80
13 Maintenance 82
13.1 Regular inspection 82
13.2 Regular testing 83
14 Test andmaintenance records 85
15 Channels andfrequencies 86
15.1 GMDSS 87
15.2 Canada 88
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15.3 International 89
15.4 USA 90
16 Warranty 91
16.1 Warranty claims 92
16.2 Service 92
16.3 Serviceagents 93
17 Optionalaccessories 95
18 Spare parts 96
19 Recyclinganddisposal 97
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1 List of figures

Figure 1 Tron TR30 20
Figure 2 TronTR30in the RCH-30Battery charger 21
Figure 3 Tron TR30components 32
Figure 4 RCH-30Batterycharger- chargingandstoragebays 38
Figure 5 Radio in the chargingbay andGMDSS battery in the storagebay 38
Figure 6 RCH-30Battery charger components 40
Figure 7 Emergencyinstructionsoverview 98
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2 Abbreviations

ADR EuropeanAgreementconcerningthe InternationalCarriage of
Dangerous Goods by Road CFR TheCode of FederalRegulations DW DualWatch(Receiver altering betweentwo different channels) ECHA EuropeanChemicalAgency EMC Electromagnetic compatibility ESD Electrostatic discharge ETS EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandard ETSI EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute GMDSS Global MaritimeDistress andSafety System HW Hardware IATA InternationalAir Transport Association ICAO InternationalCivilAviationOrganization IEC InternationalElectrotechnical Commission IMDG InternationalMaritime Dangerous Goods Code MHz MegaHertz MSDS MaterialSafety DataSheet NC Noise cancel OSHA OccupationalSafety andHealthAdmin PTT Pushto talk RES Radio equipmentandsystems (technical committee of ETSI) RID Reglementconcernant letransport Internationalferroviaredes
merchandisesDangereusesparcheminde fer (Transportation of
Dangerous Goods by Train)
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RMA ReturnMaterialAuthorizationnumber RSS RadioStandards Specification SDS Safety DataSheet SMA Subminiatureversion A connector SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea (An internationalmaritime safety treaty) STCW Standardsof training,certification andwatch keepingfor seafarers SW Software TW TripleWatch UN United Nations VAC Volts,alternatingcurrent(AC) VHF Very HighFrequency
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3 General

Jotron manufacturessafety equipment designedfor the searchandrescueof humanlife and property.For safety equipmentto beeffective according to the designparameters it is imperative that allproductsarehandled, maintained,serviced andstowed in compliancewith the manufacturer's instructions.
Copiesof allJotrondocumentation can be downloadedfrom our
Allinformationcontainedwithin this manualhasbeenverifiedandis to our knowledgecorrect, however,Jotron reserves therightto make changes to any product(s) or module(s)described hereinto improve reliability,function or design,without furthernotice.
Thefollowingfour symbolsarein use throughoutthismanual:
Thissymbol is usedto highlight information.
Thissymbol is usedto drawattentionto importantdetails.
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Thissymbol is usedto highlight informationthatif not followedcanresultin damage to a productor equipment.
Thissymbol is usedto highlight informationthatif not followedcanresultin personalinjury or bodily harm.
Jotron is not liablefor consequentialor special damagesandcannot beheld responsible for any damagesor injury arising eitherdirectly or indirectly due to anerror or omission of information,misuseof a product,breachof procedures,or for failure of any specificcomponent or other part of the equipment.
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4 Standards

Jotron declares that this radio is incompliancewith Directive 2014/53/EU. A copy of the declaration of conformity canbedownloadedfrom the Jotron website.
TheTron TR30(emergencymode- GMDSS) hasbeenverified,testedandmeets the following product standards:
EN/IEC 60945: 2002 includingCorr.1 (Category - Portable)
ETSI EN300225, V1.4.1(2004-12) Electromagnetic compatibility andRadiospectrum
ETSI EN301 843-1, V1.2.1 (2004-06) Electromagnetic compatibility andRadiospectrum
ETSI EN301 843-2, V1.2.1 (2004-06) Electromagnetic compatibility andRadiospectrum
IEC 61097-12:1996 Globalmaritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) -
Maritime navigation andradiocommunication equipment andsystems - Generalrequirements ­Methods of testing andrequired test results
Matters (ERM);Technicalcharacteristics andmethods of measurement for survivalcraft portableVHF radiotelephoneapparatus
Matters (ERM);ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC) standardfor marine radio equipment andservices;Part 1:Common technicalrequirements
Matters (ERM);ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC) standardfor marine radio equipment andservices;Part 2:Specificconditions for VHF radiotelephone transmitters and receivers
Part 12: Survivalcraft portabletwo-way VHF radiotelephoneapparatus - Operationaland performance requirements,methods of testingand
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requiredtest results
RSS-102,Issue5: Mar.2015 Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Complianceof Radio
communicationApparatus (AllFrequency Bands)
RSS-182,Issue 5:Jan.2012 Maritime Radio TransmittersandReceivers intheBand
156-162.5 MHz
Tron TR30(regularmode - VHF) has beenverified,testedandmeets thefollowingproduct standards:
EN62479:2010 Assessment of the complianceof low power electronic
andelectrical equipment withthebasic restrictions relatedto humanexposureto electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz)
ETSI EN301 178,V2.2.2(2017-04)
ETSI EN 301 178 V2.2.2 (2017-04) Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) radiotelephone equipment for the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands (for non-GMDSS applications only); Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article
3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU
ETSI EN301 178-1,V1.3.1: 2007-02 Electromagneticcompatibility andRadio spectrum
Matters (ERM);Portable Very HighFrequency (VHF) radiotelephoneequipment for the maritime mobile serviceoperatinginthe VHF bands(for non-GMDSS applications only);Part1: Technical characteristicsand methodsof measurement
ETSI EN301 178-2, V1.2.2:2007-02 Electromagnetic compatibility andRadiospectrum
Matters (ERM);Portable Very HighFrequency (VHF) radiotelephoneequipment for the maritime mobile
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serviceoperatinginthe VHF bands(for non-GMDSS applications only);Part2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
ETSI EN301 843-1, V1.2.1 (2012-08) Electromagneticcompatibility andRadio spectrum
Matters (ERM);ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC) standardfor marine radio equipment andservices;Part 1:Common technicalrequirements
ETSI EN301 843-2, V1.2.1 (2004-06) Electromagnetic compatibility andRadiospectrum
Matters (ERM);ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC) standardfor marine radio equipment andservices;Part 2:Specificconditions for VHF radiotelephone transmitters and receivers
IEC 62209-1:2005 Human exposure to radio frequency fieldsfrom hand-
held andbody-mountedwireless communication devices - Humanmodels,instrumentation,and procedures - Part 1: Procedure to determinethe specific absorptionrate(SAR) for hand-helddevices used in closeproximity to the ear(frequency rangeof 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
IEC 62209-2: 2010 Humanexposureto radiofrequency fieldsfrom hand-
held andbody-mountedwireless communication devices - Humanmodels,instrumentation,and procedures - Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorptionrate(SAR) for wireless communicationdevices used in close proximity to the humanbody(frequency rangeof 30 MHz to 6 GHz)
IEC 62368-1:2014 Audio/video,informationandcommunication
technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements
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Theuse of TronTR30radio withtherechargeable LiPo battery may be subject to anoperator certificateinaccordancewithRED 2014/53/EU, Article 10.10.
Prior to usingthisequipment,please check withyour localnationalradio licenseauthority.
47 CFR 2.1093:Oct. 2013 Radio frequency radiation exposure evaluation:portable
47 CFR 80 to End:Oct. 2015 ElectronicCode of FederalRegulations,Title47,
Thisdevicecomplies withtheGMDSS provision of part 80 of the FCC Rules.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could voidtheuser's authority to operatethis equipment.
Thisclass 2 CE approvedproductis availablefor saleandpurchaseinthe followingcountries:
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Brazil,Canada,China,Europe,Korea, Russiaand the United States of America.
Therelevant CE marking of CE0168!is foundon theproductandthe packaging.
Allstatements of conformity areavailable at:
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5 Product description

TheTron TR30isa ruggedly designedradio madefor easy operation.It isa portablesurvivalcraft two-way VHF radio which is possibleto operate usingone hand, even whenwearing gloves.The highcontrast graphicaldisplay includingintegrated backlighting of the display andkeys are very effective for visibility andusagein low light conditions.
It isalsoresistant to oil,seawaterandsunlight.Thisradio is compactinsizewith smooth edgesto avoiddamage to clothingor a raft.The highly visibleorangehousingismade from glass reinforcedpolycarbonate.
TheTron TR30 GMDSS (emergency mode) radio iswaterproof down to 1 meter and floatsin freshwater,battery included.The radio is designedwitha self drainingloudspeaker. The Tron TR30 isonly completely waterproof whentheantennaandjack cover are assembledon theradio correctly.
TheTron TR30(GMDSS - emergency mode) radio includes thefollowingcomponents:
Emergency GMDSS battery (orange)
Belt clip
Wrist strap
Part number:83446 Tron TR30 GMDSS
TheTron TR30Maritime VHF radio(regular mode) includesthe followingcomponents:
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Emergency GMDSS battery (orange)
Battery charger
Belt clip
Wrist strap
Part number:87950Tron TR30GMDSS andMaritime VHF radio
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5.1 Product image

Figure 1 Tron TR30
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Figure 2 TronTR30in the RCH-30Battery charger
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6 Battery safety instructions
(GMDSS radio)
UnderEC, EuropeanChemicalAgency (ECHA) and US,OccupationalSafety andHealthAdmin (OSHA) legislation this product is classifiedasa manufacturedarticle,whichdoes not release or otherwiseresult in exposure to ahazardouschemicalunder thenormal conditions of use. Therefore,thisproductisexempt from therequirement of a dedicatedMaterialSafety Data Sheet(MSDS) or Safety DataSheet(SDS).
Thefollowinginformationis includedinthismanualas guidedsafety instructions.
Productname: Emergencybattery Typeno.: FR6 Lithium metalcontent: 2 x 1.96 gram lithium prbattery Approximate weight: 100grams Chemicalsystem: Lithium Iron Disulphide Designedfor recharge: No
Below are instructions for keepingtheradiolog andthe radio operator's obligation accordingto nationaland internationalregulation:
1. Theradiolog shallbe kept inaccordance withrequirementsinthe Radio Regulation,SOLAS Convention,nationalregulations regardingradioinstallations andthe STCW Convention (STCW 95 including the STCW Code)includingrelevant regulation regardingwatch keeping on board passenger andcargo ships.
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2. Unauthorizedtransmissions andincidentsharmful interferenceshould,if possible, be identified,recordedintheradiolog andbroughtto theattentionof theAdministration in compliancewith the Radio Regulations,together withanappropriateextractfrom the radio log(STCW Code BVIII/2 No. 32).
Testingof radio equipmentandreservesource of energyshouldoccur:
Thebelowsafety informationis extractedfrom EVE Energy SDS (sections4, 5 and6).

6.1 Hazards identification

Thelithium iron disulphide batteries used in the Tron TR30 and describedhereinaresealedunits.
Undernormal conditions, the battery ishermeticallysealed.Thesebatteriesare not hazardous whenusedasintendedandrecommended.
Do not short circuit,puncture,incinerate,crush,immerse,force discharge or exposeto temperatures above thedeclaredoperatingtemperature range of the product,otherwiseyou riskfire or explosion.
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Ingestion: Swallowinga battery can beharmful. Inhalation: Contentsof an openbattery cancauserespiratory
Skincontact: Contentsof an open battery can causeskin
Eye contact: Contents of an open battery can cause severe

6.2 First aid measures

Ingestion: Do not inducevomitingor consume food or drink.
Seekmedicalattention immediately. Inhalation: Providefreshairandseekmedicalattention. Skincontact: Remove contaminatedclothingandshoesandwash
skin withsoapandwater.Washclothingand shoes prior
to reuse. If irritationoccurs, seek medicalattention. Eye contact: Immediatelyflusheyes thoroughly with waterfor at
least 15 minutes,lifting upperandlower lids,untilno
evidenceof thechemicalremains.Seek medical

6.3 Fire fighting measures

In case of firewhere lithium batteriesarepresent, floodarea with wateror smotherwith a ClassD fire extinguisher appropriate for lithium metal, such as Lith-X. Water may not extinguishburning
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batteriesbutwillcool the adjacent batteries andcontrol spreadingfire. Burningbatterieswillburn themselves out.
Virtually allfiresinvolving lithium batteriescanbe controlledby flooding with water,however,the contents of the battery will react withwater andform hydrogengas.In a confinedspace, hydrogen gas can form an explosive mixture.In this situation,a smothering agentis recommended.A smothering agentwillextinguishburninglithium batteries.
Any person respondingto suchan emergency should wear a self-contained breathing apparatus.
Burninglithium iron disulphide batteries producestoxic andcorrosive lithium hydroxide fumes andsulfur dioxidegas.

6.4 Accidental release measures

To clean up aleakingbattery:
Ventilationrequirements: Room ventilationmay bein areaswhere thereareopen
or leaking batteries.
Respiratory protection: Avoidexposureto electrolytefumes from an open or
Eye protection: Wearsafety glasseswith sideshieldsif handlinganopen
or leaking battery.
Gloves: Use neopreneor natural rubbergloveswhen handling
anopenor leakingbattery.Battery materialsshouldbe disposedof in a leak-proof container.
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6.5 Handling and storage

TheTron TR30should be storedina cool and well ventilatedarea.Elevatedtemperatures can result ina reductionof batterylife.In locationsthathandlelargequantities of lithium batteries, suchas a warehouse,lithium batteries shouldbe isolated from unnecessary combustibles.
A battery that is disassembledor exposedto water,fire or hightemperatures canexplode or leak causing burns.

6.5.1 Transportation

Detailedsupport documentationregardingtransportation regulationsfor batteriesinaccordance withICAO/IATA, IMDG code and/or ADR/RID can befound at,under Product Safety Information(PSI) and/or statementinaccordance withUN test38.3
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7 Battery safety instructions
(Maritime VHF radio)
UnderEC, EuropeanChemicalAgency (ECHA) and US,OccupationalSafety andHealthAdmin (OSHA) legislation this product is classifiedasa manufacturedarticle,whichdoes not release or otherwiseresult in exposure to ahazardouschemicalunder thenormal conditions of use. Therefore,thisproductisexempt from therequirement of a dedicatedMaterialSafety Data Sheet(MSDS) or Safety DataSheet(SDS).
Thefollowinginformationis includedinthismanualas guidedsafety instructions.
Productname: Rechargeablebattery (LiPo 1550 mAh) Typeno.: GEP653759 Lithium metalcontent: 0.9gram lithium pr batteryand11.5 watt-hour rating
(Wh) Approximate weight: 100grams Chemicalsystem: Lithium Polymer Designedfor recharge: Yes
Below are instructions for keepingtheradiolog andthe radio operator's obligation accordingto nationaland internationalregulation:
1. Theradiolog shallbe kept inaccordance withrequirementsinthe Radio Regulation,SOLAS Convention,nationalregulations regardingradioinstallations andthe STCW Convention (STCW 95 including the STCW Code)includingrelevant regulation regardingwatch keeping on board passenger andcargo ships.
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2. Unauthorizedtransmissions andincidentsharmful interferenceshould,if possible, be identified,recordedintheradiolog andbroughtto theattentionof theAdministration in compliancewith the Radio Regulations,together withanappropriateextractfrom the radio log(STCW Code BVIII/2 No. 32).
Testingof radio equipmentandreservesource of energyshouldoccur:
Monthly: HandheldVHF transceivers areto be testedusinga test or rechargeablebattery.
Thebelowsafety informationis extractedfrom Green Energy Batteryand MSDS info from Pony Test Lab's report (sections 4,5 & 6).

7.1 Hazards identification

Thelithium polymer batteriesusedinthe Tron TR30anddescribedherein are sealedunits.
Undernormal conditions, the battery ishermeticallysealed.Thesebatteriesare not hazardous whenusedasintendedandrecommended.
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Do not short circuit,puncture,incinerate,crush,immerse,force discharge or exposeto temperatures above thedeclaredoperatingtemperature range of the product,otherwiseyou riskfire or explosion.
Ingestion: Swallowinga battery can beharmful. Inhalation: Contentsof an openbattery cancauserespiratory
Skincontact: Contentsof an open battery can causeskin
Eye contact: Contents of an open battery can cause severe

7.2 First aid measures

Ingestion: Do not inducevomitingor consume food or drink.
Seekmedicalattention immediately. Inhalation: Providefreshairandseekmedicalattention. Skincontact: Remove contaminatedclothingandshoesandwash
skin withsoapandwater.Washclothingand shoes prior
to reuse. If irritationoccurs, seek medicalattention. Eye contact: Immediatelyflusheyes thoroughly with waterfor at
least 15 minutes,lifting upperandlower lids,untilno
evidenceof thechemicalremains.Seek medical

7.3 Fire fighting measures

In case of firewhere lithium batteriesarepresent, use anextinguishingagent suitable for the location andsurroundingenvironment, such as CO.
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A battery may burstandreleasehazardousdecomposition products whenexposedto fire. Lithium polymer batteries containflammableelectrolytethatmay vent,igniteandproduce sparks whensubjectedto hightemperatures(›150°C/302°F),whendamaged or abused(e.g. mechanicaldamage or electricalovercharging), may burn rapidly withflare-burningeffect;may igniteother batteries in close proximity.
Any person respondingto suchan emergency should wear a self-contained breathing apparatus.
Burninglithium polymer batteriesproducestoxic and corrosive lithium hydroxide fumes andsulfur dioxidegas.

7.4 Accidental release measures

Personalprecautions: Wearthe proper personalprotectiveequipment.Keep
unprotectedindividuals away.Ensure adequate ventilation.
Emergencyprocedures: Remove ignitionsources,evacuatethearea.Sweepup
usinga methodthatdoes not generate dust.Collectas much of thespilledmaterial as possible, placethespilled material into an appropriate disposalcontainer.Keep spilled materialout of sewers,ditches and bodiesof water.
Environmentalprecautions: Do not allow materialto be releasedinto the
environment without propergovernmentalpermits. Methods andmaterialsfor containment andcleaningup:
Allwastemust refer to theUnitedNations,thenational
andlocal regulationsfor disposal.
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