jotron Tron SART20 User Manual

Tron SART20
Abbreviations and definitions
Electromagnetic Compatibility
LED Light Emitting Diode
PWB Printed Wire Board
Radio Frequency
Search and Rescue Transponder
Very High Frequency
1 ES 14.09.07 Total: 24 A New product
2 ES 02.04.08 10, 15 B Added text
3 ES 29.07.08 1 C Background
4 ES 04.08.08 15,16 D
5 ES 14.08.08 9,13,21 E Battery label
6 TH 12.02.09 10, 13-19, new tot. 28 F Brackets and layout
7 ES 16.12.09 24 G Added text
Amendment Records
Lifeboat bracket updated
The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
This equipment contains CMOS integrated circuits. Observe handling pre­cautions to avoid static discharges which may damage these devices. Jo­tron AS reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or modules described herein to improve reliability, function or de­sign. Jotron AS does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the described product.
Jotron AS is a prime manufacturer of safety equipment designed for rescue of human lives and their property. For safety equipment to be effective in line with the design parameters it is important that they are handled, stowed and maintained in compliance with the manufacturers instructions. Jotron AS cannot be held responsible for any damage caused due to incorrect use of the equipment or breach of laid down procedures or for failure of any specific component or other parts of the equipment.
The chapter covering battery replacement (6.2.1) is added for information only. Jotron AS does not take any responsibility for improper disassembling/ assembling of the beacon. We strongly recommend all service to be done by authorized Jotron agents. In addition to normal service, Jotron agents have the necessary equipment and knowledge to test the operational func­tions of the beacon. Non-original maintenance and/or service parts may destroy the equipment function and performance.
Table of contents
1 General description 8
1.1 Tron SART20 features 9
2 Technical specifications 11
2.1 Electrical specifications 11
2.2 Mechanical specification 11
3 Functional description 12
3.1 General 12
3.1.1 Tron SART20 electronic assembly 12
3.1.2 Battery module 13
3.1.3 Bottom lid 13
4 Installation 14
4.1 Brackets 14
4.1.1 Wall bracket 14
4.1.2 Lifeboat bracket 15
4.2 Installation tips 17
4.2.1 How to use the brackets in life rafts 17
4.2.2 Installation diagram 18
4.2.3 Mounting a pipe 18
4.3 Using the telescopic pole 20
4.4 Using the 10m rope 21
5 Operating instructions 21
5.1 Activating Tron SART20 21
5.2 Deactivating Tron SART20 21
5.3 Test of Tron SART20 22
6 Maintenance and troubleshooting 24
6.1 Maintenance 24
6.2 Service 24
6.2.1 Replacing the battery module 25
6.2.2 Battery disposal 25
6.2.3 Incineration 25
6.2.4 Land filling 25
6.2.5 Recycling 25
7 Service agents 26
Battery safety data sheet
(Form: EEC directive 91/155)
S2 Keep out of reach of children. S8 Keep container dry. S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. S43 In case of fire, use D type extinguishers. Never use water. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immedi ately (show the label where possible).
In case of contact of cell contents with eyes, flush immediately with water for 15 min. With skin, wash with plenty of water and take off contaminated clothes. If inhaled, remove from exposure, give oxygen, and seek medical advice.
Extinguishing media Suitable: Type D fire extinguishers Not to be used: Water - CO2 - Halon, dry chemical or foam extinguishers
Special exposure hazards
Generation of chlorine, sulphur dioxide, disulphur dichloride during thermal decomposition.
Special protective equipment
Use protective working boots, rubber apron and safety glasses with side shie­lds.
Tron SART20 is emergency equipment consisting of:
1. Tron SART20 radar transponder.
2. Mounting rope for life rafts / life boats.
The 9 GHz radar transponder type Tron SART20 is developed by Jotron AS to meet the rules and regulations for use on vessels and life rafts in the maritime service. Tron SART20 meets the specifications for 9 GHz radar transponders for use in search and rescue operations at sea.
The operating range of the Tron SART20 is up to 30 nautical miles, depending on the height of the electronic unit and the radar height of the search and res­cue unit (sea or airborne). With a radar height of 20m and the Tron SART20 placed at 1m above sea level, the range will be up to 10 nautical miles.
Tron SART20 is buoyant, however to obtain maximum performance the tran­sponder should be placed in a vertical position and as high up as possible in order to achieve maximum coverage.
Several mounting brackets and mounting aids are available to ensure correct mounting and use of the radar transponder.
The purpose of the Tron SART20 is to perform a secondary alarm when se­arch and rescue units are searching for a life raft / lifeboat in distress. The Tron SART20 will help the units to pinpoint exactly where the distressed boat is lo­cated in a larger area. This is done with the help of the radar on the searching ship or helicopter.
When the Tron SART20 is interrogated (hit) by a radar signal, it will immediately start to transmit a number of sweeps covering the complete maritime 3 cm radar band.
These sweeps are detected on the radar screen and are used to navigate di­rectly towards the distressed life raft, for details on radar display see chapter
Maximum distance to a ship will normally be about 10 nm and approximately 30nm to a helicopter, dependent on the helicopters altitude. The transponder will not give any alarms further away than this.
The primary alarm will usually be an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) or distress call on VHF / HF - manual or via digital selcall.
The Tron SART20 should be activated immediately after activation of the EPIRB or by instruction from the rescue control centre.
The batteries of the Tron SART20 will last at least 96 hours in standby after activation and then minimum 8 hours of continuous operation.
Although the transponder does not send any alarm via satellite, VHF or other radio communication, the use should be limited to short tests and emergency situations. This is to save battery capacity in case of a situation where the transponder is needed.
1.1 Tron SART20 features Watertight:
Tron SART20 is watertight to a depth of minimum 1 meter.
Tron SART20 is buoyant in case the transponder is accidentally dropped into the water. To increase coverage the SART20 should always be held or mounted as high as possible.
Rugged design:
The Tron SART20 will withstand a drop from 20 meters into the water. It is re­sistant to seawater, oil and sunlight.
Tron SART20 is designed for easy operation, with a brief operating instruction printed on the unit. It comes standard with a 10 meter rope and a shackle hook to be used for hanging the SART20 on the inside of a life raft.
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