JOOLA 02-508 Operating Instructions Manual

02-508 Electronic Portable Scoreboard it‘s new design and multi function make it easy and convenient to operate and carry. It is suitable for table tennis and badminton. Requires 12×1.5V No.5 battery, Can also be used direct to mains 18V electricity, It features LED digital display, clear numbers and economical use of power, It can be used for a long time if alkaline batteries are used.
2. Description of Parts
1 Handle 2 Game score 3 Time Out - left indication light on: Time Out was taken by the athlete on the left. Right indication light on: Tme Out was taken by the athlete on the right. 4 Score 5 Mains power - 18V direct current 6 Battery cover 7 Time Out counter - monitor and main display show the same results. 8 Game counter - monitor and main display show the same results. 9 Score counter - monitor and main display show the same results. 10 Point counter (right) - press once to add 1 to score (right) 11 Open button - press left and right button at the same time, the score board will open 12 Change Time Out (right) - press once, right Time Out light will be on. 13 Game counter (right) - press once to add 1 game (right)
14 OFF/ON—after insertion of batteries, switch to “ON”, score show: 0 : 0: game: 0 : 0, move to “OFF” to switch off. 15 Low voltage light - indicates shortage of electricity, change of batteries will be re quired soon. 16 Point count down (right) - press once to reduce 1score (right) 17 Game count down(right) - press once to reduce 1 (right) 18 Game reset - press once, both left and right show: 0 19 Score exchange - press once, game and score of the left and right side will exchange at the same time. 21 Point reset - press once, both left and right score show: 0 21Game count down (left) - press once, left game reduces by 1. 22 Point count down (left) - press once, left score reduces by 1 23 Time Out light (OFF) - press once, light is off 24 Game count up (left) - press once, left game adds 1 25 Change Time Out (left) - press once, left Time Out light will be on
26 Point count up (left) - press once and left score adds 1
3. Specifications
1. Dimensions: 45×27×5 cm
2. New weight 2.5kg (without batteries)
3. Power supply: 12×1.5V No.5 batteries, equipped with a DC 18V external socket
1. Please adopt DC 18V.
2. Please take out batteries which lack of power or stopped adoption long time.
3. Please turn off the power switch before changing electrical power.
Portable electronic scoreboard 02-508
Operating Instructions
JOOLA Tischtennis GmbH & Co. KG
Wiesenstrasse 13.,DE-76833 Siebeldingen
TEL: (+49)6345-9547-0 FAX: (+49)6345-9547-11