Jomox M.Brane1_1 Operating Manual

M.Brane 1_1
Analog Membrane Modeling
True Analog Percussion Synthesizer
Operating Manual
M.Brane 11 Operating Manual 1
Table of Contents
1. Connections...............................................................................5
2. Functional Description................................................................7
2.1. Listening to preset sounds..................................................10
2.2. Control of the M.Brane 11 by Midi.......................................11
2.2.1. Note trigger................................................................11
2.2.2. Parameter Control by Midi Controllers...........................11
2.2.3. SysEx Dump...............................................................11
2.2.3.a) Transmit Dump: ..............................................11
2.2.3.b) Receive Dump: ...............................................12
2.3. Control of the M.Brane 11 by X Trig In................................12
2.3.1. Triggering with a drum pad..........................................12
2.3.2. Triggering with an Audio Signal....................................13
3. Sound Parameter.....................................................................14
3.1. Decay < 000-255 > ......................................................15
3.2. M1 Pitch < 000-255 > ...................................................15
3.3. M1 Dampen < (-128)-127 >.............................................16
3.4. M2 Pitch < 000-255 > ...................................................16
3.5. M2 Dampen < (-128)-127 >.............................................16
3.6. 1_2 Couplg < (-128)-127 >..............................................16
3.7. 2_1 Couplg < (-128)-127 >..............................................17
3.8. Noise < 000-255 > ........................................................17
3.9. Noise Filter < 000-255 > .................................................18
3.10. MetNze A < 000-255 > ................................................18
3.11. MetNze B < 000-255 > ................................................18
3.12. Gate < A00-A63 / b00-b63 / C00-C63 / d00-d63 > ...........18
3.13. Volume < 000-255 > ...................................................19
3.14. Endless Value knob..........................................................19
3.15. Play Button......................................................................19
4. Master Parameter.....................................................................20
4.1. Midi Ch(annel) < 001 - 016 >............................................21
2 M.Brane 11 Operating Manual
4.2. Split Mode < SM1 / SM2 >...............................................21
4.3. Pitch Mode < Lin / M 2 >.................................................21
4.4. LFO Wave < SuP / Sdo / Sin / Si- / tri / tr- / rCt / rC- >.......22
4.5. LFO Speed < off / 040-290 >...........................................22
4.6. LFO Int(ensity) < 000-255 >.............................................22
4.7. LFO Select < oFF / M1_ / M_2 / M12 >.............................23
4.8. Store ...........................................................................23
4.9. 2nd Function ....................................................................23
4.9.1. X Trig Level 2nd Funct < 000 - 255 >.........................23
4.9.2. X Trig On/Off 2nd Funct < oFF/ _on >........................24
4.9.3. Sys Dmp 2nd Funct < dMP / rdY >..............................24
4.9.4. Sys Load 2nd Funct < _Ld / fin >................................24
4.9.5. LFO One Shot 2nd Funct < oFF/ onE >.......................24
5. M.Brane 11 Midi Implementation...............................................25
5.1. Sound Parameter CC..........................................................25
5.2. Soft Calibration..................................................................26
5.3. Note Commands................................................................27
5.4. System Exclusive Data.......................................................27
M.Brane 11 Operating Manual 3


Thank you very much for using the M.Brane 11! The M.Brane 11 is a great sounding, dedicated percussion module with a real analog sound production. Actually it is a single voice analog synthesizer which is optimized for producing membrane-like snare/percussion drum sounds. The M.Brane 11 is fully controllable by Midi. Furthermore, there is an audio input provided to trigger the sound by a drum pad piezo pick up or an external audio signal. The usage of this unique drum module is simple and self-explaining at most points. We recommend though to read this manual carefully to let you quickly explore all the M.Brane 11's amazing musical possibilities.
Before we start just some important security instructions:
Please use the M.Brane 11 only in dry rooms. Please never let
fluids or humidity penetrate to the device!
Only use the original wall wart adapter. Other power supplies
may damadge the M.Brane 11 seriously!
For cleansing of the M.Brane 11, please use a slightly damp
cloth, never solvents or agents!
The M.Brane 11 is a complex electronic device and should
therefore be treated carefully!
If any damadges or malfunctions occur, please immediatly turn
off the device, unplug the power supply and contact your local music dealer or send an email to
4 M.Brane 11 Operating Manual

1. Connections

Turn off the device before you connect it to other devices. The M.Brane 11 has following connections:
9 V D CO N / O F F
M id i I n M id i O ut
X Tr ig I n Au dio Ou t

1.1. 9V DC

The provided 9V DC wall wart adapter has to be plugged into this jack. Please don’t use other wall wart adapters. If though, please use a 9 Volt DC (mAmps don't care) universal power supply with a 2.5 mm plug, plus inner contact, minus outer contact.

1.2. Midi In

Here you can hook up another midi device to control the M.Brane 11 by either a software sequencer, a controller box or any other hardware device like e.g. a JoMoX XBase09, XBASE999/888. Please use a cable that is as short as possible.

1.1. Midi Out

Connection of the M.Brane 11 to a midi capable device to receive midi sys ex dumps or note trigggers from the M.Brane 11. Please use a standard midi cable which is as short as possible.

1.2. Trigger In

Audio input to trigger the M.Brane 11 by an audio signal or drum pad. Connect the Trigger In to an appropriate drum pad piezo pick up or audio source, for instance the output of a mixer or a CD-Player. Please use a standard 1/4" audio cable.
M.Brane 11 Operating Manual 5

1.3. Audio Out

Outputs the audio signal of the M.Brane 11. The output is mono unbalanced and has a line level of about 0 dBu. Hook up the Audio Out to an appropriate audio mixer or amplifier. Please use standard mono ¼” audio cables.
6 M.Brane 11 Operating Manual
Functional Description

2. Functional Description

The M.Brane 11 is a true analog synthesizer optimized for percussion sounds. The most important parts of the sound are composed by a membrane-like T-OSC network and noise being mixed together. Those, who don't want to spend their attention too much with the technical details of the sound production may jump now to chapter 3. Sound Parameter.
How does it work?
Pic. 1: M.Brane 11 block diagram
M.Brane 11 Operating Manual 7
Final VCA
1_2 Couplg
2_1 Couplg
Pitch Dampen
Pitch Dampen
Noise VCA
Noise Envelope
Loudness Envelope
Intensity 6dB Filt
Functional Description
The sound production in the M.Brane 11 is made up of 2 T-bridge oscillators (M1 and M2) that have a different frequency range. M1 is tuned about an octave higher than M2. A T-bridge oscillator (T-OSC) is actually something like a band pass filter which is working close to the resonant frequency. The name comes from the basic circuitry in which each 2 resistors and 2 capacitors form a network that looks similar to a T:
Pic. 2: T-Bridge Netzwerk, both variants are equivalent (The active part has been left out).
This kind of sound generators has often been used throughout the 1970/80s in vintage drum machines as the tonal basis for percussion instruments – as e.g. in the CR-78 or TR-808.
Because the T-bridge becomes an actual sine oscillator at perfect tuning of its components, you call the deviation of ideal resonance dampen. In this case, the oscillator decays in form of an attenuated vibration if it's exited - similar to a single membrane that is hit.
In the M.Brane 11 there are two of such T-OSC. The dampen can be either negative (as just described) or positive. Then it really becomes a continuously vibrating oscillator. The more negative the dampen is, the more the T-OSC becomes a filter with sharp q-factor (quality). This can be useful at e.g. snare drums or hi hat-ish sounds.
8 M.Brane 11 Operating Manual
R1 R2
Functional Description
Looking at the drumskins of an acoustic drum, there are 2 membranes positioned that modulate and interact with each other by the coupling through pressure waves of the content air. That produces the typical sound of a drum. By resonance and counteractive interference of waves new frequency bands and overtones create.
Similar to that the parameter Coupling works at the M.Brane 11. Both, in the first place independently vibrating T-OSCs, can attenuate or gain the vibration of the partner by means of negative or positive coupling on either ways (1_2 and 2_1). With lightfingered tweaking you get these interesting membran-like dampened sounds, especially by cross-wise positive/negative coupling.
The values can sometimes be very close to another. Therefore it is a great advantage that the M.Brane allows for storing the parameters (by use of digital potentiometers as R's in Pic.2), because sometimes tiny value changes can cause great sound changes if the system is close to a chaotic state.
The M.Brane definetely is something for sound nerds - less for preset-twiddlers, as the manifold and sensitive modulation settings want to be explored and played with.
In order to create snaredrum- or cowbell-like sounds, the M.Brane 11 has a noise generator with an own envelope. A part of this signal is fed into the T-bridge network to exite the "membrane" with the noise signal itself. Another part of the noise signal ist mixed into the final VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) which produces the overall volume envelope of the resulting instrument. The noise can be wether white noise or metal noise, which is a binary pattern of different metallic sounding frequency bands.
The length of noise decay and the decay of the resulting tone are controlled by two different envelopes that are commonly controlled by the parameter Decay. The noise envelope is always shorter than the final VCA envelopes. That lets you work out the precise noise attacks by tweaking the Decay. The T-OSC's mostly have their own
M.Brane 11 Operating Manual 9
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