Initialisation will assign a kit with the instrument numbers
corresponding to its kit number. The kit „untitled" stored in kit
number 039, for example, will be assigned the instrument
numbers 039. The kit will then consist of kick drum 039, snare
039, LoTom 039 etc..
It is however possible to assign any instrument number to a
kit. Hit Enter to initialize the selected kit.
The display will read „Are you sure? NO".
Hit Enter to abort the initialization process.
Untitled Kick001
Are you sure?NO
If you are sure that you want to initialize the kit, turn the value
clockwise, until the display reads „YES" instead of „NO".
Hit Enter to initialize the selected kit.
Untitled Kick001
Are you sure?Yes
If the kit is memory protected, the display will read:
„Memory protect!".
Untitled Kick001
Memory protect!
Copying kits <CpyTo> <000-255>
This function lets you copy kits with all the instruments used
by that kit. The instrument variations of the source kit will
then be stored under the the target kits number. -
Untitled Kick001
Example: You want to copy kit number 001, named „untitled". This kit uses instrument numbers Kick 001, Snare 002,
LoTo 010, HiTo 100, HiHat003, Rims 000, Clap 000, Crsh000, Ride000 and the LFO setting LFOs 000.
The target is kit 020. All instruments will now be copied to their respective memory number 020. Kick 001 is copied
to Kick020, Snar002 is copied to Snar020, LoTo010 is copied to LoTo020, HiTo100 is copied to HiTo020, Clap000 is
copied to Clap020, Rims000 is copied to Rims020, Crsh000 is copied to Crsh020, Ride000 is copied to Ride020,
HiHa003 is copied to HiHa020, LFOs000 is copied to LFOs020.
Use the value knob to select the target kit number.
The taregt kits name will be displayed. While you are
changing the target kit number, you can play the keyboard to
audition the respective target kits an important kit. Press the
Enter button to start the copy process. The display will read
„Are you sure? NO".
Untitled Kick001
Are you sure?NO
Hit Enter to abort the copy process.
The display reads: Command aborted.
Untitled Kick001
Command aborted
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