Jolly X-5 Coupe User Manual

Professional stage lighting equipment V1.0
Table of content
1.Open-Package guidelines............................................................1
2.Safety instructions......................................................................1
3.Operating determination.............................................................3
4.Rigging the fixture.......................................................................4
4.2Installing the Clamps................................................................4
4.3 Power supply connection and cut off........................................5
4.4 POWER Connection.................................................................6
4.5 DMX-512 connection/connection between fixtures.................6
Description of the device..............................................................7
Display control.............................................................................9
Navigation in the Menu............................................................9
Display OPeration....................................................................9
Menu Maps .............................................................................11
8.DMX protocol.............................................................................12
9.Maintenance and cleaning.........................................................17
10.Electric equipment specification...............................................17
10.1 Electrical paramters............................................................17
Weight and dimensions
Channel Characteristics.......................................................17
10.4 Menu Function.....................................................................17
10.5 light table .............................................18
10.6 Gobo wheel.........................................................................20
Color wheel.....
10.7 ....................................................................21
11.Electronic drawing...................................................................23
1.Open-Package guidelines
Congra tulatio ns on ch oosing ou r prod ucts! Ple ase ca refully r ead this in stru ction man ual in its entire ty and keep it
well for using r eferenc e. Thi s manu al contai ned about the ins tallati on and the relati ve using inform
ation of this pr o instru ction
This equ ipme nt is made of new sty le,high i nten sity plas tic.It fu lly sh ows the mod em tim es light ch arac tic with standa rd of DM X
Wh en r ec eive the prod uc t,ple as e be c ar eful to tak e an d pu t,check if the prod uc t ha s da mage or not be-
cause of tran spo rtation, and c hec k the f ollowing par ts:
1.Signal ca ble -1PC 2.Sa fty c abl e-1PC
3.User Manv al- 1PC 4.Ome ga ho lde r-2PCS
5.Power cab le- 1PC 5.Ser vic e car d-1PC
Unpacking t he fi xture
1.Open the fl igh t case cover
2.With one pe rso n on each side, li ft th e fix ture out of t he fl igh t case.
3.Unlock pa n and t ilt before ope rat ing f ixture. Packing the f ixt ure
1.Disconn ect t he fixture fro m pow er an d allow it to c ool .
2.lock arms a nd h as figure. (
- Fig.2-1)( Tilt M ech ani sm Lock and R ele ase ( every 45°) - Fig .2- 2)
3.Place the f ix tu re in the bottom o f the f lig ht case, an d cov er th e case without f orc ing.
ducts. Please accord ing to this manua l's relat ive when using thi s equipme nt.
terist ic wit h beauty st ruture. And it is made acc ord to CE standar d. Fully ag ree wi th the inte rnat ion
512 agre emen t.
- Fig.1
ead - Fig.2 PAN M ech anism Lock and R ele ase (every 45° )
° 45
PAN Me chani sm Lock
Fig .2-1
Lev el vert ical tr anspo rtati on lock F ig.2
m l
m l
PAN Me chani sm Lock
Fig .2- 2
Avi ation b ox
Fig .1
2.Safety instructions
Every perso n inv olvd with inst all ati on and mainten anc e of this device t o:
-Be qualilf ied
-Follow the i nst ructions of th is ma nua lentert ain men t theater,per for ming and palyi ng ha ll et c.
This dev ice has lef t our pr emi ses in a bsolute ly perfec t conditi on. In ord er to maint ain this co ndition a nd to­ensure a s afe opera tion ,it is absol ute ly nec ess ary fo r the user to f ollow the s afety ins tructio ns and warn ing notes wr itten in th is manual .
Important: The m anufact urer will n ot accept l iabilit y for any res ulting da mages cau sed by the nonobs erv ance of this
manual o r any unaut horized m odifica tion to the d evice. Please c onsider t hat damag es caused b y manu al modifi cat ions to the devic e are not sub ject to war ranty.
Never let the p owe r-cord come in to co nta ct with oth er ca ble s! Handle the po wer c ord and all conn ect ion s with partic ula r caution! Make sure tha t the a vailable vol tag e is no t higher th an st ate d on the rearpan el. A lways plug in the pow er pl ug least. Make s uer t hat t he power- swi tch i s set to off- pos ition before y ou co n ections wit h the mains with par tic ula r caution ! Make sure tha t the p ower-cord is n eve r cri mped or dam age d by sh arp edges.Ch eck t he decice and th e p­ower-cord f rom t ime to time. Always disco nne ct from the main s, wh en th e device is n ot in u se or b efore cleani ng it . Only ha ndl e the power-co rd by t he plug,Neve r pul l out t he plug by tu ggi ng th e powercord. Thi s devi ce fa lls u nder protect ion c lass I.There for e it is essentia l to co nne ct the yellow/ gre en conductor to earth. Th e elect ric c onn ection,rep air s and servicin g mus t be ca rried out b y a qua lif ids employee . Do not co nne ct this device t o a dim mer pack. Do not sw itc h the fixture on a nd off in short in ter vals as this wou ld re duce the lamp’s li fe.rly mean that the device is def ect ive. Do not touch th e dev ice’s hou sin g bare hands dur ing i ts op eration (ho usi ng becomes hot )! For replace men t use lamps and fu ses o f sam e type and ra tin g onl y.
Caution! e yeb ama ges ! Avoid look ing d ire ctl y int o the l igh t source(meant especially for epilept ics )!
470 W
t 40a°C
Minimum di sta nce o f ill umi nat ed objects
The project or ne eds to be positi one d so th at the obje cts h it by t he beam of light a re at l east
18 metres fro m the l ens of the proje cto r.
Maximum am bie nt te mpe rat ure
Do not operat e the f ixture if the am bie nt te mperatu er( Ta) e xce eds 4 0°C (104°F).
Temperatur e of th e ext ern al su rfa ce
t 80c°C
The maximum t emp erature that c an be r eac hed on the ex ter nal s urface of the fi tti ng,in a ther­mally stead yst ate,is 8 0°C ( 176°F).
IP20 prote cti on ra tin g
The fitting i s pro tected again st pe net ration by s oli d of ov er 12mm (0 .47”) in diameter ( fir st digit 2), but n ot ag ainst drippi ng wa ter, rain,splas hes o r jets of water (s eco nd digit 0).
Indoor use o nly
Risk Gr oup 1
Accor ding to En624 71
Not suitab le fo r hou seh old i llu mination
Photobio log ica l Saf ety
CAUTION. Do n ot lo ok direct ly at t he li ght sourc e.D o not look at the li ght b eam with optic al de ­vices or any ot her t ool that co uld c aus e light con ver gence. The fixture m ust b e positio ned s o tha t the minim um di stance betwe en th e front lens and h uma n eye is at least 3 met res to prev ent p ers onal phot obi ological ris ks.
Mounting s urf ace s
It is permiss ibl e to mount th e fit tin g on normal ly fl ammable surf ace s.
The produc ts to w hic h thi s man ual r efe rs comply with the European Directiv es pu rs­uant to:
2006/95/E C - Saf ety of electri cal e qui pment sup pli ed at l ow voltage (LVD)
2004/108/ EC - El ectromagne tic C omp atibili ty (E MC)
2011/65 /EU - R estriction o f the u se of certain ha zar dous substan ces ( RoH S)
2009/125/ EC - Ec oDesign requ ire men ts for Ener gy- rel ated Product s (Er P)
Protecti on ag ain st el ect ric al sh ock
Connectio n mus t be made to a power s upp ly sy stem fitt ed wi th effici ent e art hing (Class I ap p­liance acco rdi ng to standard E N 605 98- 1) .It i s, moreover, recomme nde d to protect the s upp ly
lines of t he projec tors from i ndirect c ontact an d/or sho rtin g to ea rth by u sin g appr opr iate ly si zed residu al curren t devices .
This pro duct is sup plied in co mplianc e with Euro pean Dire ctiv e 201 2/19 /EU -Waste Ele ctrical a nd Electr onic Equi pment (WE EE) . To pre serv e the e nvir onm ent pl eas e disp ose /rec ycd e this pro duct a t the end of i ts life acc ording to t he local re gulatio n.
This pro duct cont ains a rech argeabl e lead-ac id or lithi um iro n tet raph osp hate b att ery.To pr eserve th e enviro nment,p lease dis pose the ba ttery at th e end of its li fe acc ord ing to t he re gula tio n in for ce.
The fitt ing mount s a high-pr essure la mp that nee ds an exter nal ig nit er. Thi s igniter i s fitted on to the appara tus. -Car efully re ad the "ope rating in structi ons" p rov ided b y the l amp ma nuf actu rer.
-Immed iately re place the l amp if dama ged or defo rmed by hea t.
Maintenan ce
Before s tarting a ny mainte nance wor k or cleani ng the proj ecto r,cu t off po wer from th e mains sup ply. After sw itching o ff, do n ot remove a ny parts of t he fittin g for at leas t 10 minute s. After thi s time the li ke lihood o f the lamp ex ploding i s virtual ly small. If it is nece ssar y to re plac e the l amp, wai t for an oth er 15 minute s to avoid ge tting bur nt.The fi tting is de sign ed to h old in a ny sp lint ers p rodu ced b y a lamp e xpl ­oding.
3.Operating determinations
This dev ice is a movi ng-head f or creati ng decora tive effects an d was deaig ned for ind oor use onl y.
If the dev ice ha been e xposed to d rastic te mperatu re flu ctu atio n(e .g.a fte r tran spo rtat ion ).do not weitc h it on im m­ediate ly.Th e ari sing c ondensa tion wate r might dam age your de vice,Le ave the dev ice switc hed of f until it ha s rea­ched roo m tempera ture.
Never ru n the devic e without l amp!
Do not sha ke the devi ce,Avoid brut e force whe n install ing or oper ating the d evice.
Never li fe the fixt ure by hold ing it at the p rojecto rhead, as t he mec han ics ma y be da mage d. Alw ays ho ld th e fixt u­re at the tr ansport h andles.
When cho osing the i nstalla tion-sp ot,plea se make sur e that t he de vice i s not e xpos ed to h eat, moi stur e or du st.T h­ere shou ld not be any c ables lyi ng around .You en dang er yo ur own a nd th e safe ty of o ther s!
The mini mum dista nce betwe en light ou tput and th e illumin ated s urf ace mu st be m ore th an 0. 2 mete rs.
Make sur e that the ar ea below th e install ation pla ce is block ed whe n rig ging ,de rigg ing o r serv ici ng the f ixt ure.
Always f ix the fixt ure with an a ppropri ate safet y rope , Fix t he saf ety r ope at t he co rrec t hol es onl y.
Operat e the fixtu re after ha ving chec ked that th e hous ing i s firm ly cl osed a nd al l scre ws ar e tigh tly f aste nd.
The lamp m ust never b e ignited i f the objec tive-le ns or any hou sing -co ver is o pen , as dis cha rge la mps m ay ex­plose an d emit a hign u ltravio let radia t, which ma y cause bur ns.
The maxi mum ambie nt temper ature 40°C mu st never be e xceeded .
Operat e the devic e only afte r having fa miliari zed with it s func tio ns. Do n ot pe rmit o per atio n by pe rsons not qu a­lified f or operat ing the dev ice. Most d amages ar e the resul t of unp rof essi ona l oper ati on!
Please u se the orig inal pack aging if th e device is t o be transp orte d.
Please c onsider t hat unaut horized m odifica tions on th e devi ce ar e forb idd en due t o saf ety re aso nsl.
If this de vice will b e operate d in any way di ffer ent to the on e describ ed in this ma nual, the pro duct may suff er damage s and the gua rantee be comes voi d.Furth ermore, a ny oth er op erat ion m ay lea d to da nger s lik e shor t-c irc­uit,bu rns, elec tric shic t,burns d ue to ultra viol et ra diat ion ,lam p exp losi on, cras h etc .
4.Rigging the fixture
4.1 Mounting
Pay attenti on to t he re gul ations of CE.
Installation b y qua lif ied staff to comple te.
For the vario us mo unting posit ion s of th e FIXTURE (st and ing on the floor, s ide ways or hangin g di fferent accessori es ki ts are availab le.
Through thi s a saf e and firm insta lla tio n is assure d.
You’ ll fi nd specia l con nec tors on the bott om si de of the system w hic h are put to use her e.
4. 2 Installing the Clamps
Please cons ide r the respecti ve na tio nal norm s du rin g the I nstallatio n!T he installat ion m ust o nly be car­ried out by an au tho rized dealer !
The install ati on of the projec tor h as to b e built and c ons tru cted in a way that i t can h old 10 times the w ei­ght for 1 hour wi tho ut any harming d efo rma tion.
The install ati on must always b e sec ure d with a seco nda ry sa fety attachm ent , appro pri ate catch net.This se con dary safety at tac hme nt must be co nst ruc ted in a way that no p art o f the installa tio n can fall if the mai n att achment fail s.
When servic ing t he fixture sta yin g in th e area belo w the i nst allation pla ce, on bridges,u nde r hig h working places and ot her e ndangered ar eas i s for bidden.
The operato r has t o make sure that s afe ty- relatin g and m ach ine-techni cal i nstallatio ns ar e app roved by an expert bef ore t aking into ope rat ion f or the firs t tim e and a fter changes b efo re taking into o per ati on an­other time.
The operato r has t o make sure that s afe ty- relatin g and m ach ine-techni cal i nstallatio ns ar e app roved by an expert aft er ev ery four year in t he co urs e of an accep tan ce te st.
The operato r has t o make sure that s afe ty- relatin g and m ach ine-techni cal i nstallatio ns ar e app roved by a skilled per son o nce a year.
The project or sh ould be instal led o uts ide areas wher e per sons m ay walk by or b e sea ted.
Important !Ov erhead riggi ng re qui res exten siv e exp ering CE,in cluding (bu t not l imited to) calculatin g working loa d lim its, install ati on ma terial being u sed , and periodic s afe ty inspectio n of al l ins tallation ma ­terial and th e pro jector. If you la ck th ese q ualific ati ons , do not attempt t he in stallation y our sel f, but inst e­ad use a profes sio nal structur al ri gge r. Imprope r ins tal lation can res ult i n bodilyinju ry an d or da mage to property.
The project or ha s to be installe d out o f the r each of peo ple .
If the projec tor s hall be lowere d fro m the c eiling or h igh j ois ts, professi ona l trussing sys tem s h ave to be used. The p rojector mus t nev er be fixed swin gin g fre ely in the ro om .
Caution Pro jec tors may cause s eve re in juries wh en cr ash ing down! If you h ave d oubts concer nin g the safety of a pos sib le installat ion , do no t install t he pr oje ctor!
Before rigg ing m ake sure that th e ins tal lation ar ea ca n hol d a minim um point l oad o f 10 times the projector s w eig ht.
The project or ca n be placed dire ctl y on th e stage floor or r igg ed in any orient ati on on a truss withou t alt e­ring its oper ati on character ist ics .
For overhea d use ,always inst all a s afe ty-rope that c an ho ld at least 10 tim es th e wei ght of the fixtu re.You must only use s afe ty-ropes wit h scr ew on c arabines.P ull t he safety-ro pe th rou gh th e two ape rtu res on th e bottom of the b ase a nd over the trus sin g sys tem etc.
Warning: it i s nec essary to make s ure t hat the install ati on lo cation is p erf ect ly appropria te, and the insta lla tio n locatio n is sa fe an d reliable.
Lock catch
omega holde r
secure chai n
mounting pl ate
4.3 Power supply connection and cut off
Connect the l igh t source to the ma in po wer s ource with the p lug o f the power cord , or cu t off the pow er supply: Connectio n: ac cording to pro ced ure s, the power plu g and s ocket is inser ted i nto t he groove one on e alignment , rot ation. Cut off: a cco rding to proce dur es, press the bu tto n on th e rotating plu g, pu ll out.
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