This p roduct is s upplied i n complia nce with Eu ro pean Dire ctive 201 2/19/EU -Waste E lectric al and
Elec tronic Eq uipment ( WEEE) . To prese rv e the envir onment pl ease disp ose/rec ycde this produ ct at
the en d of its life a ccordin g to the loca l regulat io n.
This p roduct co ntains a re chargea ble lead- ac id or lithi um iron tet raphosp hate batt ery.To preserv e the
envi ronment ,please d ispose th e battery a t th e end of its li fe accord ing to the re gulatio n in force.
The fi tting mou nts a high- pressur e lamp that n ee ds an exter nal ignit er. This ignit er is fitte d onto the
appa ratus. -C arefull y read the "o peratin g in structi ons" prov ided by the l amp manuf acturer.
-Imm ediatel y replace t he lamp if da maged or de fo rmed by hea t.
Befo re starti ng any main tenance w ork or clea ni ng the proj ector,cu t off power fro m the mains s upply.
Afte r switchi ng off , do not remo ve any part s of the fitt ing for at le ast 10 minu tes. After t hi s time the li ke
liho od of the lam p explodi ng is virtu ally smal l.If it is nece ssary to re place the l amp,wai t for anoth er 15
minu tes to avoi d getting b urnt.Th e fi tting is de signed to h old in any sp linters p roduced b y a lamp expl odin g.
This d evice is a mo ving-he ad for crea ting deco ra tive effect s and was des igned for i ndoor use o nly.
If the d evice ha be en expose d to drasti c tempera tu re fluctu ation(e .g.afte r transpo rtation ).do not we itch it on immedia tely.The ari si ng conden sation wa ter might d amage you r device, Leave the de vice swit ched off until it has r eached r oom tempe rature.
Neve r run the dev ice witho ut lamp!
Do not s hake the de vice,Avoid br ute force w hen insta lling or op erating t he device .
Neve r life the fi xture by ho lding it at t he projec to rhead, as t he mechan ics may be da maged. Alw ays hold th e fixture at th e transpo rt handle s.
When c hoosing t he instal lation- spot,pl ea se make sur e that the de vice is not e xposed to h eat,moi sture or du st.There sh ould not be a ny cables l ying arou nd.You en danger yo ur own and th e safety of o thers!
The mi nimum dis tance bet ween ligh t output an d th e illumin ated surf ace must be m ore than 0. 2 meters.
Make s ure that th e area belo w the insta llation p la ce is block ed when rig ging,de rigging o r servici ng the fixt ure.
Alwa ys fix the fi xture wit h an approp riate saf et y rope, Fix t he safety r ope at the co rrect hol es only.
Oper ate the fix ture afte r having ch ecked tha t th e housing i s firmly cl osed and al l screws ar e tightly f astend.
The la mp must nev er be ignit ed if the obj ective- le ns or any hou sing-co ver is open , as discha rge lamps m ay explos e and emit a hi gn ultrav iolet rad iat, whic h ma y cause bur ns.
The ma ximum amb ient temp erature 4 0°C must neve r be e xceeded .
Oper ate the dev ice only af ter havin g familia ri zed with it s functio ns. Do not pe rmit oper ation by persons not qualifi ed for oper ating the d evice. Mo st damage s ar e the resul t of unprof essiona l operati on!
Plea se use the or iginal pa ckaging i f the devic e is to be transp orted.
Plea se consid er that una uthoriz ed modifi ca tions on th e device ar e forbidd en due to saf ety reaso nsl.
If thi s device wi ll be opera ted in any wa y diff erent to th e one descr ibed in thi s manual, t he product m ay suffer
dama ges and the g uarante e becomes v oid.Fur th ermore, a ny other op eration m ay lead to da ngers lik e short-c ircuit, burns, el ectric sh ict,bur ns due to ultra violet ra diation ,lamp exp losion, crash etc .
3.Operating determinations
line s of the proj ectors fr om indire ct c ontact an d/orsho rting to ea rth by usin g appropr iately si zed
resi dual curr ent devic es.