Jolly A-7 SPOT User Manual

Professional stage lighting equipment
Table of content
1.Open-Package guidelines............................................................1
2.Safety instructions......................................................................1
4.Rigging the fixture.......................................................................4
4.1 Mounting.................................................................................4
8.DMX protocol.............................................................................12
9.Maintance and cleaning.............................................................15
10.Electric equipment specification...............................................15
10.1 Electrical paramters............................................................15
10.5 light table .............................................16
10.7 ....................................................................18
11.Electronic drawing...................................................................19
4.2Installing the Clamps................................................................4
4.3 Power supply connection and cut off........................................5
4.4 POWER Connection.................................................................6
4.5 DMX-512 connection/connection between fixtures.................6
Channel Characteristics.......................................................15
10.4 Menu Function.....................................................................15
10.6 Gobo wheel.........................................................................17
Color wheel.....
Description of the device..............................................................7
Display control.............................................................................9
Navigation in the Menu............................................................9
Display OPeration....................................................................9
Menu Maps .............................................................................11
Weight and dimensions
2.Safety instructions
1.Open-Package guidelines
Unpacki ng the fixture
1.Open th e flight case cover
2.With on e person on each side , lift the fix ture out of the fligh t case.
3.Unloc k pan and tilt before o perating f ixture. Packing t he fixture
1.Disco nnect the fixture f rom power an d allow it to cool.
2.lock ar ms and h as figure . (
3.Place t he fix ture in the bott om of the flig ht case , and cover th e case without forc ing.
- Fig.1
ead - Fig.1 PAN Mech anism Lock a nd Release (every 4 5°)
- Fig.1-1 )(Ti lt Mechani sm Lock and Release ( every 45°) - F ig.1-2)
Congratulatio ns on choosing ou r products! Please carefully read this in struction manual in its entirety and
well for using reference. This manual cont ained about the installa tion and the rela tive using inform
ducts.Plese refere this manual 's relative when using this equipme nt.
This equ ipment is made of new style,high intensity plastic.It fully shows the modem times ligh t charac
teristic with beaut y struture. And it is made accord to CE standard. Fully ag ree with the internation
512 agre ement.
keep it ation of this pro instruction
teris­tic with standard of DMX
1.Signa l cable-1PC 2.Safty cabl e-1PC
3.User Ma nval-1PC 4.Omega holde r-2PCS
5.Power c able-1PC 5.Service car d-1PC
Whe n re c eive the produ c t,plea s e b e c a r eful to take and put, c heck if the produ c t h a s d a mage or not be-
cause of tr ansportation, a nd check the f ollowing p arts:
This device has been shipped with our pre mises in absolutel y perfect conditio n.In orde r to maintain this co­ndit ion and toensure a safe op eration,it is abso lutely ne cessary for the user to follow the sa fety inst ructions and warning notes written in this manua l.
Important: The manufa cturer wi ll not accept liability for any resulting damages caused by the nonobserv ance of this
manu al or any unauthorized modification to the device. Please consider that damages caused by manual mo dificat ions to the device are not subject to warranty.
Every per son involvd with in stallati on and maintenanc e of this devi ce to:
-Be quali lfied
-Follow t he instructions o f this manua l.
Fig.1 - 2
Level v er tical t ra ns porta ti on lock F ig .1
PAN Me ch anism L oc k
PAN Me ch anism L oc k
Fig.1 -1
Never let t he power-cord com e into conta ct with other cable s! Handle th e power cord and all co nnection s with part icular caution! Make sure t hat the available v oltage is no t higher than state d on the rearp anel. A lways plug in the p ower plug least. Ma ke suer that t he power-switch i s set to off-pos ition before you co n ections w ith themains with p articula r caution! Make sure t hat the power-cor d is never cri mped or damaged by sh arp edges. Check the decice an d the p­ower-co rd from time to time. Always dis connect from the ma ins, when th e device is not in use or b efore clea ning it. Only handle th e power-cord by the p lug,Neve r pull out the plug by tu gging the po wercord. This device fall s under prot ection class I.Th erefore it i s essen tial to conn ect the yell ow/gr een conduc tor to earth. Th e electric conn ection,r epairs and servic ing must be ca rried out by a qualif ied employ ee. Do no t connect th is device to a dimmer p ack. Do no t switch the f ixture on and off in shor t interval s as this would reduc e the lamp’s life. Do not touc h the device’s h ousing bare hands d uring its op eration(housi ng becomes h ot)! For repla cement use lamps an d fuses of sam e type and rating onl y.
t 80c°C
t 40a°C
Eye damage ! Avoid look ing directly into the light sour ce( meant especially for epileptics )!
Minimum di stance of illuminated object s
18 metres f rom the lens of the pro jector.
Maximum am bient temperature
Do not oper ate the fixture if th e ambient te mperatuer(Ta) exc eeds 40°C (10 4°F).
Temperatur e of the external surface
The maxim um temperature th at can be reac hed on the external s urface of th e fitti ng,in a ther ­mally ste adystate, is 80°C (176°F).
IP20 prote ction rating
The fitti ng is protected aga inst penet ration by solid of ov er 12mm (0.47”) in diam eter (fir st digit 2), b ut not against drip ping water, rain,splashes o r jets of wate r (second digit 0).
Indoor use o nly
Not suitab le for household illumination
Photobio logical Safety
CAUTION. Do not lo ok directly at the li ght sou rce.Do not look at th e light beam with opt ical de ­vices or any other t ool that could caus e light c onvergence. The fixture must b e positioned so tha t the min imum distance bet ween the front lens a nd huma n eye is at least 3met res to prevent pers onal ph otobiological r isks.
Mounting s urfaces
It is permissibl e to mount the fittin g on norm ally flammable su rfaces.
The produc ts to which this manual refers comply w ith the European Directives pu rs­uant to:
2006/95 /EC - Safety of elect rical equi pment supplied at l ow voltage ( LVD)
2004/10 8/EC - Electromag netic Comp atibility (EMC)
2011/65/EU - R estricti on of the u se of certai n hazardous subst ances (RoH S)
2009/12 5/EC - EcoDesign re quiremen ts for Energy-rel ated Produ cts (ErP)
Protecti on against electrical shock
Connect ion must be made to a pow er supply sy stem fitted with effi cient eart hing (Clas s I app­liance ac cording to standa rd EN 60598- 1) .It is, mor eover, recom mended to pr otect the supply
The proje ctor needs to be posi tioned so th at the objects hit by t he beam of lig ht are at l east
Risk G roup 1
Acco rding t o En62 471
2.5 m
750 W
This p roduct is s upplied i n complia nce with Eu ro pean Dire ctive 201 2/19/EU -Waste E lectric al and Elec tronic Eq uipment ( WEEE) . To prese rv e the envir onment pl ease disp ose/rec ycde this produ ct at the en d of its life a ccordin g to the loca l regulat io n.
This p roduct co ntains a re chargea ble lead- ac id or lithi um iron tet raphosp hate batt ery.To preserv e the envi ronment ,please d ispose th e battery a t th e end of its li fe accord ing to the re gulatio n in force.
The fi tting mou nts a high- pressur e lamp that n ee ds an exter nal ignit er. This ignit er is fitte d onto the appa ratus. -C arefull y read the "o peratin g in structi ons" prov ided by the l amp manuf acturer.
-Imm ediatel y replace t he lamp if da maged or de fo rmed by hea t.
Befo re starti ng any main tenance w ork or clea ni ng the proj ector,cu t off power fro m the mains s upply. Afte r switchi ng off , do not remo ve any part s of the fitt ing for at le ast 10 minu tes. After t hi s time the li ke liho od of the lam p explodi ng is virtu ally smal l.If it is nece ssary to re place the l amp,wai t for anoth er 15 minu tes to avoi d getting b urnt.Th e fi tting is de signed to h old in any sp linters p roduced b y a lamp expl ­odin g.
This d evice is a mo ving-he ad for crea ting deco ra tive effect s and was des igned for i ndoor use o nly.
If the d evice ha be en expose d to drasti c tempera tu re fluctu ation(e .g.afte r transpo rtation ).do not we itch it on imm­edia tely.The ari si ng conden sation wa ter might d amage you r device, Leave the de vice swit ched off until it has r ea­ched r oom tempe rature.
Neve r run the dev ice witho ut lamp!
Do not s hake the de vice,Avoid br ute force w hen insta lling or op erating t he device .
Neve r life the fi xture by ho lding it at t he projec to rhead, as t he mechan ics may be da maged. Alw ays hold th e fixtu­re at th e transpo rt handle s.
When c hoosing t he instal lation- spot,pl ea se make sur e that the de vice is not e xposed to h eat,moi sture or du st.Th­ere sh ould not be a ny cables l ying arou nd.You en danger yo ur own and th e safety of o thers!
The mi nimum dis tance bet ween ligh t output an d th e illumin ated surf ace must be m ore than 0. 2 meters.
Make s ure that th e area belo w the insta llation p la ce is block ed when rig ging,de rigging o r servici ng the fixt ure.
Alwa ys fix the fi xture wit h an approp riate saf et y rope, Fix t he safety r ope at the co rrect hol es only.
Oper ate the fix ture afte r having ch ecked tha t th e housing i s firmly cl osed and al l screws ar e tightly f astend.
The la mp must nev er be ignit ed if the obj ective- le ns or any hou sing-co ver is open , as discha rge lamps m ay ex­plos e and emit a hi gn ultrav iolet rad iat, whic h ma y cause bur ns.
The ma ximum amb ient temp erature 4 0°C must neve r be e xceeded .
Oper ate the dev ice only af ter havin g familia ri zed with it s functio ns. Do not pe rmit oper ation by persons not qua­lifi ed for oper ating the d evice. Mo st damage s ar e the resul t of unprof essiona l operati on!
Plea se use the or iginal pa ckaging i f the devic e is to be transp orted.
Plea se consid er that una uthoriz ed modifi ca tions on th e device ar e forbidd en due to saf ety reaso nsl.
If thi s device wi ll be opera ted in any wa y diff erent to th e one descr ibed in thi s manual, t he product m ay suffer dama ges and the g uarante e becomes v oid.Fur th ermore, a ny other op eration m ay lead to da ngers lik e short-c irc­uit, burns, el ectric sh ict,bur ns due to ultra violet ra diation ,lamp exp losion, crash etc .
3.Operating determinations
line s of the proj ectors fr om indire ct c ontact an d/orsho rting to ea rth by usin g appropr iately si zed resi dual curr ent devic es.
4.1 Mounting
Pay atten tion to the regul ations of CE.
Installation by qualif ied staff to comp lete.
For the var ious mounting pos itions of th e FIXTURE(stand ing on the flo or, sideways or hang ing different accesso ries kits are avail able.
Through t his a safe and firm ins tallatio n is assured.
You’ll fi nd special connec tors on the bo ttom si de of the syst em which are put to use h ere.
4.2 Installing the Clamps
Please co nsider the respec tive natio nal norm s during the I nstallat ion!The install ation must o nly be car­ried out by a n authorized deal er!
The insta llation of the proj ector has to b e built and constru cted in a way th at it can hold 10 times t he wei­ght for 1 hou r without any harmi ng deforma tion.
The insta llation must alwa ys be secure d with a secondary sa fety attac hment, app ropriate c atch net.Thi s secondary safet y attachme nt must be construc ted in a way tha t no part of the instal lation can fall if the m ain attachment fa ils.
When serv icing the fixture s taying in th e area below the inst allation p lace,on bridges ,under hig h working places an d other endangere d areas is for bidden.
The opera tor has to make sure th at safety- relating and mach ine-tech nical installat ions are app roved by an expert b efore taking into o peration f or the first time and a fter chang es before taking in to operati on an­other tim e.
The opera tor has to make sure th at safety- relating and mach ine-tech nical installat ions are app roved by an expert a fter every four yea r in the cours e of an acceptance te st.
The opera tor has to make sure th at safety- relating and mach ine-tech nical installat ions are app roved by a skilled p erson once a year.
The proje ctor should be inst alled outs ide areas where per sons m ay walk b y or be seated.
Importa nt!Overhead rig ging requi res extensive exp ering CE,including (but not l imited to) calcula ting working l oad limits, insta llation ma terial being used , and period ic safety inspect ion of all ins tallation ma­terial an d the projector. If yo u lack these q ualifications , do not attem pt the installati on yoursel f, but in ste­ad use a prof essional struct ural rigge r. Improper instal lation can r esult in bodilyin jury and or da mage to propert y.
The proje ctor has to be instal led out of the r each of people.
If the proj ector shall be lowe red from the c eiling or high jois ts, profes sional trussing s ystem s have to be used. The p rojector m ust never be fixed sw inging fre ely in th e room .
Caution P rojectors may cau se severe in juries when crash ing down! If y ou have doubts conc erning the safety of a p ossible install ation, do no t install the proje ctor!
Before ri gging make sure tha t the instal lation area can hol d a minim um poi nt load of 10 times the project or s weight.
4.Rigging the fixture
The proje ctor can be placed di rectly on th e stage floor or rigg ed in any orie ntation on atruss w ithout alte­ring its op eration charact eristics .
For overh ead use,always in stall a safe ty-rope that can ho ld at least 10 t imes the weight of th e fixture.You must only u se safety-ropes w ith screw on c arabines.Pull t he safety- rope through the two apertures on the bottom of t he base and over the tr ussing sys tem etc.
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Warning: it is necessary to ma ke sure that the insta llation locatio n is perfect ly appropriate, and the ins tallation locat ion is safe an d reliable.
mounting plate
secure ch ain
omega hol der
Lock catc h
4.3 Power supply connection and cut off
Connect t he light source to th e main power s ource with the plug o f the power co rd, or cut off the power supply: Connect ion: according to p rocedure s, the power plug and s ocket is ins erted into the groo ve one one alignme nt, rotation. Cut off: acco rding to pro cedures, press th e button on the rotat ing plug, pu ll out.
旋钮 灯钩 保险绳 底板
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