Safety relay
TÜV Nord
Safety relay for:
Emergency stops
Light curtains
Three position devices
Interlocked gates/hatches
Magnetic switches
Light beams
Safety mats
Contact strips
Foot operated switches
Would you like a single safety relay for all your
safety applications?
Then choose the RT6 universal relay to supervise both your
safety devices and the internal safety of your machinery. In
addition you can select the safety level required for each installation. All this is possible because the RT6 has the most
versatile input option arrangement available on the market.
Many other relays can therefore be replaced by the RT6.
The relay also comes with other options such as manual
or automatic reset. Manual supervised reset can be used
for gates and other safety devices that can be bypassed.
Automatic reset can be used for small hatches, if deemed
acceptable from risk assessment.
The RT6 also has information outputs that follow the inputs
and outputs of the relay. These outputs will for example
indicate if a gate is open or closed and if the safety relay
needs to be reset.
The RT6 is designed with a minimum amount of
components thus keeping both production costs and
component acquisitions to a minimum.
Choose the RT6 to simplify your safety circuits and reduce
your costs.
Five input options
Single or dual channel input
Manual supervised or automatic reset
Test input for supervision of
external contactors
Width 45 mm
LED indication of supply,
inputs, outputs, short-circuit
and low voltage level.
3 NO/1 NC relay outputs
Two voltage free transistor
information outputs
Supply 24 VDC, 24, 48, 115
or 230 VAC
Quick release connector

Technical information - RT6
The inputs from the safety devices must be connected according
to one of the following options in order to fulfill the expected safety
level and to avoid unsafe situations.
Single channel, 1 NO contact from +24 V DC, 1. category 1,
up to PL c
Dual channel, 2 NO contacts from +24 V DC, 2. category 3,
up to PL d
Dual channel 1 NO, 1 NC contact from +24 V DC, 3.
category 4, up to PL e
Dual channel, 1 NO contact from 0V and 1 NO contact 4.
from +24 V DC, category 4, up to PL e
Safety mats/contact strips 1 ‘contact’ from 0V and 1 5.
‘contact’ from +24 V DC, category 3, up to PL d
When the input /inputs are activated and the test /super vised reset
is complete, relays 1 and 2 are energized. Simultaneous activation
is not required where there are dual channels. The two relays are
de-energized when the input/inputs are de-activated in accordance with the input option chosen or in case of a power failure.
Relays 1 and 2 must both be de-energized before the outputs can
be activated again.
Transistor output status information
The RT6 has two voltage free transistor outputs that can be connected to a PLC, computer or other monitoring device. These
outputs give the input and output status of the relay.
Indication of low voltage
The ‘On’ LED will flash if the relay supply voltage falls below an
acceptable level. This indication will also be given if a monitored
safety mat/contact strip is actuated. See connection option 5.
Safety level
The RT6 has internal dual and supervised safety functions. A
short-circuit, internal faulty component or external interference
will not present a risk to options with the highest safety level. A
manual reset requires that the reset input is closed and opened
before the safety relay outputs are activated. A short-circuit or a
faulty reset button is consequently supervised.
When the RT6 is configured for dual channel input, both the
inputs are supervised for correct sequence operation before the
unit can be reset.
The input options 3 and 4 have the highest safety levels as all
short-circuits and power failures are supervised. This in combination with internal current limitation makes the relay ideal for
supervision of safety mats and contact strips.
Regulations and standards
The RT6 is designed and approved in accordance with appropriate directives and standards. See technical data.
Connection examples
For examples of how our safety relays can solve various safety
problems, see the section “Connection examples”.
Reset and testing
The RT6 has two reset options� manual and automatic. The ma-has two reset options� manual and automatic. The ma- two reset options� manual and automatic. The manual supervised reset is used when the RT6 is monitoring safety
devices that can be bypassed, i.e. to ensure that the outputs of the
safety relay do not close just because a gate is closed. The automatic reset should only be used if deemed an acceptable risk.
In addition, the RT6 can also test (supervise) whether, for example, contactors and valves etc are de-energized/de-activated
before a restart is allowed.
Connection of supply - RT6
DC supply
AC supply
**Only for AC supply
DC-supply of AC-units
The RT6 DC option should be supplied
with +24 V on A1 and 0 V on A2.
The RT6 AC option should be supplied
with the appropriate supply voltage via
connections A1 and A2.
The S23/ must be connected to protective earth.
All AC-units can also be supplied by
+24 VDC to S53 (0VDC to S23).
With both DC and AC modules, if cable
shielding is used this must be connected
to an earth rail or an equivalent earth