Johnson Hardware 1521, IN153PDL User Manual

1. MARK DOOR Mark door for 2-1/8" bore on face of
door, and 15/16" bore on edge of door approximately 36" above floor. *NOTE: LOCK WILL FITAND FUNCTION PROPERLY IN EITHER 15/16" OR 1" BORE FOR LATCH BOLT.
2. BORE HOLES Bore 2-18" hole in door face (Boring
from both sides of door to prevent splitting). Bore 15/16" hole in door edge 3-5/8" deep. (Make sure 15/16"* mark is center of door edge). Mark and mortise for latch 1/8" deep.
3. REMOVE STRIKE Remove strike plate from lock by
depressing latch release.
4. INSTALL LOCK Install latch bolt by depressing nylon
locking button on bolt to clear 15/16"* hole. Be sure that locking button is on the locking side desired.
A/ Place Plate with locating blocks opposite locking side into 2-1/8" bore. Be sure that the “Safety Release Hole” is toward rear of door and away from latch. Take other face plate with locking slot, insert “Locking
Button Extension”
into locking slot. Place locking slot face plate and
“Locking Button Extension” over
locking button and secure with 1/4" screws provided.
B/ Snap “Latch Button Extensions” onto latch
button ends.
C/ Fasten latch plate in mortise with 3/4" screws provided.
5. INSTALL STRIKE Slide pocket door closed, hitting
jamb to mark location. Drill 15/16" hole 1" deep in center of marks made by latch. Place strike plate in 15/16" hole, making sure plate is plumb with jamb, then mark and mortise, 1/8" deep. Secure with 3/4" screws provided.
L.E. JOHNSON PRODUCTS, INC. • 2100 STERLING AVE. • ELKHART, IN 46516 • 574-293-5664
Rev. 9/05
Privacy Pocket Door Lock 1534
For 1-3/4" Thick Doors
Important: Do Not Remove Screws from Locating Blocks on Plate