Test report #20000307F FCC 15.231 for CB2JAGHL3 FCC ID: CB2JAGHL3
Tested April 6, 2000
The proposed Owners Manual for the Homelink® series Universal Garage Door Opener is
reproduced here.
HomeLink® Universal Transceiver
Suggested Owner’s Manual Text
October, 1999
HomeLink® Universal Transceiver
The HomeLink® Universa l T ransceiver in your vehicle provides a c onvenient way to replace up to three handheld transmitte rs with a single built-in component. This inno vativ e fe atu re will learn the radio frequency
codes of most current trans mitters used to a c tivate devic es s uc h as garage doors, entry door locks, estate
gates, security s y s tems, and home or office lighting. For add itional informa tion on HomeLink and/or
compatible products, call
or refer to the H omeLink w eb s ite at
When programming the HomeLink Universal Transceiver to a garage door opener or entry
gate, make s ure that people and objects are out of the way to prevent potential harm or
Do not use the HomeLink Universal Transceiver with any garage door opener that
lacks the safety stop and reverse feature as required by federal sa fety standards. (This
includes any garage door opener model manufactured before April 1, 1982.) A ga rage
door opener which cannot detect an object, signaling the door to stop and revers e, does
not meet current federal safety standards. Using a garage door opener without these
features increases risk of serious injury or death. For more information, call
Retain the original transmitte r for future programming procedures (i.e. , new vehicle
purchase). It is also s uggested that upon the s ale of the vehicle, the programme d
HomeLink Universal Transceiver buttons be erased for security purposes (follow step
1 in the “Programming” portion of this text).
or on the internet at
AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, M I 49047, (616) 424- 7014 121071
Exhibit N: Page 1 of 4

Test report #20000307F FCC 15.231 for CB2JAGHL3 FCC ID: CB2JAGHL3
Tested April 6, 2000
For best results, replace the battery in the hand-held transmitter with a
If your garage door opener receiver (located in the garage) is equipped with an antenna, make sure the
antenna is completely uncoiled and hangs straight down.
Press and hold the two outside buttons - releasing
to be followed to program additional hand-held transmitters.)
one to three inches away from the HomeLink surface -
HomeLink button.
Note: Some entry gates and garage door openers may require you to
4. The HomeLink indicator light will flash, first slowly and then rapidly. When
If, after 20 seconds, the indicator light does not flash rapidly, release both the HomeLink and the hand-held transmitter
buttons and repeat steps two through four.
and/or angle
after 20 seconds
Hold the end of the hand-held transmitter of the device you wish to train approximately
(For placement questions, please contact HomeLink at
Using both hands, simultaneously push the hand-held transmitter button
with the procedures noted in the “Canadian Programming / Gate Programming” section.
the indicator light flashes rapidly, release both buttons. (The rapid flashing light
indicates successful programming of the new frequency signal.)
until the indicator light begins to flash rapidly. Release both buttons after the indicator light flashes
. (This procedure erases the factory set default codes and does not have
Do not release the buttons until step 4 has been completed.
However, position the hand-held transmitter at a different length
when the indicator light begins to
keeping the indicator light in view.
battery before programming.
or on the internet at
the desired
this programming step (#3)
Refer to “Rolling Code Programming” and/or “Canadian Programming/Gate Programming” for additional procedures
if necessary.
To activate the garage door or other programmed device upon successfully completing the steps above, press and hold
the HomeLink button - releasing when the device
To program the remaining two buttons, follow steps 2 through 4.
If you do not successfully program the HomeLink Universal Transceiver to learn the signal of the hand-held
transmitter, refer to “Rolling Code Programming” within this text
AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, M I 49047, (616) 424- 7014 121071
or on the internet at
Exhibit N: Page 2 of 4
to activate.
or call toll-free for customer assistance at