The WNC1800 Wireless Network Coordinator (WNC) Gateway, equipped with a ZFR1820 or ZFR1823 Coordinator
Radio, provides an IP interface to wireless enabled field controllers (WEFCs) equipped with a ZFR1821 or ZFR1822
Pro Wireless Router, TEC3000 wireless thermostats, and a supervisory controller in a Metasys® building automation
system (BAS). The WNC Gateway routes BACnet® IP messages between the Ethernet network and the wireless
ZFR Pro network through the ZFR Pro Coordinator Radio.
This document describes day-to-day use and features of the WNC Gateway, including where to find settings and
how to navigate the screens, but does not address equipment controller details. For more information on individual
controller and application settings, refer to the associated technical literature.
The WNC Gateway allows you to use smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers to interact with building
automation equipment controllers on a ZFR Pro network. The WNC Gateway serves up web pages through a built-in
Wi-Fi access point or Ethernet connection, which allows you to view and edit equipment controller configuration
parameters, setpoints, schedules, and alarms through a standard web browser.
The Wi-Fi access point connection on the WNC Gateway allows users of a supported mobile device to be up to 30
m (100 ft, line of sight) away indoors if there are no obstacles,(typical indoor range is 15 m (50 ft)).
Note: The WNC Gatewaycannot be used on Smoke Control systems or Metasys for Validated Environment (MVE)
WNC Gateway UI and Navigation
The WNC Gateway User Interface runs in a secure web browser on your computer or mobile device. It is scalable
to work on computer screens and the smaller screens of mobile devices. When you first log in to the WNC Gateway,
you are presented with the Access Point Legal Disclaimer as well as WNC Gateway and License information. You
must agree to this information in order to access the WNC Gateway. When you click I Agree, you will be able to log
into the WNC Gateway to configure it and view the data of its discovered controllers. See the WNC Gateway UI
Figure 1. The exact view on different web browsers and different devices may vary, but the basic layout and functionally
will be the same.
After logging in the first time, the WNC Gateway will require additional Network Addressing and Configuration before
it can be used in a Metasys® System.
From the Home Screen, the left panel of the UI allows you to select a specific device from the Choose a device
drop-down list, , choose Settings to access and modify settings of the WNC Gateway, perform software updates
and other administrative tasks depending on the user's role, or choose Admin to log out or change your password.
The right pane contains the full list of devices that the WNC Gateway has discovered. Each entry in the device list
shows the device address, the name, a description, signal strength, and a label.
If the row is light blue and shows a down arrow icon, it indicates that the discovered device is online but its system
points have not yet been read or discovered. Clicking the row instructs WNC Gateway to retrieve the available views
and points from that device. Until the device has had its points discovered, it is not selectable from the Choose adevice drop-down list. Once the device points have been discovered, the icon changes to an arrowhead as shown
in the following figures.
The WNC Gateway uses colored bars to indicate the condition of points and alarms (). These bars enable the user
to zero in on the most important statuses from a long list of devices or points. Points that are in an alarm status show
red bars at left and right sides of that point's entry in the list. Points that are overridden or Out of Service show orange
bars. Points that are Offline show black bars. Point values that are read-only show grey borders. These colors and
rules match the default indicators in Metasys systems.
When using the WNC Gateway through a web browser on a computer, as shown in Figure 3, you see the entire
user interface with the left side of the Gateway dedicated to menu selections and the right side dedicated to equipment
selections. The Device List, overall settings, and Admin Options can be selected and viewed or adjusted as you like.
When navigating to other menus, a menu button appears at the top of the list to allow you to return to the home
When viewing the WNC Gateway interface on a phone or mobile device, the screen displays either the menu
selections on the left or the equipment selections from the right. You can slide the screen left or right to see the
desired selections.
When the WNC Gateway is connected to a network, it detects the devices on that network and populates the Device
List. You can select individual devices to view or command directly from the list or by using the Choose a device
drop-down list. Selecting a device takes you to that device's home page.
Devices will automatically appear in the device list when they join the network. It can take up to 10 minutes for a
device to appear the first time.
Figure 5: Device List ZigBee® Network
Note: Normally, using the Rediscover Devices button is not necessary, but may be required if alarms and status
indications do not self-clear, if firmware has been updated or new applications have been downloaded to
1. Click Rediscover Devices. The Rediscover Devices screen appears.
Figure 6: Rediscover Devices
2. Click Rediscover. The WNC Gateway shows a connection problem while the device reads the network. This is
a transitory condition and typically can be ignored.
Figure 7: Connection Problem
3. When communication is re-established, click Device List to return to the updated device list.
The WNC Gateway uses security certificates to authenticate itself to web browsers. Refer to the Mobile Access
Portal Gateway Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin (LIT-12012015) for information on installing and using
security certificates.
The first time you log in to the WNC Gateway, the Change Password and Passphrase webpage appears. You must
change the Admin password and Wi-Fi passphrase. WNC Gateway, passwords must have at least eight characters,
at least one digit (0–9), and one upper case letter (A–Z). The Wi-Fi access point passphrase must have at least
eight characters but there are no other restrictions.
Following these simple rules to add complexity to your password:
•Use a password that is at least eight (8) characters in length (and preferably even longer than eight characters).
•Do not use dictionary words in your password.
•Use uppercase and lowercase letters.
•Use numbers.
•Use symbols such as $, %, &.
If you forget the Admin password, the WNC can be reset to the factory password that is located in the original
Quickstart Guide. For this reason, you should maintain physical security of the Wireless Network Coordinator QuickStart Guide (Part No. 24-10737-105) with the passphrase on it to discourage unauthorized attempts to access
User Roles
User roles define access levels in WNC Gateway and network functions to the level appropriate for a user's job
requirements. The user roles available are Admin, Technician, and Tenant.
Access to the WNC Gateway setting options are controlled by user level.
Table 1: Settings Access by User Role
Wi-Fi Access Point
stationary device or being used as a BACnet router for a
provide to Product Support (for product support only).
BACnet Time Sync
viewed. Because the WNC Gateway does not have a battery
to maintain time during a power failure, you should make
sure that time is in sync after a device reset to apply correct
times to the system logs. Remote users should be aware
that no time zone information persists if your browser time
is different from the local time for the WNC Gateway.
User RoleUse toSetting
Admin, Tech, and TenantChange Wi-Fi SSID and Wi-Fi Passphrase on WNC
Note: Tenants can view but not change
Wi-Fi settings.
Admin and TechConfigure Ethernet settings if using WNC Gateway as a
AdminInstall security certificate and private key.SSL
Admin and TechUpdate the software version of the WNC Gateway.Software Updates
AdminAdd or delete users and define their user roles.Admin
Admin, Tech, and TenantLists the versions of the software components used in WNC
AdminDownload a compressed file of diagnostic information to
AdminDownload a text file of user actions on the WNC Gateway.Audit Log
Admin and TechSet the time on the WNC Gateway and the device being
The WNC Gateway acts as an access point for connecting Wi-Fi devices such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops
to your field controllers, wireless thermostats, and rooftop units on a building management network. All Admin and
Tech users can change the Wi-Fi SSID and the Wi-Fi Passphrase fields under the Wi-Fi Access Point settings (Figure
10). The default settings for these two fields are included in the Wireless Network Coordinator Gateway Quick Start
Guide (Part No. 24-10737-105) , which ships with each WNC1800 Gateway. To access the Wi-Fi settings, click
Wi-Fi Access Point in the Settings menu on the WNC Gateway UI. The first time you log in to the WNC Gateway,
the system prompts you to change the Wi-Fi Passphrase. The Passphrase must be a minimum of eight characters.
For more information on setting a secure password see Security.
Access the Ethernet Settings screen from the Settings Menu when logged in as either an Admin or Tech user.
•If you are using Ethernet, you must have the WNC Gateway plugged into external power before connecting the
•Changes to these parameters will take effect immediately, but it can take up to 5 minutes before they are persisted
in the WNC1800’s archive. If power is cycled before the archive occurs, the changes will be lost.
For more information on committing changes, see WNC Network Setup.
Figure 11: WNC Gateway Ethernet Settings Screen
Note: A grey field is read-only; a white field can be edited.
Must be turned on to connect to an NAE.Must be OnEthernet
Hostname is a unique name for this device on a WNC or an Ethernet
network. The user can modify the Hostname.
The last part of a domain name. Domain name suffixes include .com, .net,
and .org, among others.
A MAC (media access control) address is manufactured into all network
cards, including Ethernet and Wi-Fi devices. It uniquely identifies hardware
on a WNC or an Ethernet network.
Determines whether to automatically configure a DHCP address. Turn off
to use your WNC1800 Gateway with a static IP address. Contact your IT
Department to obtain necessary settings if you wish to manually set
Used to set Address if Auto DHCP Config is OFF.IP Address
Used to set Mask if Auto DHCP Config is OFF. Mask
Used to set Default Gateway if Auto DHCP Config is OFF.Default Gateway
If you have a Dynamic Name Server (DNS) on your network, the WNC1800
Gateway can be accessed by a unique name instead of an IP address.
Set this field to ON to enable use of the DNS.
Address of your Primary DNS server, if available.Primary DNS Server
Address of your Secondary DNS server, if available.Secondary DNS Server
Note: The WNC Gateway User Interface uses https secure protocol. To externally access the WNC Gateway you
need to open port 443. Contact the site's IT department for more information.
The SSL Settings screen shows the currently installed security certificate (if any) and allows you to install both a
Private Key and a new certificate. The following procedure can only be performed by an Admin user. Refer to the
Mobile Access Portal Gateway Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin (LIT-12012015) for information on how
to use SSL Certificates in a WNC Gateway.
The Administration Settings screen can only be viewed by an Admin User. On this screen, an administrator can add
or delete users, define user roles, and change passwords.