Johnson Controls VA-8122 Catalog Page

Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street
P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53202
va8122 1900048 9thcc:na Valve actuator Rev:
Proportional Valve Actuator
Code No. LIT-1900048
left ft: right ft:
standard Sect# = 9
seQ# = 108
The VA-8122 can be ordered factory coupled to the 1/2 in. or 3/4 in. VG7000 Series bronze valves for hot or cold water service only. The VA-8122 can be used for retrofits of VT Series Terminal Unit Valves (with slotted stems) and VB-5x39 Series Flare Valves. Refer to the approp r ia te va lv e literature for mo re information.
• AUTOCAL pushbutton allows the actuator to define the control input range proportionally over the stroke
• simplified setup and adjust proc edures
VA-8122-1 Valve Actuator
The VA-8122 Proportional Valve Actu ator is an electric actuator that provides proportional contro l o f v alv es wit h up t o a 5/16 in . stro ke in Heating, Ventilatin g, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications. This compact, non­spring return actuator has a 22 lb minimum seating force in a compact, easy-to-install package.
decr ease installation costs
• selectable direction of action, Drive Down or Drive Up, pro vi des appl ic at io n fl e xi bi lity
• wide range of control inputs meets the needs of most applications
• power fail ur e detectio n an d low voltag e indication prevent data corru ption of the actuator's memory and warns of insufficient suppl y voltage
• Light-Emitting Diode (LED) reduces commis sionin g time and di splays op erati ng status
VA-8122 Proportional Valve Actuator
Power Requirements 24 VAC at 50/60 Hz, 5.0 VA supply minimum, Class 2
Jumper Selectable: 0 (2) to 10 VDC, 0 (4) to 20 VDC,
Input Signal
Input Impedance
5/16 in. Stroke Time Force Shutoff and Breakaway: 22 lb (98 N) minimum
Cycles 60,000 full cycles; 1,500,000 repositions Enclosure NEMA 1, IP20 Audible Noise Rating 35 dBA maximum at 3.28 ft (1 m)
Ambient Operating Conditions
Ambient Storage Conditions
Valve Media Temperature Dimensions (H x W x D) 4.5 x 5.0 x 2.5 in. (114 x 127 x 64 mm)
Shipping Weig ht 1.6 lb (0.74 kg)
Agency Compliance
Factory Setting: 0 to 10 VDC,
Voltage Input: 0 to 10 VDC, 150,000 ohms and
Current Input: 0 to 20 mA, 500 ohms 50 Hz: Approximately 108 seconds nominal
60 Hz: Approximately 90 seconds nominal
35 to 135°F (2 to 57°C); 85°F (30°C) Maximum dew point at 90% RH, non-condensing
-40 to 150°F (-40 to 65°C); 85°F (30°C) Maximum dew point at 90% RH, non-condensing
Water: 195°F (90°C) maximum Steam: Actuator is not rated for this application.
UL 873 Recognized, File E27734, Guide XAPX2 CSA C22.2 No. 139 Certified, File LR85083, Class 3221 02 CE Directive 89/336/EEC
6 (12) to 9 (18) VDC,0 (4) to 20 mA
Drive Down (DD) action on signal increase
0 to 20 VDC, 450,000 ohms
The actuator uses a reversible synchronous motor to accurately position the valve. The motor can reliab ly generate 22 pounds of force in either the Drive Down or Drive Up direction. Once the valve close s , a shutoff force builds up. When this force reaches 22 pounds, a le ve r wit hin th e a ct uat or ope ra tes a force sensor that stops the motor. The constan t load at t he end of trav el en sure s tight valve sea t shutoff a nd compensates for seat wear.
Field ca libr a tion o f sh utof f i s n ot r e qu ire d. The actuator mainta ins the shu toff force and its last pos ition even if power is remove d.
Note: The valve stem can be positioned
manually by turning the manual adjustment knob. Rotating the knob counterclockwise moves the valve st em up.
Repair Parts
Field repairs must not be made.
To Order
To order a p ropor ti onal valv e actu ator , c ontact the near est Johnson Cont rols representative and spe cif y pr o du ct co de nu mb er Refer to the
chart fo r acce ssorie s
availa ble.
Code Number Description
VA-8020-100 VA-8020-601 Replacement cover only
VA-8020-605 M9000-105
(a) One kit is included with the actuator. If ordered
separately, it must be ordered in multiples of five.
Mounting kit for VT Series valves
Stem retainer and clip kit Pluggable 3-position terminal
The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
© 08/00 Johnson Controls, Inc