Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street
P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53202
vva805xs p;w 1924170 9thcc:4-111 Valves Electric Valves and Actuators Rev:
VA-805x Series
Electric Valve Actuators
Code No. LIT-1924170
left ft:
right ft:
Sect# = 2
seQ# = 288
The VA-805x Series Electric Valve Actuators
are s y nchronous, motor-driven actuators that
provide precise floating/inc remental control
for 1/2 in. to 1-1/2 in. valves in many HVAC
• efficient, force-sensing mechanism with a
unique pivotin g lever that ensures a
constant 50 lb seating force and eliminates
the need for readjustmen t
• compa ct size all ows easy in stallation in
small sp ac e s
Selection Chart
Code Number Signal Application
VA-8050-1 24 VAC, 3-Wire
Selectable 24 VAC 3-Wire
(with Feedback)
Floating / Incremental
Floating / Incremental with
Code Number Description
VA-8000-101 Steam Insulator Kit
VA-8000-102 Valve Position Indicator
VA-8000-104 Auxiliary Interface Board (for Use with DSC-8500)
VA-8050-100 Field Mounting Kit for VT Series Valves
Note: Insulator is included on factory-coupled assemblies. Order
VA-8000-101 when field mounting to VT Series and cage trim
Applic ations
Flare Valves; Cage Trim Valves; VG7000
must be factory mounted (no linkage
kit available ).
To Order
Specify the code number from the foll owing
select ion chart. Also refer to
and Actuator Selection Charts
Series options, refer to
Electric Valve
. For VG7000
VG7000 Se ries B ronze
Valves, 1/2 Throug h 2 in. (15 to 51 mm), TwoWay and Three-Way with Electric Actuators
Repair Parts
Replace u nit or upgrade to VA-7 15x Seri es
Elect r ic Valv e A ct ua t or s.
VA-805x Series Electric Valve Actuators
Media Temperature Water: 190°F; Steam: 280°F with Insulator Kit
Stroke Time
Supply Power 24 VAC (+6V, -4V), 50/60 Hz, 6 VA
Shutoff Force 50 lb
Size (in.) 5-11/32 H x 3-3/32 D x 6 W
50 Seconds for 1/2 in. Stroke;
75 Seconds for 3/4 in. Stroke
The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson
Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
© 02/01 Johnson Controls, Inc