6.06 in.
(154.0 mm)
3.84 in. dia.
(98.0 mm)
0.25 in. dia.
(6.4 mm)
(Max. Cable)
2.5 in.
(63.5 mm)
Cover Removal
Dimensions, in. (mm)
VA-715x Electric Valve Actuator
VA-715x Series Electric Valve Actuator
Code No. LIT-1924175
Issued January 2, 2014
The VA-715x Series synchronous,
motor-driven actuator provides incremental
(three-wire), incremental with feedback, or
proportional control of valves with up to 3/4 in.
(19.05 mm) stroke in HVAC applications.
This compact, non-spring-return actuator has
a 90 lb (400 N) force minimum, and responds
to a variety of input signals.
The VA-715x Series can be easily field
mounted or ordered factory coupled to
VG7000 Series Bronze Control Valves.
Refer to the VG7000 Series Bronze Control
Valves Product Bulletin (LIT-977140) for
important product application information.
Selection Chart
VA-7150-1001 Three-Wire Incremental
VA-7153-1001 Three-Wire Incremental with
VA-7152-1001 Proportional, 0 to 10 VDC
V-9999-670 Bonnet Adaptor (Used for Field
Y20EBE-2 Adaptor Kit (Used for Field
VA-7150-1900 Conduit Adaptor Kit
V-9999-HW1 Mounting Kit to Mount VA-715x or
V-9999-BC1 Mounting Kit to Mount VA-715x or
The performance specifications are nomina l and conf orm to accep table industr y standar ds. For ap plications a t condition s beyond th ese specification s, consult the local Johnson Controls o ffice.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2014 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Position Feedback
Mounting to VT Series V alve Body
with Threaded Stem)
Mounting to VT Series V alve Body
with Slotted Stem)
VA-720x Series Electric Actuators
to Honeywell
through 3 in. Single-Seated and
V5013F Three-Way Valves
VA-720x Series Electric Actuators
to Barber-Colman
1-1/4 in. VB-9xxx Valve Bodies
® V75011A, F, G, 1/2
® 1/2 through
• magnetic clutch provides constant output
force for positive closeoff of valves, and
protects the motor in stall conditions
• selectable direct and reverse action
simplifies setup and installation
• durable construction provides a longer
cycle life
• compact unit provides 90 lb force output,
covering a wide range of applications with
just one actuator
• unique yoke design enables easy field
mounting to valves, reducing installation
and stroke adjustment time
The VA-715x Series Actuator is used in
conjunction with VG7000 Series Valves for hot
water and chilled water systems. For
VG7000 Series Valve options, refer to the
VG7000 Series Brass Trim Globe Valves with
VA-715x Series Electric Actuators Catalog
Page (LIT-1900084) and the VG7000 Series
Stainless Steel Trim Globe Valves with
VA-715x Series Electric Actuators Catalog
Page (LIT-1900090). For field mounting
options, refer to the VG7000 Series Bronze
Globe Valves for Assembly in the Field
Catalog Page (LIT-1924005).
Repair Information
If the VA-715x Series Electric Valve Actuator
fails to operate within its specifications,
replace the unit. For a replacement actuator,
contact the nearest Johnson Controls®
Technical Specifications
VA-715x Series Electric Valve Actuato r
Power Requirements 24 VAC (20 to 30 VAC), 50/60 Hz
Input Signal Incremental: 24 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Input Signal
Input Impedance
Feedback Signal Proportional: 0 to 2,000 Ohms ±25%, 1/4 W, Over 25/32 in. (20 mm) Stroke
Mechanical Output 90 lb Force (400 N) Minimum
Stroke Range 5/16 to 25/32 in. (8 to 20 mm)
Nominal Stroke
Media Temperature 280°F (138°C) Maximum
Electrical Connection Screw Terminals for 16 AWG Maximum
Enclosure NEMA 2, IP42
Ambient Conditions Operating: 0 to 140°F (-18 to 60°C); 10 to 90% RH Noncondensing
Agency Listings UL 873 Listed, File E27734 CSA C22.2 No. 139 Certified, File LR85083
Incremental with Position Feedback: 24 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Proportional: 0 to 10 VDC
Input Signal: 0 to 5, 5 to 10, 0 to 10 VDC (Jumper Selectable)
Action: Drive Up (RA) or Drive Down (DA) on Signal Increase (Jumper Selectable)
Factory Setting: 0 to 10 VDC Over 3/4 in. (19 mm) Stroke, DA
100,000 Ohms
50 Hz: 85 Seconds 5/16 in. (8 mm) Stroke
60 Hz: 70 Seconds 5/16 in. (8 mm) Stroke
For 1/4 - 28 UNF Valve Stem
Storage: -4 to 150°F (-20 to 65°C); 5 to 90% RH,
135 Seconds 1/2 in. (13 mm) Stroke
200 Seconds 3/4 in. (19 mm) Stroke
110 Seconds 1/2 in. (13 mm) Stroke
165 Seconds 3/4 in. (19 mm) Stroke
86°F (30°C) Maximum Dew Point
86°F (30°C) Maximum Dew Point