Controls Grou p 507 E. Michigan Street
P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53202
va7010 p; 1924500 9thcc:na Valves Electric Valves an d Actuators Rev:
VA-7010 Series
Electric Valve Actuators
The VA-7010 Series Electri c Valve Actu ators
provide two-position (open/closed) control
and can ea si ly b e field mount e d w ith a
thread ed coupl in g ont o V G4 00 0 an d VG50 00
Series Zon e Valv es . A lever at the si de of the
actuator housing can be used to open the
mounted valve manually for servicing.
Code No. LIT-1924500
• flat pr ofil e de si gn wit h sma ll side cl ea ran ce
provides mounting close to flat surfaces
and saves space
• actuator can be mounted after the valve
body is installed, simplify ing installation in
confined space s while allowing application
• actu ator can be r otated af t er m ou nt i ng,
left ft:
right ft:
Sect# = 5
seQ# = 423
provi ding easier wiring by loc a ti ng the
VA-7010 Electric Valve Actuator with
VG5000 Series Va lve
• low voltage or line voltage models prov id e
application fl ex ib ility
• AC stall type motor ens ur es qu ie t operat i on
• manual lever allows manual position mode
for servicing
wirin g co nduit ent r y in an y di r ec tion
Repair Parts
Replace unit.
To Order
Specify the code number from the following
Selection Chart.
VA-7010 Series Electric Valve Actuator
Action On/Off
Type of Motor Synchronous Sta ll
VA-7010-8001: 24 VAC, Class 2, ±10%
Supply Voltage (50/60 Hz)
Powe r Consump t i on 7 VA
Minimum Force 20.2 lb (90 N)
Nominal Stroke 0.12 in. (3 mm), Maximum 0.2 in. (5 mm)
Full Stroke Time On Nominal 10 Seconds
Full Stroke Time Off Nominal 5 Seconds
Protection IP40, NEMA 1
Ambient Operating Conditions 35 to 122°F (2 to 50°C), Non-Condensing
Ambient Storage Conditions -4 to 149°F (-20 to 65°C), Non-Condensing
Electrical Connections 18 AWG, 20 in. (508 mm) Long Wire Leads
Shipping Weight 1.1 lb (0.5 kg)
Agency Listings
CE Conformity VA-7010-8001:EMC Directive (89/336 EU)
VA-7010-8002: 120 VAC, ±10%
VA-7010-8003: 230 VAC, ±10%
VA-7010-8006: 208 VAC, ±10%
UL 873 Listed, File E27734, Guide XAPX, Plenum Rated
CSA C22.2 No. 139 Certified, File LR85083, Class 3221 01
Selection Chart
VA-7010-8001 24 VAC Electric On/Off Actuator
VA-7010-8002 120 VAC Electric On/Off Actuator
VA-7010-8003 230 VAC Electric On/Off Actuator
VA-7010-8006 208 VAC Electric On/Off Actuator
The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond t hese specifications, consult the local Johnson
Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
© 05/01 Johnson Controls, Inc