Johnson Controls V47N Series Data Sheet

V47N Series Reverse
Acting Valve
V47N Series Reverse Acting Valve
The V47N Series are reverse-acting, temperature-actuated, modulating valves that regulate the flow of water or glycol to maintain a desired temperature. Reverse-acting valves open on a drop in temperature. They are generally used in parallel with direct-acting valves for hand pump applications or for bypass operation.
Refer to the V47 Series Temperature
Actuated Modulating Water Valves Product
Bulletin (LIT-125690) for important product
application information.
Valves and Valve Accessories
• bypass systems
• water-cooled heat pumps in parallel with a direct-acting valve
Code No. LIT-1900107
Selection Charts
V47N Series Reverse Acting Valve
Product Code Number
V47NB-1C 1/2 in. Screw 85 to 155°F 105°F 11/16 x 3-1/4 V47NC-1C 3/4 in. Screw V47NR-1C 1-1/2 in. Flange 45 to 85°F 55°F 11/16 x 16-1/4
1. Refer to sizing information in V47 Series Temperature Actuated Modulating Valve (LIT-1927330), then specify the code number from this chart.
Repair Parts and Accessories
Parts For: Product Code Number
V47NB-1C STT15A-602R
V47NC-1C STT16A-601R
V47NR-1C STT17A-610R SET29A-605R
Pipe Size & Connector Opening Point
Seat Repair Kit Replacement Sensing
Factory-set Opening Point
Bulb Size, In.
Bulb Well Number (Order Separately)
WEL18A-602R (Brass)
Standard Bypass Orifice
The performance specifications are nomina l and con form to accep table ind ustry stand ards. For applicati ons at con ditions be yond these specification s, consult th Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2015 Johnson Controls, Inc.