UZR-xx-x, UBR-xx-x, UZD-0xxX0xx-x, UBD-0xxX0xx-x
CCS Zone/Bypass Damper Assemblies
CCS Zone/Bypass Damper Assembly
Code No. LIT-1900539
Issued July 15, 2011
The Commercial Comfort System (CCS)
Zone/Bypass Damper Assemblies are zone
control and pressure control devices that
include the damper and control components in
a factory assembled configuration. The
assembly includes the round or rectangular
damper, configured Direct Digital Control
(DDC) controller, electric actuator, pressure
sensor (in the bypass damper only), National
Electrical Manufacturers' Association (NEMA)
Type 1 enclosure, and an optional control
power transformer. The controllers are
application specific, factory programmed
digital controllers that communicate via the
BACnet® Master Slave/Token-Passing (MS/
TP) Protocol. Both the zone and bypass
controllers operate as part of a larger zoning
system and provide zone and pressure control
for the appropriate mechanical equipment.
The zone damper modulates in response to
temperature variations relative to a user
defined space temperature setpoint. The
bypass damper modulates to maintain supply
duct static pressure setpoint.
Refer to the Commercial Comfort System
(CCS) Product Bulletin (LIT-12011347) for
additional product application information.
• factory mounted and wired control
components reduce installation time
• fast response actuator drives the damper
from full open to full closed (90) in 60
seconds to reduce commissioning time
• continuous loop tuning provided by Pattern
Recognition Adaptive Control (PRAC)
• available in both round and rectangular
• supplemental heat for both staged and
modulated damper assemblies
• variety of additional sizes available through
special order
Repair Information
If the CCS Zone/Bypass Damper Assembly
fails to operate within its specifications, see
the Repair Parts
Contact your local Johnson Controls®
representative for a replacement unit.
table for a list of repair parts.
Round Damper Assemblies
The round damper assemblies feature superior design, solid molded damper shafts, and control enclosures. The round damper assembly
features both staged and modulated supplement heat options.
Superior Design
The round zone damper is a 22 gauge round unit. An automated manufacturing process produces damper blades to exact specifications. The
dampers are designed for low noise operation with minimal friction loss and a tight closure seal. Air valve leakage is less than 1% of rated capacity
at 3 in. wg inlet pressure.
Solid Molded Damper Shaft
The solid damper shaft is molded using a high-impact, high-strength composite material. It is designed to eliminate condensation on the extended
portion that penetrates the unit casing. The shaft allows a more secure attachment to the damper actuator, since the set screws adhere to this
material better than metal. The high impact material gives the shaft superior impact strain resistance compared to cast metal shafts. The damper
blade is mounted on the damper shaft and connected by means of an integral molded sleeve. The shaft rotates in low friction self lubricating
Control Enclosure
The zone and bypass damper assembly include a NEMA Type 1 galvanized steel (22 gauge) enclosure for factory mounting of the direct digital
controller, damper actuator, differential pressure sensor (in bypass damper only), and an optional multi-tap primary/24 VAC secondary
Round Damper Assembly Construction Components
Damper Part Construction Component
Frame 22-gauge galvanized steel valve body with embossed beads. Withstands 125 per hour salt spray test per ASTM B-117.
Blade Full circular closed cell gasket secured between two pieces of 22 gauge sheet metal.
Damper Shaft Molded solid damper shaft constructed of high-impact, high-strength composite material.
Bearing Low friction self-lubricating bearings
Seal Full circular closed cell gasket
Temp Limits 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
The performance specifications are nomina l and con form to accep table ind ustry stand ards. For applicati ons at con ditions be yond these specification s, consult the local Jo hnson Controls office.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.
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CCS Zone/Bypass Damper Assembly (Continued)
Top View
Standard Control
Mounting Plate
Side View
Inlet End View
Size 10 Shown
Control Enclosure
Unit Size 06 08 10 12 14 16
Dimension - D
5.88” 7.88” 9.88” 11.88” 13.88” 15.88”
Round Damper Assembly Dimensions
Round Damper Assembly Dimensions
Rectangular Damper Assemblies
Superior Design
The rectangular damper offers sturdy, steel construction with interlocking frame design. The unit frame is constructed of 5 x 1 in. (127 x 25 mm)
16-gauge galvanized steel hat channel reinforced with corner braces for structural strength equal to 13-gauge (2.28 mm). For dampers under
13 in. (330 mm), low profile 3-1/2 x 3/8 in. (89 x 10 mm) 16-gauge galvanized steel channels are located on the top and bottom frame. Damper
locks together without bolts, screws, or rivets that could shake loose. The frame corners are internally braced to reduce racking.
Damper Blades
Blades are 6 in. (152 mm) wide, 16 gauge (1.6 mm) galvanized steel approximately 6 in. (152 mm) on center with parallel action.
Damper Shaft
1/2-inch (13 mm) plated steel hex axles positively lock to blades without screws or welds. Non-stick, non-corrosive bearings assure long life and
ease of operation. Axles and bearings combine with a shake proof linkage for low maintenance operation.
Rectangular Damper Assembly Construction Components
Damper Part Construction Component
Frame 5 x 1 x 16 inch gauge galvanized steel hat channel reinforced with corner braces for structural strength equal to 13 gauge.
Blade 6 inches wide, 16 gauge galvanized steel approximately 6 inches on center, parallel action
Damper Shaft 1/2 inch plated steel hex axles
Bearing Corrosion resistant, molded synthetic sleeve type
Temp Limits 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
The performance specifications are no minal and co nform t o acceptab le ind ustry standar ds. For appl ications at conditi ons beyond these specifications, con sult the local Johnso n Controls office.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.
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