M9203-xxx-2(Z) Series Electric
Spring-Return Actuator
Electric Damper Actuators
Code No. LIT-1900682
M9203-xxx-2(Z) Series Electric Spring-Return Actuators
The M9203-xxx-2(Z) Series Electric
Spring-Return Actuators provide control of
dampers in HVAC systems. All actuators in
this series provide 27 lb·in (3 N·m) rated
torque. A mechanical spring-return system
provides rated torque with and without power
applied to the actuator. The series includes
the following control options:
• On/Off, 24 V, 85 to 264 VAC power
• On/Off and Floating Point, 24 V power
• Proportional, 24 V power, for
0(2) to 10 VDC or 0(4) to 20 mA Control
These actuators are configured for direct
mounting and do not require a damper
linkage. Actuators can be mounted directly to
a damper shaft from 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 12 mm)
diameter with a universal clamp. An
accessory crankarm and remote mounting kit
are available for applications where the
actuator cannot be direct-coupled to the
damper shaft. An optional line voltage
auxiliary switch indicates an end-stop position
or performs switching functions within the
selected rotation range.
Refer to the M9203-xxx-2(Z) Series Electric
Spring-Return Actuators Product Bulletin
(LIT-12011674) for important product
application information.
Accessories and Replacement Parts
Code Number Description
M9000-200 Commissioning Tool that Provides a Control Signal to Drive 24 V On/Off, Floating, Proportional, and/or Resistive Electric Actuators
M9000-321 Weather Shield Kit for Damper Application of M9203 and M9208 Series Electric Spring-Return Actuators (Quantity 1)
M9000-341 Weather Shield Kit for VG1000 Series Ball Valve Application of M(VA)9104, M(VA)9203, and M(VA)9208 Series Electric Spring-Return
M9000-400 Jackshaft Linkage Adapter Kit (Quantity 1)
M9000-560 Ball Valve Linkage Ki t for Applying M9104, M9203, and M9208 Series Electric Actuators to VG1000 Series Valves (Quantity 1)
M9000-561 Thermal Barrier Kit for M9000-560 Ball Valve Linkage. Extends M(VA)9104, M(VA)9203, and M(VA)9208 Series Electric Spring-Return
M9000-604 Replacement Anti-Rotation Bracket Kit for M9203, M9208, M9210, and M9220 Series Electric Spring-Return Actuators (Quantity 1)
M9000-606 Position Indicator for Damper Applications (Quantity 5)
M9000-607 Position Indicator for VG1000 Series Ball Valve Applications (Quantity 5)
M9203-100 Remote Mounting Kit with Crankarm Kit (Quantity 1)
M9203-110 Universal Mounting Kit without Crankarm Kit (Quantity 1)
M9203-115 Universal Mounting Kit with Crankarm Kit (Quantity 1)
M9203-150 Crankarm Kit (Quantity 1)
M9203-250 Remote Mounting Kit with Crankarm Kit and Damper Linkage for D1300 Dampers (Quantity 1)
M9203-601 Replacement Standard Couple r Kit (with Retainer) for Mounting M9203 Series Electric Spr i ng-Return Actuators (Quantity 1)
M9203-602 Replacement Retainer for M9203 Series Electric Spring-Return Actuators (Quantity 5)
M9203-603 Adjustable Stop Kit fo r M9203 Series Electric Spring-Return Actuators (Quantity 1)
1. Furnished with the damper and may be ordered separately
7 in. (178 mm) Blade Pin Extension (without Bracket) for Johnson Controls Direct-Mount Damper Applicat ions (Quantity 1)
(Quantity 1)
Actuators (Quantity 1)
Actuators Applications to Include Low-Pressure Steam (Quantity 1)
• 27 lb·in (3 N·m) rated torque
• direct-coupled design
• reversible mounting
• electronic stall detection
• double-insulated construction
• microprocessor-controlled
brushless DC motor
(-AGx and -GGx types)
• external mode selection switch
(-AGx and -GGx types)
• integral cables with colored and numbered
• integral 1/2 in. (13 mm) threaded conduit
• optional integrated auxiliary switch
• plenum rated models
• override control (proportional models only)
• Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® (UL), CE,
and C-Tick compliance
• manufactured under International
Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 quality
control standards
• 5-year warranty
Electric Damper ActuatorsElectric Damper ActuatorsElectric Damper ActuatorsElectric Damper Actuators
The performance specifications are nomina l and con form to accep table ind ustry stand ards. For applicati ons at con ditions be yond these specification s, consult th
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2014 Johnson Controls, Inc.