Johnson Controls HL-67x5 Application Information

FANs 216, 1628.3
Application Note HL-67x5
Issue Date 0401
HL-67x5 Multi-function Humidity Device with Temperature Sensor
onstandard Applications
The HL-67N5-8N00P humidity device delivers a standard 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 20 mA output. This application assumes you are using the HL-67N5-8N00P with an electric actuator that has a different operating range. With adjustments to the setpoint and proportional band settings, the HL-67N5-8N00P interfaces with a variety of nonstandard humidification products.
The HL-67N5-8N00P has a setpoint adjustable from 60 to 95% Relative Humidity (RH) and a proportional band adjustable from 5 to 30% RH. The new values for the HL-67x5 Series’ settings must be determined for the intended nonstandard application.
The following procedure explains how to compute the new setpoint and proportional band settings based on the humidity percentages required to control the duct humidity. (Refer to the
section in the
Multi-function Humidity Device with Temperature Sensor Installation Instructions
setting the setpoint and proportional band potentiometers.)
Series HL-67x5 Series
for instructions on
etermining the New Settings
The HL-67N5-8N00P’s output jumper is factory set for 0 to 10 VDC for a voltage input actuator. If using a current input actuator, change the output jumper setting to 0 to 20 mA. (See Figure 1.)
0 to 10 VDC (Factory Set)
Figure 1: Setting the Output Jumper
Make a note of the following for the application:
low limit of the input range of the actuator
high limit of the input range of the actuator
required proportional band
required setpoint
To determine the new proportional band and setpoint settings for the HL-67x5 Series used in the application, proceed to the
IMPORTANT: Compute the new setpoint and
proportional band values before installing the HL-67N5-8N00P. If the values are out of the humidity device’s range, the HL-67N5-8N00P cannot be used for the intended application.
0 to 20 mA
© 2001 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Code No. LIT-216026
To plot the new setpoint and proportional band settings for the application, use Figure 2, and proceed as follows:
1. Plot the point (A) for the intersection of the required setpoint and the low limit of the actuator’s input range.
2. Plot the point (B) for the intersection of the required setpoint minus the required proportional band on the X axis and the high limit of the actuator’s input range on the Y axis.
3. Draw a line between the two plotted points (A and B) to the Percent of RH (X axis).
4. Record the value of the point (C) found in Step 3. This point is the new setpoint.
5. Draw a vertical line from B to the Percent of RH (X axis).
6. Subtract the value of the point (found in Step 5) from the setpoint (found in Step 4) for the new proportional band setting.
0-20 mA/VDC or Y axis
20 / 10
18 / 9
16 / 8
14 / 7
12 / 6
10 / 5
8 / 4
6 / 3
4 / 2
2 / 1
Percent of Relative Humidity (RH) or X axis
An application has the following requirements: an 80% RH setpoint, a 10% proportional band, and an actuator with a 2 to 10 VDC input range. To calculate the settings for the HL-67N5-8N00P, refer to Figure 2:
1. A is the point for 80% RH and 2 VDC.
2. B is the point for 80% RH minus 10% RH (or 70% RH) on the X axis and 10 VDC on the Y axis.
3. A line is drawn from point A to B (found in Steps 1 and 2) to the Percent of RH (X axis) to find C.
4. C is the new setpoint of 82% RH.
5. A vertical line is drawn from B to the Percent of RH (X axis). The line intersects the bottom scale at 70%.
6. When 70% is subtracted from 82%, the result is 12% RH. The proportional band setting is 12.
Setpoint Potentiometer
Range: 60 to 95% RH
New Proportional
Band Setting
Figure 2: Determining Setpoint and Proportional Band Settings for the HL-67N5
Controls Group
507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Printed in U.S.A.
Series HL-67x5 Multi-function Humidity Device with Temperature Sensor Application Note