Johnson Controls FX Supervisory Controller User Manual

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and

Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

Building Technologies & Solutions

LIT-12011441 2020-05-19


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin



Document Introduction.................................................................................................................................


Product discontinuations..............................................................................................................................




Ordering codes for Europe, Middle East, and Africa.......................................................................


FX Supervisory Controllers.................................................................................................................


FX Server...............................................................................................................................................


(Release 6.x) FX Supervisor Controller Family Software DVD (LP-FXWB-COPY)...........................






Upgrade Pricing Policy........................................................................................................................


Software Revision Numbering...........................................................................................................


Software License Agreement.............................................................................................................


Preventing Unauthorized Software Duplication or Usage.............................................................


License Files..........................................................................................................................................


Part Numbers.....................................................................................................................................


Detailed Procedures for Upgrading FX Workbench 6.x and Earlier.......................................................


Backing Up Your FX Supervisory Controller Station......................................................................


Preparing Your FX Supervisory Controller for Upgrading............................................................


Checking for Minimum Memory Requirements..................................................................................


Upgrading the FX Workbench Software.........................................................................................


Relicensing the FX Supervisory Controller.....................................................................................


Installing New Software into the FX Supervisory Controller........................................................


Upgrading FX Server.........................................................................................................................


Detailed Procedures for Migrating to FX Supervisory Software 14.x....................................................


Considering Platform Compatibility................................................................................................


Considering Driver, Feature, and Application Compatibility........................................................


Considering License Compatibility..................................................................................................


Example of an FX Supervisory Controller Migration.....................................................................


FX Supervisory Software 14 Resource Requirements...................................................................


Checking for FX Supervisory Software 14 Resource Requirements...................................................


Checking for Multiple Admin Roles.................................................................................................


Backing Up Your FX Workbench 6.x Station...................................................................................


Running Platform Daemon 14.x......................................................................................................


Migrating the 6.x Station to Facility Explorer 14.x.........................................................................


Installing the Distribution File.........................................................................................................


Commissioning the Station..............................................................................................................


Installing or Updating Licenses..............................................................................................................


Setting the Enabled Runtime Profiles....................................................................................................


Specifying a Station to Install.................................................................................................................


Installing Core Distribution Files............................................................................................................


Configuring TCP/IP Settings...................................................................................................................


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Updating the System Passphrase..........................................................................................................


Specifying a Platform User to Replace the Factory-default Platform User.......................................


Reviewing the Changes...........................................................................................................................


Changing the Default Web Profile to Use the HTML5HxProfile...................................................


Viewing and Updating Metaspace...................................................................................................


Viewing Metaspace..................................................................................................................................


Updating Metaspace...............................................................................................................................


Upgrading FX Server to FX Supervisory Software 14....................................................................


Downgrading an FX80 from 14.x to 6.x..........................................................................................


Running Platform Daemon 6.x...............................................................................................................


Installing a Backup 6.x Station...............................................................................................................


Cleaning Tabbed Graphics...............................................................................................................




Related Documentation..............................................................................................................................




Migration Checklist............................................................................................................................


FX Workbench 14.x Modules............................................................................................................


Historical software revision numbering.........................................................................................


Product warranty.........................................................................................................................................


Software terms.............................................................................................................................................


Single point of contact.................................................................................................................................


Contact information.....................................................................................................................................



FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

Document Introduction

This document is intended for persons who install and upgrade software for FX Supervisory Controllers.

This document describes the detailed procedures for upgrading FX Workbench 6.x and earlier, the steps for migrating to FX Supervisory Software 14.x., and the steps for upgrading from earlier 14.x software to the latest 14.x version.

Product discontinuations

FX Supervisory Controllers and FX Server are all built upon a software framework called Niagara®. Niagara integrates diverse systems and devices, regardless of manufacturer or communication protocol, into a unified platform that you can manage in real time using a standard Web browser.

The Niagara Framework has evolved to the point where you must migrate any existing, upgradable, NiagaraAX platforms and stations (that is, any FX software release prior to 14.0) to a later release –

FX 14.10.0 is strongly recommended. The final date to order NiagaraAX is June 1, 2021 and from July 1, 2021, no new licenses or option parts will be created or sold for any release prior to 14.0.

Important: You cannot upgrade older supervisory controllers, such as the FX70 and FX60s, to any FX software release later than 14.4.

Table 1: Migration scenario







• Prior to July 2023, you can purchase a license for

If you are operating on a system that

your supervisor and migrate the supervisor to the

latest software release.

runs on any FX software release prior to

• You will also need to migrate the station of the

14.0 and you need to replace or add an

FX80 you are replacing to the latest software

FX80 after July 2021.

release, and install the migrated station into the







Ordering codes for Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Multiple ordering code sets have been introduced, to allow the tailoring to regional needs. All products on a given order must come from the same set. To determine the correct code for your region, complete the following steps:


Use the following table to first determine the proper product code set to use:

Table 2: Product code set



Product Code Set



The original FX product codes




Use this new set of codes only for the region(s) specified in Table 3.


Use the following table to determine the correct product code set for your region:

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Table 3: Regional ordering information





Product Code Set

North America




Latin America, South America







Middle East











FX Supervisory Controllers

FX Supervisory Controllers describe a family of hardware products.

The FX80 and the F4-SNC are the only actively manufactured controllers and recommended to use in every new installation. For futher information on the F4-SNC, refer to the F4-SNC Product Bulletin (LIT-12013699).

The FX20, FX40, FX60 are all no longer available to order and should be replaced with an FX80.

The FX30, FX60E, and FX70 have been discontinued and while they are still available to order, they are now at the end-of-life stage. It is strongly recommended that an FX80 is ordered instead.

Table 4: FX Supervisory Controller upgrade scenarios






These supervisory controllers must be replaced

Your system includes an FX20 and/or FX40.

with an FX80. Refer to the FX80 Supervisory

Controller Product Bulletin (LIT-12012250) for



ordering information.




It is strongly recommended to replace these


supervisory controllers with an FX80 and

Your system includes an FX30, FX60, FX60E, FX70

upgrade to the latest software release.

running FX software release 6.x.

See Detailed Procedures for Migrating to


FX Supervisory Software 14.x for further





Your system includes an FX80 running FX

It is strongly recommended to upgrade to the

software release 6.x or an unsupported version

latest software release. See Upgrading the FX

of software release 14.x

Workbench Software for more information.

FX Server

The FX Server software product is available for various computer platforms and provides:

Network integration of one or more for Facility Explorer 14, FX Supervisory Controllers, or IPbased devices (without any FX Supervisory Controllers).

Network-wide automation and coordination for one or more FX Supervisory Controllers through master scheduling, and centralized, long-term, high-capacity storage of alarms and trends.

Centralized, network-wide, web-based, graphical user interface for one or more FX Supervisory Controllers supporting both local and remote access.


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

(Release 6.x) FX Supervisor Controller Family Software DVD (LP-FXWB-COPY)

This product and the associated 6.x software has now been discontinued. Copies of FX Workbench 6.3 to 6.7 are available for migration purposes on 14.x Workbench licenses come with a 6.x license which will also enable you to run Workbench 6.x for migration purposes. See Migrating the 6.x Station to Facility Explorer 14.x for more information.


Upgrading is the process of installing new software onto your computer, onto an FX Supervisory Controller, or both.


Migration is similar to upgrading, but signifies a larger change in software. Migration typically requires more steps and conversions to move forward.

Upgrade Pricing Policy

A 1 year minimum maintenance is required with any new FX Server or FX80 purchase. Maintenance can be purchased in 1, 3, or 5-year increments. With each maintenance plan, you have access to any new software developed during that time. If you let the maintenance lapse, and want it later, you must buy the maintenance you missed plus the new maintenance.

Software Revision Numbering

All FX Supervisory Controller, FX Server, and FX Tools Supervisor software products incorporate an instance of Niagara software. See the following table to find which revision of the Niagara software is used in each FX Supervisory software release.

Important: Software version 14.4 is the final 14.x release that supports the FX30E, FX60E, and FX70. After 14.4, the 14.x releases only supports the FX80. For a full overview of the supported versions of hardware and FX / Niagara software, see Historical software revision numbering.

Table 5: Software numbering




Niagara base examples

FX equivalent


FX appends a 1 to the base Niagara release so

the equivalent software release for FX is 14.9





FX appends a dot release to distinguish when


there are multiple FX releases against a given


Niagara release. As an example, 14.9.1




FX increments a Niagara update release to the

base example. As an example, 14.9.2





FX adds its own specific features against the

base Tridium update release. As an example,



FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Table 6: Niagara version used


Key Identifying Features or Changes







Major release that allows FX Workbench to run on the Niagara



4 platform.

The jump from 6.x to 14.x was intentional to align with the




Niagara software version moving forward.






Major release that adds support for FX80 Supervisory








Major release that adds Analytics 2.0 to FX Workbench. There is



also support for the Alarm Portal, more robust FX Server data


management features, and support for FX80 legacy drivers.






Major release that introduced two new RIO modules. The



release also adds new HTML5 screens to FX Workbench and


improved mobile web device functionality.






Major release adding new HTML5 screens to FX Workbench,



improving mobile web device functionality. Minor change



to the User Service making the scheduled access for users



available through the User Details section. The JCI User

manager has been removed. Updating an existing Nav file is




through the Tools menu. This is the last release that supported



legacy supervisory controllers such as the FX30, FX60, and









Minor release that provides eighteen functional fixes. These



included updated firmware to solve FX80 WIFI modem failure,



a fix to Niagara Daemon Engine Watchdog, and fixes to



lexicons, hyperlinking, scrolling, and adding notes.



There was also internationalization fixes to lexicons and



locales along with web fixes to PDF Export, Webchart, popups,



PxIncludes and HTML5 property sheets.






Major release that provides a number of updates and fixes.



These include Auto Export, a feature only available on Facility


Explorer®, cybersecurity fixes and a mobile refresh update.






Major release that provides new provisioning steps for



common processes, a new template type called 'Application

Templates', and a secondary JACE port that supports the DHCP








Minor release that provides a number of new FX features.



These include extending 14.7 with automatic meta-data



tagging of applications, a HTML5-based Point-Extension-


Manager, point groups and a point-group-manager driven by



data tags, and the launch of CCT 13.0, replacing PCT.






FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

Table 6: Niagara version used


Key Identifying Features or Changes







Major release that provided support for Niagara 4.8. This



release provides a new Niagara dashboard to quickly assess



the security posture of your network, 802.1-x support for

network access authentication, and the use of client certificate


authentication to enable kiosk mode and station-to-station









Minor release that provides a number of new features. These



include an enhancement to the Auto Tagging feature, the

inclusion of Jar file signatures,TEC3000 color compatibility, and


additional security fixes.






Minor release that provides a number of new features. These



include an enhancement to the graphics with tag-based

visualization, the inclusion of Single Sign-On (SSO), improved




Edge tools, and additional security fixes.






Major release that provides a number of new features. These



include a system database support for Tag-based PX, improved

graphics performance on the FX80 Supervisory Controller, a


new video surveillance viewer, and additional tags and tag



groups added to the jciTagDictionary.


Software License Agreement

All Johnson Controls software is licensed. During the installation process, you must accept or decline the terms of the software licensing agreement.

Preventing Unauthorized Software Duplication or Usage

Johnson Controls, Inc. uses the following two methods to prevent unauthorized software duplication and usage.

Acceptance of the terms of the software licensing agreement legally prohibits duplicating or using Johnson Controls Facility Explorer software tools without authorization. This method applies to all Johnson Controls Facility Explorer software.

A properly formatted and installed license file (FacExp.license) is required to enable the operation of FX Workbench, FX Workbench Pro, FX Alarm Portal, and FX Server.

Note: At Release 14.0 and later, a new Johnson.license is required to enable the operation of the N2 driver.

License Files

License files are required to enable operation of FX Supervisory Controllers, FX Server, and FX Tools Supervisor Pro. License files are keyed to the host ID. A host ID is unique to each hardware platform.

Host IDs that begin with Win- are targeted to computers.

Host IDs that begin with Qnx- are targeted to FX Supervisory Controller.

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


A license file is a text file (FacExp.license) that you can read but not edit. License files contain a digital signature, and any attempt to edit them renders the files invalid.

Included in each license file is a list of features allowed to operate inside the host device. These features may include network drivers, database drivers, the maximum number of devices allowed, the maximum number of points allowed, tool profiles, and other feature options.

Also included in each license file is the version of Niagara software allowed to operate inside the host device. When upgrading software in a host (computer or FX Supervisory Controller), the license version must be equal to or greater than the software version.

NiagaraAX is to be discontinued so ensure that you update your software to the latest version. Refer to Discontinuation of Facility Explorer supervisory hardware models FX30, FX60, and FX70 and Facility Explorer 6.x software (LIT-12001208) for further information.

Also, if you are emailed the licenses, the Niagara 4 .zip file also contains the Johnson.license for N2.

Part Numbers

The FX80 requires three parts: the base (which comes with SD card), the device license, and the maintenance license. Refer to the FX80 Supervisory Controller Catalog Page (LIT-1901010) for further details. Refer to the FX80 Supervisory Controller Control Panel Assembly Catalog Page (LIT-1901017) for details on ordering a Control Panel with an FX80 Controller.

Table 7: Suggested replacement FX30, FX60, and FX70 ordering information

Discontinued FX Supervisor order code

Suggested replacement FX Supervisor order




FXSC8BASE-0 (Wi-Fi embedded - North America







FX-SC8BDWIFI-0 (Wi-Fi disabled)



FX-SC8CL###-0 (Core device license)





FX-SC8DL##-0 (Additional device license)


FX-SC8D###M#-0 (Maintenance license)














Refer to Discontinuation of Facility Explorer supervisory hardware models FX30, FX60, and FX70 and Facility Explorer 6.x software (LIT-12001208) for further information on migrating 6.x licenses to a corresponding or similar 14.x release.

Detailed Procedures for Upgrading FX Workbench 6.x and Earlier

Note: If you are using Facility Explorer 5.x or earlier and want to migrate to Facility Explorer 14, you must purchase the upgrade part to move to Facility Explorer 6.x before you move to Facility Explorer 14.x. To migrate to Facility Explorer 14.x, see Detailed Procedures for Migrating to FX Supervisory Software 14.x.


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

This section describes how to back up your FX Supervisory Controller and prepare it gor upgrading. It also provides detailed instructions on how to upgrade FX Workbench, re-license the FX Supervisory Controller, and install new software into the FX Supervisory Controller.

Backing Up Your FX Supervisory Controller Station

1.Expand the Nav tree for the station you want to back up.

2.In the Nav tree, expand Platform.

3.Double-click Station Copier.

4.Select the station that you want to copy from the Stations on panel.

5.Click Copy.

6.Enter a name for the Station name and click Next.

7.Select Copy every file in the station directory and its subdirectories and click Next.

Table 8: Transferring Station Copy Options






Copy files from selected directories

Allows you to select individual files to copy

and transfer




Copy every file in the station directory and its

Copies all files for transfer (recommended

for backing up a remote station during this


upgrade procedure)




Copy only the config.bog station database file

Copies the station database only (for

example, drivers, devices, and points) and no


associated files



8.Click Next. The station is stopped.

9.Verify that the transfer information is correct and click Finish. The station files are transferred to your computer. When the transfer is complete, the Save station and Transfer files indicators turn green, and the last entry in the Transferring station window states Transfer complete

10.Click Close. The remote station is now backed up to your computer.

Preparing Your FX Supervisory Controller for Upgrading

Upgrading FX Supervisory Controllers typically requires additional memory.


You must make sure your FX Supervisory Controller has an adequate amount of memory before you attempt the upgrade. If you attempt to upgrade an FX Supervisory Controller that does not have enough memory, the upgrade procedure fails and your FX Supervisory Controller may become unrecoverable.

Do not attempt to upgrade an FX40 (with standard memory, 128 MB RAM, 31 MB flash) to version 2.2 or higher. The FX40 does not have enough memory to support this upgrade.

Do not attempt to upgrade an FX20 to Release 5.0 if the /ffs0 partition is less than 5.0 MB of file space. To see how much free file space is available, open the Platform\Platform Administration view and note how much file space is free. If there is less than 5.0 MB free, we do not recommend that you upgrade to FX20 (1024 KB = 1 MB. 5120 KB = 5 MB).

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Checking for Minimum Memory Requirements

1.Start FX Workbench on your PC.

2.Connect to the FX Supervisory Controller by selecting File > Open Remote Station and entering the IP address and platform and station login credentials.

3.In the Navigation sidebar, expand Administration, double-click Platform, and verify the file system (/ffs0) has the minimum memory requirements identified in Table 9. If it does not, see before continuing with this upgrade.

Table 9: Approximate Memory Requirements for Upgrading



From 1.2 to 2.0

3072 KB (3.0 MB)

From 1.2 to 3.0

Not recommended

From 2.0 or 2.1 to 3.0

10,000 KB (10 MB)

From 2.2 to 3.0

5,000 KB (5 MB)

From 3.0 to 4.1

5,000 KB (5 MB)

From 4.1 to 5.0

5,000 KB (5 MB)

4.If your FX Supervisory Controller does not contain the minimum memory requirements, then delete unused files to increase the file space. Some files that are likely unused are the Graphic Templates stored in the sysGraphicsFile, sysGraphicsFileHx, sysPxFile, and sysPxFileHx folders.

Note: If you delete all the unused files and the minimum required free space is still not available, the FX Supervisory Controller cannot be upgraded.

Upgrading the FX Workbench Software

About this task:

You use FX Workbench to upgrade the FX Supervisory Controller. Therefore, you must upgrade your FX Workbench software before you can upgrade your FX Supervisory Controller.

Table 10: Email address for license request






1.Email a request for an upgraded license to your FX Workbench. Use Table 10 to determine the correct email address for your region. In your email, please provide your host ID (Win-####).

Note: If your FX Workbench software is not currently part of a software maintenance agreement, you need to order a software upgrade. Include your purchase order number on the same email.

2.Receive the upgraded FX Workbench software license, unzip it, and paste it into the licenses folder ( FXWorkbench-14.x\security\licenses).

3.Obtain the most recent version of FX Workbench by downloading it from the Pro FX User Connected Community on

Note: The license file you obtained in Step 2 should be automatically copied from your previous installation directory and pasted into the licenses folder of your new installation directory. If not, copy and paste it there.

4. Navigate to the downloaded license folder (Start > Programs > FX Workbench 14.x > FX Workbench 14.x Pro) and then right-click on the Installer.exe file.

5.Click Run as adminstrator to install the software.


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

Relicensing the FX Supervisory Controller

About this task:

If your FX Supervisory Controller is not currently part of a software maintenance agreement, you must order a software upgrade license.

1.Email a request for an upgraded license. Use Table 10 to determine the correct email address for your region. Provide your host ID (Qnx-####) and purchase order number (if buying a software upgrade license).

2.Receive the upgraded FX Supervisory Controller license and paste it into the licenses folder of your FX Tools Supervisor Pro installation directory (C:\JCI\FXWorkbench-x.x\security \licenses).

3.Start FX Workbench by clicking Start > Programs > FX Workbench 14.x > FX Workbench 14.x Pro.

4.Connect to the FX Supervisory Controller by selecting File > Open Remote Station and entering the IP address and platform and station login credentials.

5.Expose the Nav tree.

6.In the Nav tree, double-click Platform.

7.Double-click License Manager.

8.Click Import.

9.Click Import one or more licenses from files.

10.Click OK.

11.Select the location of the new FX Supervisory Controller license file you received in Step 2.

Note: Select the license with Qnx- in the Host ID number.

12.Click OK.

13.Click Yes on the Licensing Complete dialog box to reboot the system.

Note: The reboot process can take up to 5 minutes depending on network and computer performance. There is no indicator for the progress of the reboot. If an attempt to reconnect to the FX Supervisory Controller fails, wait for the system to complete the reboot and try again.

14. Reconnect to the FX Supervisory Controller after the reboot process has completed.

Installing New Software into the FX Supervisory Controller

1.Start the latest release of FX Workbench by clicking Start > Programs > FX Workbench 14.x > FX Workbench 14.x Pro.

2.Connect to the FX Supervisory Controller by selecting File > Open Remote Station and entering IP address and platform and station login credentials.

3.Expand Platform.

4.Double-click Platform Administration and then click Commissioning.

5.Leave the default selections and click Next.

6.Verify that the license revision installed on the FX Supervisory Controller allows you to install the latest software.

7.Click Install one or more licenses from files if the FX Supervisor requires an upgraded license. Click Don't change any licenses if the installed license supports the FX Supervisory Software revision being added.

8.Click Next.

9.Click UI+RUNTIME and click Next.

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Johnson Controls FX Supervisory Controller User Manual

10. In the Station list, select Don't transfer a station and click Next.

Figure 1: Commissioning Wizard - Software Installation

Figure 2: Commissioning Wizard - Software Installation

11.Click Upgrade All Out of Date. The system selects the check boxes next to the out-of-date software. Use the scroll bar to locate and add additional .jar files that were added with the new release but may not have been on the FX Supervisory Controller that is being upgraded.

In the Avail. Version column, look for .jar files from Johnson Controls. Select the check box to include a .jar file in the upgrade process. For example, if you select the jciAutoImport .jar file, then the file is included with the upgrade.

You do not need to add .jar files like jciLX, jciLXDevices, or jciLXMain unless you have a LonWorks® network.

12.Click Next. The Distribution File Installer lists the software that needs to be installed.

13.Click Next.


FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

14.Leave the default selections and click Next.

15.Keep the current Platform name and password and click Next.

16.Click Finish. The station stops running. All .jar files are now updated.

Upgrading FX Server

1.If your FX Server is not currently part of a software maintenance agreement, you must order a software upgrade license. Email a request for an upgraded license. Use Table 10 to determine the correct email address for your region. Provide your host ID (Win-####) and purchase order number (if buying a software upgrade license).

2.When you receive the upgraded FX Server license, paste it into the licenses folder of your FX Server installation directory (C:\JCI\FXServer-x.x\licenses).

3.To obtain the most recent version of FX Server, download it from the Pro FX User Connected Community on

4.Install the new FX Server software.

Note: The license file you obtained in Step 1 should be automatically copied from your previous installation directory and pasted into the licenses folder of your new installation directory. If it is not, copy and paste it there.

5.Copy your station files from the old FX Server installation directory (C:\JCI\FXServer-x.x \stations\station name) to the new FX Server installation directory.

6.Run the software by clicking Start > Programs > FX Server.

Detailed Procedures for Migrating to FX Supervisory Software 14.x

Migration is similar to upgrading, but signifies a larger change in software. Migration typically requires more steps and conversions to move forward.

In the Appendix of this document, a high-level migration checklist has been provided to assist with your decision on migration. See the Migration Checklist.

Prerequisites for Migration

If you are not at FX Supervisory Software 6.x, you must upgrade to FX Supervisory Software 6.x before you migrate to FX Supervisory Software 14.x.

Before migrating an FX Supervisory controller, you need to have the following:

a station running FX Supervisory Software 6.x. To upgrade FX Supervisory Software 6.x, see Detailed Procedures for Upgrading FX Workbench 6.x and Earlier.

a licensed version of FX Supervisory Software 14.x on your computer

new FX Supervisory Software 14.x licenses for the controller that you are migrating

FX Supervisory Software 14 Migration Considerations

Many factors should weigh into the decision on whether or not to migrate an FX Supervisory Controller and FX Server. This section provides guidelines for migration of your application.

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


Considering Platform Compatibility

Determine if the desired platform is compatible with FX Release 14.9 and later. Use the following table as a reference.

The information in the following table does not guarantee that you can migrate the station on that platform; instead, the table explains which platforms are not able to migrate.

Table 11: Platform Compatibility


Compatible with FX Release 14.9

Not Compatible with FX

and later

Release 14.9 and later


FX Supervisory

• FX80

FX20, FX30, FX40, FX60, and FX70









Windows® Vista®


Windows 8.1

Windows XP

FX Server

Windows 10.0

Windows Server 2008


Windows Server 2012

Windows 7







Options for dealing with incompatible platforms include:

Keep incompatible platform at FX Workbench Release 6.x. These platforms can interact with platforms at FX Release 14.x with some limitations. The FX Server must be at FX 14.x, if any other supervisory controller on the network is at FX 14.x. For example, to install or upgrade any supervisory controller to FX 14.x, you must update the FX Server to 14.x. The FX Server must be at the highest release, or greater, of any FX80 on the network.

Replace the platform with a compatible platform.

Table 12: FX Supervisory Controller Network Compatibility










FX Supervisory

FX Supervisory Controller



Controller 14



6.x (Station)











FX Supervisory

FX Supervisory Controller



Controller 4.x to 6.x


With exceptions

14 (Station)





FX Supervisory




Controller 14

FX Server 6.x


Not blocked












Connection is available for

FX Workbench 14

FX Supervisory Controller


migration process to FX

6.x (Platform)

Supervisory Software Release












FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin

Table 12: FX Supervisory Controller Network Compatibility












FX Workbench 14

FX Supervisory Controller



6.x (Station)








FX Workbench 6.x

FX Supervisory Controller












FX Workbench 6.x

FX Supervisory Controller













For more detailed information on compatibility, in FX Workbench 14 Pro from the Help menu, select Help Contents. Click the Search tab and type compatibility.

Considering Driver, Feature, and Application Compatibility

You must also consider driver, feature, and application compatibility. Facility Explorer Release 14 is a significant code base change. For modules that worked at Facility Explorer Release 6.x and earlier to work at Facility Explorer 14 and later, they must be refactored. All modules developed by Johnson Controls have been refactored for use in Facility Explorer Release 14 with the exception of the Wireless TEC module.

Table 13: Johnson Controls Modules




Johnson Controls Module

Refactored FX Release 14.x



































































Note: The Wireless TEC module is loaded by factory default on all of the FX Supervisory Controllers. The FX14UpgradeAssessmentTool does alert you that this module has not been refactored for use for Facility Explorer Release 14. If the Wireless TEC is not being used, you may choose to ignore this alert. We recommend, however, that you remove this module if it is not in use. If the TEC module is being used, then the FX Supervisory Controller should not be migrated to Facility Explorer Release 14. This module is for the older generation Wireless TEC2000 models, and is not compatible with the FX80.

FX Supervisory Controller Upgrade and Migration Instructions Technical Bulletin


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