Model DPT 267LCD and DPT 267MR Pressure Transducer
Very Low Differential Pressure
Air or Non-Conducting Gas
Shown with optional LCD display. LCD Option only available on single range units.
etra Systems Model 267LCD and 267MR
pressure transducers sense gauge
(static) or differential pressure and
convert this pressure and convert this pressure
to a proportional electrical output. The 267
series is offered with a high level DC output
or 4-20 mA output. The 267MR offers multirange capability and field configurable
0-5 VDC or 0-10 VDC output, as well as a 4-20
mA output. The 267LCD is a single range unit
with a standard accuracy of ±0.5% at no addi-
tional charge, and an intergral LCD display.
(Optional accuracies are available for the
Model 267LCD.)
Used in Building Energy Management
Systems, the 267LCD and 267MR pressure
transducers are available for air pressure
ranges as low as 0.1 in . W.C. Full Scale up to
100 in. W.C. Full Scale. Static accuracy is ±1%
Full Scale for the Model 267MR, and ±0.5%
Full Scale for the Model 267LCD in normal
ambient temperature environments. These
units are temperature-compensated to less
than ±0.06% FS/˚C of thermal error over a
temperature range of +5˚C to +65˚C, and have
an IP65/NEMA4 rated package to withstand
environmental effects.
The 267LCD and 267MR utilize an improved all
stainless steel micro-tig welded sensor. The
tensioned stainless steel diaphragm and
insulated stainless steel electrode, positioned
close to the diaphragm, form a variable capacitor. Positive pressure moves the diaphragm
toward the electrode, increasing the capacitance. The change in capacitance is detected
and converted to a linear DC electrical signal by
Setra's unique electronic circuit. The sensor is
enclosed in a welded stainless steel body.
The micro-tig welded tension sensor allows up
to 10 psi overpressure, in either direction, with
no damage to the unit. In addition, sensor parts
have thermally matched coefficients, which
promote improved temperature performance
and excellent long-term stability.
This improved sensor design allows the Model
267MR version to have up to 6 field-selectable
ranges (bidirectional and unidirectional) in one
unit. The simple flip of a dipswitch enables the
user to easily field calibrate the unit with
minimal effort.
Note: Setra quality standards are based on ANSI-Z540-1.
The calibration of this product is NIST traceable.
U.S. Patent Nos: Patents pending.
● Heating, Ventilating and
Air Conditioning (HVAC)
● Energy Management
● Static Duct Pressure
● Clean Room Pressure
● Environmental Pollution
● Oven Pressurization and
Furnace Draft Controls
● Medical Instrumentation
■ Model 267MR Offers
Multi-Range Capability
Including 6 Field Selectable
Ranges via Dip Switches
and Field Selectable 0-5 or
0-10 VDC Output
■ Model 267 Offers an
Optional LCD Display
■ Setra's Reliable Capacitance
■ Stainless Steel Micro-Tig
Welded Sensor
■ NEMA 4/IP65 Rated Housing
■ UL94V-O Flammability
■ 1% Accuracy (267 MR)
■ ±0.5% Accuracy (267 LCD)
■ Optional Accuracies as High
as 0.25% FS
■ 24 VAC or 24 VDC Excitation
■ PG-9, PG13.5 or Conduit
Electrical Termination
■ Integral Mounting Tabs
■ Ranges as low as 0.1 in. W.C.
(25 Pa)
900 1

Model DPT 267LCD and DPT 267MR Specifications
Performance Data
Accuracy RSS
(at constant temp.) ±1.0% FS ±0.5% FS
Non-Linearity (BFSL) ±0.98% FS ±0.4% FS
Hysteresis 0.2% FS 0.1% FS
Non-Repeatability 0.1% FS 0.1% FS
Thermal Effects
Compensated Range °F(°C) +40 to +150 (+5 to +65)
Zero/Span Shift %FS/°F(°C) 0.033 (0.06)
Maximum Line Pressure 10 psi
Overpressure 10 psi in positive or
Warm-up Shift ±0.1% FS total
Position Effects
(Unit is factory calibrated at 0g effect in the vertical position)
Range Zero Offset (%FS/G)
0 to .1" WC 2.1
0 to 1" WC .22
0 to 5" WC .14
0 to 30" WC .06
*RSS of Non-Linearity, Non-Repeatability and Hysteresis.
Notice: Our pressure sensor products are not necessarily designed or manufactured for use as a
"critical component" in a "critical device" as those terms are defined in the Medical Devices Subchapter contained in the Food and Drug Administration Rules, 21CFR800.
While we provide application assistance on all Setra products, both personally and through our
literature, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.
267MR 267 LCD
negative direction
Electrical Data (Voltage)
Circuit 3-Wire (Exc, Gnd, Sig)
Protected from miswiring
Excitation 9 to 30 VAC / 12 to 40 VDC
Output* (Field Selectable) 0 to 5 VDC** / 0 to 10 VDC
Bidirectional output at zero Mid-range of specified output.
Output Impedance 100 ohms
Re-Ranging (267MR only) 5 position dip switches located
inside case
*Calibrated into a 50K ohm load, operable into a 5000 ohm load or greater.
**Zero output factory set at 50mV (±25mV). Span output factory set at
5.0 VDC (±25mV) or 10.0 VDC (±50mV).
Physical Description
Case IP65/NEMA 4 Plastic Glass-Filled
Polycarbonate UL94V-O Case
Mounting 2 mounting tabs with .18" holes
Electrical Connection Screw terminal strip inside of case
Electrical Termination PG-9/PG13.5 Strain Relief or 1/2"
Conduit Opening
Zero and Span Adjustment Accessible inside of case
Display (Optional on 267 only) 3 -Digit Integral Display
Pressure Fittings 3/16" O.D. barbed brass pressure
Weight (approx.) 9.0 ounces (255 grams)
fitting for 1/4" push-on tubing
Electrical Data (Current)
Circuit 2-Wire
Protected from miswiring
4 to 20 mA
Bidirectional output at zero 12 mA
External Load 0 to 800 ohms
Minimum loop supply voltage (VDC) = 9 + 0.02 x
(Resistance of receiver plus line).
Maximum loop supply voltage (VDC) = 30 + 0.004 x
(Resistance of receiver plus line).
Re-Ranging (267MR only) 4 position dip switches
located inside case
*Calibrated with a 24 VDC loop supply voltage and a 250 ohm load.
**Zero output factory set at 4mA ( ±.08mA).
**Span output factory set at 20mA (±.08mA).
Environmental Data
Operating* °F (°C) 0 to +150 (-18 to +65)
Storage °F (°C) -65 to +180 (-54 to +82)
*Operating temperature limits of the electronics only.
Pressure media temperature may be considerably higher or lower.
Pressure Media
Typically air or similar non-conducting gases.
Outline Drawings
267 LCD
No additional charge!
3/16" O.D. Pressure Fitting for 1/4" Push-on Tubing
Model 267 with Optional LCD Display
Input Range Product Codes
(Inches of WC) 0 to 5 VDC Output 4 to 20 MA
0 to 0.1 DPT2670-0R1D-D DPT2671-0R1D-D
0 to 0.5 DPT2670-0R5D-D DPT2671-0R5D-D
0 to 1 DPT2670-001D-D DPT2671-001D-D
0 to 2.5 DPT2670-2R5D-D DPT2671-2R5D-D
0 to 5 DPT2670-005D-D DPT2671-005D-D
0 to 10 DPT2670-010D-D DPT2671-010D-D
0 to 25 DPT2670-025D-D DPT2671-025D-D
0 to 50 DPT2670-050D-D DPT2671-050D-D
0 to 100 DPT2670-100D-D DPT2671-100D-D
-0.1 to 0.1 DPT2670-0R1B-D DPT2671-0R1B-D
-0.25 to 0.25 DPT2670-R25B-D DPT2671-R25B-D
-0.5 to 0.5 DPT2670-0R5B-D DPT2671-0R5B-D
-1 to 1 DPT2670-001B-D DPT2671-001B-D
-2.5 to 2.5 DPT2670-2R5B-D DPT2671-2R5B-D
-5 to 5 DPT2670-005B-D DPT2671-005B-D
-10 to 10 DPT2670-010B-D DPT2671-010B-D
-25 to 25 DPT2670-025B-D DPT2671-025B-D
-50 to 50 DPT2670-050B-D DPT2671-050B-D
Add DPT-CAL-CERT for Calibration Certificate
Ordering Information
Input Range Product Codes
(Inches of WC) 0 to 5 VDC Output 4 to 20 MA Output
0 to 0.1/-0.05 to 0.05 DPT2670-MR1 DPT2671-MR1
0 to 0.25/-0.125 to 0.125 DPT2670-MR2 DPT2671-MR2
0 to 0.5/-0.25 to 0.25
0 to 1/-0.5 to 0.5
0 to 1.25/-0.625 to 0.625 DPT2670-MR3 DPT2671-MR3
0 to 2.5/-1.25 to 1.25
0 to 5/-2.5 to 2.5
0 to 7.5/-3.75 to 3.75 DPT2670-MR4 DPT2671-MR4
0 to 15/-7.5 to 7.5
0 to 30/-15 to 15
Model 267 Multi Range Unit
Add DPT-CAL-REPORT for Calibration Certificate
SSP267JCI Rev.F 03/28/01