FEATURES AND BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................... 6
APPLICATION DATA ............................................................................................................................................. 13
PHYSICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................................... 19
WEIGHT DATA ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 70 TON MODEL ......................................................................................... 25
COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 75 TON MODEL ......................................................................................... 30
COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 80 TON MODEL ......................................................................................... 35
COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 90 TON MODEL ......................................................................................... 40
COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 105 TON MODEL ....................................................................................... 45
HEATING PERFORMANCE DATA – GAS/ELECTRIC HEAT ............................................................................... 50
SUPPLY FAN DATA ............................................................................................................................................... 51
GAS HEAT PRESSURE DROPS ........................................................................................................................... 54
ELECTRIC HEAT PRESSURE DROPS ................................................................................................................ 55
EXHAUST FAN DATA ............................................................................................................................................ 56
RETURN FAN DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 57
ELECTRICAL DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 58
POWER WIRING: YPAL070–105 .......................................................................................................................... 70
FIELD CONTROL WIRING ................................................................................................................................... 73
GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING – 70–80 TON MODELS ...................................................................... 75
GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING – 90–105 TON MODELS .................................................................... 81
GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING - CURB LAYOUT ................................................................................. 87
HOT WATER/STEAM COIL CONNECTION LOCATIONS .................................................................................... 89
POWER/CONTROL ENTRY DRAWING – 70-105 TON MODELS ........................................................................ 90
The Johnson Controls Series 100 Single Packaged Units –
designed to meet the demands of the market for today and
Better Economy...
Lower total cost of ownership
• Johnson Controls provides a standard product offering that meets the latest ASHRAE
90.1 energy efciency requirements.
• Fully modulating gas heat and greater steps of capacity control offer superior offdesign performance while maintaining optimum occupant comfort.
• Accurate ventilation control ensures that no more than the proper amount of ventilation air is utilized. This avoids the energy cost of conditioning excess outside air and
simultaneously monitors all other unit functions for maximized energy efciency.
• Flexible design congurations simplify the design process and allows the Series 100
to be applied to virtually any building application.
• Accessibility through double-wall access doors, spacious compartments and sup-
portive oors improves serviceability.
Better Ecology...
Indoor air quality features for the indoor environment
• A double-sloped stainless steel drain pan with a single drain connection ensures that all condensate is voided from the drain pan. It
is also visible and accessible for periodic inspection and cleaning re-
quired by the ASHRAE 62 IAQ standard.
• Double-wall construction of the roof, oor, doors, and walls prevents insulation bers from entering the conditioned air. The inner liner
also facilitates periodic cleaning of the unit to prevent harmful build-up
of bacteria or contaminants.
• The single package unit control center uses microprocessor logic to analyze and optimize ventilation decisions and perform demand
ventilation, airow compensation, and airow measurement to maintain the air quality at a healthy level.
The Single Package Unit User Interface uses
microprocessor logic to optimize operation of the
Series 100 unit.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Features and Benefits
Variable Air Volume (VAV) – Series 100 units are available for variable air volume (VAV)
applications. Control can be used with a zone sensor or building automation system. Supply fans are controlled to the supply duct static pressure setpoint, which can be reset via a
building automation system (BAS) or through a 0–5VDC analog input on the unit controller
for optimized duct static pressure control. The static pressure transducer is provided in the
single package unit, and 5/16-inch or 1/4-inch plastic tubing and static pressure sensor
must be supplied by others and installed approximately 3/4 down the longest duct run.
FlexSys™ Underfloor Air VAV – Series 100 units are configurable for underfloor air VAV
applications. Control can be used with a zone sensor or building automation system. Supply fans are controlled to the supply duct static pressure setpoint, which can be reset via
a BAS, or through a 0–5VDC analog input on the unit controller for optimized duct static
pressure control. The static pressure transducer is provided in the single package unit,
and 5/16-inch or 1/4-inch plastic tubing and static pressure sensor must be supplied by
others and installed approximately 3/4 down the longest duct run. Refer to 100.50-EG8
engineering guide for more detailed information on this application.
Single Zone Variable Air Volume (SZVAV)– Series 100 units are available for single
zone variable air volume (SZVAV) applications. Control can be used with a zone sensor
or a BAS. Supply fans are controlled based on zone temperature.
Cooling Only – For applications where no heat is required, or heating is provided else-
where within the building HVAC system, cooling only units include an empty discharge
plenum. Supply duct connections are configurable for bottom, left or right discharge. The
supply air temperature sensor is included and factory-installed.
Staged Gas Heat – For applications requiring gas heat for morning warm-up, or other
heating needs, a staged natural gas furnace is available. The furnace is located in the
discharge plenum, downstream of the supply fan. The supply air temperature sensor is
located across the face of the supply duct opening in the unit. Furnaces are designed in
375 MBH modules with two stages in each. For 70–105 ton units, optional Propane Conversion Kits contain the necessary orifices and gas valve/parts to convert staged heat only
(not modulating) from natural gas to propane. Ignition and safety controls are included
and factory-wired. Units with staged gas heat are ETL listed.
Modulating Gas Heat – For applications requiring gas heat for morning warm-up, supply
air tempering or other heating needs, a modulating natural gas furnace is available for
finer temperature control. The furnace is located in the discharge plenum, downstream of
the supply fan. The supply air temperature sensor is located across the face of the supply duct opening in the unit. Furnaces are designed in 375 MBH modules in 8:1 turndown
increments. Three are available for the YPAL070–105 (8:1, 16:1 or 24:1 turndown). Ignition and safety controls are included and factory-wired. Units with modulating gas heat
are ETL listed.
Electric Resistance Heat – For applications where electric heat is desired, a slip-in electric resistance heat element is available in sizes from 80–250 kW depending on the single
package unit model size. The number of stages varies by size and voltage, but all have a
minimum of two stages of capacity. Units with electric heat are ETL listed.
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
Hot Water Heat – For applications where hot water is available for heating, a hot water
heating coil is available. A range of coil fin count selections are available to properly size the
heating for the application. Units with hot water heat are ETL listed.
Steam Heat – For applications where steam is available for heating, a steam heating coil
is available. A range of coil fin count selections are available to properly size the heating
for the application. Units with steam heat are ETL listed.
Single-Point Supply with Terminal Block – This configuration is standard, and includes
three terminals for the incoming 3-phase power and is the standard configuration for the
Series 100 product. It includes the enclosure, terminal-block, and interconnecting wiring
to the compressors, heater and furnace controls, all fans, etc. In this configuration, code
requires that a means of disconnect (not provided) must be installed at the site within lineof-sight of the equipment.
Single-Point Supply with Non-Fused Disconnect Switch – This option is the same as
the single-point with terminal block option except it includes a unit-mounted through-thedoor manual non-fused disconnect switch with an external, lockable handle (in compliance with Article 440-14 of N.E.C.). This option provides a means to isolate the unit power
voltage for servicing. Others must supply separate external fusing which must comply with
the National Electric Code and/or local codes.
Dual-Point Supply with Terminal Block – This option includes enclosure, terminal blocks
circuited to the supply and exhaust fans and control transformer and a second set of
terminal blocks with interconnecting wiring to the compressors, heat (if applicable) and
Convenience Outlet – This options includes a powered 115V GFCI convenience outlet
that can be used for powering tools or lights for servicing. A protective cover plate is included while not in use. The outlet is located on the bottom left hand corner of the power
Microprocessor-Based Single Package Unit Controller – All Series 100 units are
equipped with a factory-installed, programmed and commissioned unit controller with all I/O
capabilities and control sequences. The controls include all on-board diagnostic, safety and
control features to operate the single package unit. A multimedia card interface is included
for software upgrades and can be used for data logging to simplify equipment troubleshooting. Communication ports are included as standard with three alarm outputs, a shutdown
contact, remote start/stop input, smoke ventilation controls, analog inputs for supply air
temperature and duct static pressure rest, along with a variety of other capabilities.
Standard Ambient – YPAL070–105 models operate down to 45.0°F as standard.
Low Ambient on Circuits One, [One and Two], or [One, Two, and Three] – This op-
tion includes low ambient control of the first [first and second] [first, second, and third]
circuit(s) down to 0.0°F through the use of suction and discharge pressure transducers
on the circuit(s).
Pressure Transducers with Readout Capability– This option includes suction and dis-
charge pressure transducers on each circuit and provides pressure readout of all circuits
at the unit control panel.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Features and Benefits (Cont'd)
Wall-Mount Zone Sensor – A 10 kOhm thermister type III NTC zone sensor for wall
mounting. This zone sensor is for sensing temperature only, and does not include any
setpoint adjustment features.
BACnet® MS/TP (RS-485) Communications – This communication option is standard on
every Series 100 unit. Communications to the unit are through a twisted pair, and the wire
terminations are on the primary unit control board. See supplemental information for the
available control points and PICS/Bibbs statements of conformity.
Modbus™ RTU Communications – This communication option is standard on every Series 100 unit and can be used in lieu of the BACnet communications (only one can be
used at a time). See supplemental information for the available control points.
MERV 8 filters in an angled rack are available. For higher filtration requirements, optional
rigid filter racks are available with 12-inch 65% (MERV 11) or 95% (MERV 14) efficient
rigid filters. Two-inch MERV 8 pre-filters are included with rigid filter options. The rigid filter
rack option is available without filter media where field-supplied filters are required.
Zone Sensor
Manual Damper – This option includes a manually adjustable outside air damper. It is
manually adjustable at the unit by setting a mechanical stop between 0–100%.
Two-Position – This outside air damper option is controlled to a two positions, opened
and closed. Determination of the damper position is based on the occupancy schedule. In
the occupied mode, the outside air damper is positioned to the manually configured point
(set by mechanical stop). In the unoccupied mode, the damper is fully closed.
Modulating Economizer – This option includes modulating outdoor air and return air
dampers that are software interlocked (YPAL070–105 software interlock) and positioned
by fully modulating, solid state damper actuators. Control of the damper is via a standard
ambient outdoor air dry bulb sensor, or optional single or comparative enthalpy controls.
Airflow Measurement – Optional outside airflow measurement is available on units
equipped with a Modulating Economizer.
CO2 Sensors – Optional carbon dioxide sensors for occupied space that operate demand
ventilation control opening outside air dampers to ventilate building. The CO2 sensors can
operate in a single or comparative control scheme.
Rain Hoods on Outside Air Intakes – For all options with outside air intake openings,
rain hoods are provided as standard to keep moisture from entering the equipment. The
rain hoods are an integral part of the unit and are rotated into place at the jobsite.
Barometric Relief – This option does not include an exhaust or return fan, but rather
uses barometric relief dampers to exhaust air from the building. The dampers will open
relative to the building pressure. The opening pressure is adjustable via a spring tension
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
On/Off Powered Exhaust – This option provides simple building pressure control. It can
be controlled via a building pressure signal, or via outside air damper control. This option is not available for VAV units.
Modulating Powered Exhaust with Damper Control – This option consists of a constant-speed exhaust fan with a discharge damper that is modulated to control the flow
of exhaust air. The damper control logic is based on the building static pressure setpoint
within the single package unit controller. The static pressure transducer is provided in
the return plenum of the single package unit, and 5/16-inch or 1/4-inch plastic tubing and
static pressure sensor must be supplied by others and installed in a representative location in the building.
Modulating Powered Exhaust with a VFD – This option consists of a VFD to modulate the
speed of the exhaust fan to control the flow of exhaust air. The VFD control logic is based
on the building static pressure setpoint within the single package unit controller. The static
pressure transducer is provided in the return plenum of the single package unit, and 5/16inch or 1/4-inch plastic tubing and static pressure sensor must be supplied by others and
installed in a representative location in the building.
Powered Return Fan with Exhaust – This option uses single width, single inlet (SWSI)
plenum fan(s) to control building pressure. The fan motors are driven by a VFD to maintain
a constant return plenum pressure. An exhaust hood with a modulating control damper
is used to maintain building pressure via the building static pressure. The static pressure
transducer is provided in the return plenum of the single package unit, and 5/16-inch or
1/4-inch plastic tubing and static pressure sensor must be supplied by others and installed
in a representative location in the building. The powered return fan is also available without the exhaust capabilities. For units with no exhaust capabilities, the HVAC system must
provide alternate means of controlling building pressure.
Double Width, Double Inlet (DWDI) Forward-Curved Supply Fan – The standard sup-
ply air blower in the YPAL070–80 models is a forward-curved supply fan. This fan is good
for medium static pressures and high airflows.
DWDI Airfoil Supply Fan – The standard supply air blower in the YPAL090–105 is an
airfoil blade supply fan. This fan is also available as an option on YPAL070–080 for higher
static conditions. This fan offers higher efficiency and lower sound in certain applications.
Fan Skid Isolation – The entire supply fan assembly is isolated from the unit base with
one- (standard) or two-inch deflection springs, or one (standard) or two-inch deflection
springs with seismic restraints.
Supply and Exhaust Fan Motors – Premium efficiency ODP and premium efficiency
TEFC motors are available all meeting the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT).
Supply Fan VFD and Manual Bypass – For VAV applications, VFDs are provided to
modulate airflow. Optional manual bypass can also be provided to allow full airflow in the
event of a VFD failure.
Direct Drive Plenum (DDP) Fan – A direct drive plenum (DDP) supply fan provides outstanding reliability and efficiency, eliminating the possibility of conditioned air supply interruption due to a broken belt and the pollution of conditioned air with belt dust. The supply
fan can be optionally equipped with a piezo ring to precisely measure the amount of air
delivered to the conditioned space. The speed of the supply fan is controlled by a VFD.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Features and Benefits (Cont'd)
Double Sloped Stainless Steel Drain Pan – The Series 100’s stainless steel drain pan is
factory-mounted and installed on every unit. A condensate drain trap is needed, and must
be provided and installed in the field by others.
This is a visual reference only. Actual drain pan pitch will vary.
Double Wall Construction – Double-wall construction is the standard construction of the
Series 100 and incorporates powder coated outer panels and corner post for maximum
exterior surface protection.
Factory Shrink-wrap – All Series 100 single package units are shipped from the factory
with factory-fresh shrink-wrap packaging. No longer does the contractor need to worry
about dirt and debris clogging up condenser coils or moisture leaking into the air handler
on the units way to the job site or rigging yard.
Copper Fins – For more extreme climates that aggressively can attack aluminum, copper tube evaporator coils with copper fins are available. (This is not recommended for
units in areas where they may be exposed to acid rain or environments where ammonia
is present)
Scroll Compressors – Reliable, efficient, trouble-free operation is the true measure of
a single package unit’s value. That’s why Johnson Controls Series 100 Single package
units use established scroll compressor technology to deliver dependable, economical
performance in a wide range of applications. With the Series 100 Single package units,
you get the latest generation of compressor enhancements added to the scroll’s inherent
strengths. The simplicity of a hermetic scroll compressor allows the use of fewer moving
parts to minimize breakdown.
Multiple Compressor Staging – Through the use of the scroll compressor, the Series
100 has the ability to stage it’s cooling by enabling and disabling multiple single stage
compressors on multiple circuits.
Compressor Circuiting – The Series 100 is designed so that only 2 scroll compressors
are in tandem within one refrigeration circuit. This means more reliable compressors,
and less equipment down time. With multiple circuits, if a compressor should ever fail on
one circuit, the other circuit/s will remain operational to maintain occupied loads. In sizes
70–105T, the Series 100 has three independent refrigeration circuits per unit.
Condenser Fan Motors – The condenser fan motors used on the Series 100 unit are
Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) to provide maximum durability through any season.
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
Hot Gas Bypass – This options permits continuous, stable operation at capacities below
the minimum step of unloading by introducing an artificial load on the evaporator. For
models YPAL070–105, it is used on the lead circuit.
Replaceable Core Liquid Line Driers – Liquid line driers are standard on the Series 100
single package unit. An option is provided for replaceable core driers.
Post-Coated Fins – Optional coil-coating used on condenser coils for seashore and other
corrosive applications (with the exception of strong alkalis, oxidizers, wet bromide, chlorine and fluorine in concentrations greater than 100 ppm).
Compressor Sound Blankets – Optional compressor acoustic sound blankets are available for sound sensitive applications.
Full Perimeter Roof Curbs – This option includes a knock-down 14-inch high roof curb
for use with wood nailer (by others). Roof curb supports the entire perimeter of the unit.
Partial Perimeter Roof Curbs – This option includes a knock-down 14-inch high roof
curb for use with wood nailer (by others). Roof curb supports the air handling section with
a separate support under the condenser end.
Double-Wall Access Doors - Full-sized access doors provide easy access into the unit
for routine maintenance and inspection. Solid wall liners encase insulation and prevent
damage and erosion into the airstream.
Diffuser Section – An optional diffuser section is available downstream of the supply
fan in the extended discharge plenum cabinet option. The diffuser section distributes the
airflow from the fan evenly across the downstream filter bank to optimize filter life and
effectiveness. The diffuser design is optimized to provide uniform flow at minimal airside
pressure loss.
Downstream Final Filter Rack – An optional 90–95% efficient MERV 14 12-inch rigid
filter rack and filters is available downstream of the supply fan and diffuser segment for
hospital applications (YPAL070–105 only). A magnahelic pressure gauge is included and
visible from the outside of the unit for servicing and code compliance.
Blank Section – An optional blank section is available downstream of the supply fan and
diffuser section.
Filter Switch – An optional dirty filter alarm can be provided that will provide an alarm
when the filters require cleaning.
Magnahelic Filter Pressure Gauge – On units equipped with downstream filtration, a
magnahelic filter gauge is included and visible on the exterior of the unit. The filter gauge
measures the air pressure drop for through the rigid filter bank to indicate when replace-
ment is required.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Features and Benefits (Cont'd)
Rainhoods to
prevent moisture
from entering the
Optional airflow
Centrifugal fan
powered exhaust fan
or optional plenum
return fan
Doors on both
sides of unit and
tie backs for unit
Angled or
rigid flat filter
Distributor tubes
protected in plastic
supply air
Condenser wire
screen Optional
louvers available
Angled evaporator
stainless steel
IAQ drain pan
and intermediate
drain pan
construction of
walls, floors,
ceiling, and
V-banked condenser
coils to protect from
hail damage
coil for lower face
replaceable core
filter driers
single package
unit controller
Application Data
The Series 100 Single Packaged units are designed for outdoor installation. When selecting a site for installation, be guided by the following conditions:
• Unit must be installed on a level surface.
• For the outdoor location of the unit, select a place having a minimum sun exposure
• Also avoid locations beneath windows or between structures.
• Optional condenser coil protection should be used for seashore locations or other harsh
• The unit should be installed on a roof that is structurally strong enough to support the
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
and an adequate supply of fresh air for the condenser.
weight of the unit with a minimum of deection. It is recommended that the unit(s) be
installed not more than 15 feet from a main support beam to provide proper structural
support and to minimize the transmission of sound and vibration. Ideally, the center
of gravity should be located over a structural support or building column.
• Location of unit(s) should also be away from building ue stacks or exhaust ventilators to prevent possible reintroduction of contaminated air through the outside air
• Be sure the supporting structures will not obstruct the duct, gas or wiring connections.
• Proper service clearance space of 6 feet around the perimeter of the unit, 8 feet on
one side for coil servicing, and 12 feet to any adjacent units is required to eliminate
cross contamination of exhaust and outdoor air, and for maintenance tasks such as
coil pull and cleaning. No obstructions should be above the condensing unit section.
Of the many factors that can effect the location of equipment, some of the most important
to consider are Structural, Acoustical and Service clearances. Proper attention should be
made at the design stage to ensure proper structural support. In cases where equipment
is being replaced, be aware of building design to insure support is adequate for the ap-
The next most important consideration in applying single package units equipment is that
of sound from the equipment. Special care should be made to keep the single package
unit away from sound sensitive areas such as conference rooms, auditoriums and executive offices and any other room that may have potential for tenant occupancy. Possible
locations could be above hallways, mechanical or utility rooms.
Finally, service clearances should be maintained in single package unit design to insure
safe access to the unit. Unit clearances are designed so that technicians have enough
space between units, building walls, and edges of building to gain access safely. In cases
where space is limited, please call your local Johnson Controls representative for additional information.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Application Data (Cont'd)
1. Under certain conditions these clearances may be encroached upon.
2. This is a visual reference for all Series 100 units.
Proper rigging and handling of the equipment is mandatory during unloading and setting
it into position to retain warranty status.
Spreader bars must be used by cranes to prevent damage to the unit casing. All lifting lugs
must be used when lifting the single package unit unit. Fork lifts will damage the single
package unit and are not recommended.
Care must be taken to keep the unit in the upright position during rigging and to prevent
damage to the watertight seams in the unit casing. Avoid unnecessary jarring or rough
• Elevated – Elevated roof curbs or dunnage steel can be used to support the unit in
order to raise it to specic heights. When this type of placement is required, be sure
to keep unit access in mind. Cat walks or other forms of unit access may be required
to one or both sides of the unit, depending on your area of the country and the local
codes that are enforced. Please check with local ofcials to ensure the application
conforms to local codes and regulations.
• Ground Level Locations – It is important that the units be installed on a substantial
base that will not settle, causing strain on the refrigerant lines and sheet metal and
resulting in possible leaks. A one-piece concrete slab with footers extended below
the frost line is highly recommended. Additionally, the slab should be isolated from
the main building foundation to prevent noise and vibration transmission to the building structure.
For ground level installations, precautions should be taken to protect the unit from
tampering by, or injury to, unauthorized persons. Erecting a fence around the unit is
common practice.
• Roof curb – Johnson Controls offers optional roof curbs designed specically for the
Series 100 footprint. These curbs come in full perimeter or open condenser models
and are shipped disassembled and require eld assembly and installation. For bottom supply and return openings, the curbs have matching connections to ease installation. A pipe chase that matches the single package unit pipe chase is also included
in the curb footprint for through-the-curb utility connections.
The curb should be located according to the location recommendations above, and
properly sealed to prevent moisture and air leakage into and out of the duct system.
Flexible collars should be used when connecting the duct work to prevent unit noise
transmission and vibration into the building.
Duct work should be supported independently of the unit.
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
Cooling onlyXXX
Cool/gas heatXX
Cool/electric heatX
Cool/hydronic heatX
Cooling onlyXXX
Cool/hydronic heatXXX
No exhaustXXXX
Barometric relief
Powered exhuast
fan (all types)
Powered return fanX
For applications with multiple single package units located in close proximity on the roof,
the orientation of the unit may be important to reduce the potential for re-entrainment of
outside airflow. Regardless of the outside air and exhaust air openings on a unit, all single
package unit applications can permit recirculation of exhaust air to the return, if applied
The spectrum of applications for single package units in today’s market is continuing to
grow wider by the day. Flexibility in unit design and construction is a must in today’s mar-
ket in order to insure safe and sound applications of HVAC equipment. If the application
calls for horizontal supply and return air, Johnson Controls can ship it from the factory
as a horizontal unit. This option eliminates the need for field modification of equipment
saving time and money. The Series 100 can support a left discharge on all units and/or
right discharge on all cooling only units and hydronic heat units with an extended cabinet.
Return air can be brought through the end or side return air inlet making the unit specific
to building needs.
This diagram is provided as a visual reference of the Series 100 discharge & return air openings & locations for all sizes. Please refer to the
dimensional data for exact size & location of panels and openings.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Application Data (Cont'd)
The economizer section is used to maintain indoor air quality, and also to reduce energy
consumption by using outdoor air cooling in lieu of mechanical cooling. If outdoor air is
appropriate for cooling, but not sufficient for the cooling demand, mechanical cooling will
stage on as necessary until the cooling load is met.
Dual (comparative or differential) enthalpy operation is the most accurate and efficient
means of economizer operation. The IPU controller monitors the return and outside air
energy content, and selects the lower of the two for operation.
Traditional packaged single package unit systems use inlet guide vanes (IGVs) for duct
static pressure control. These control supply duct pressure by modulating dampers (introducing losses and inefficiencies) on the inlet of the fan, open and closed. Johnson
Controls variable frequency drives (VFDs) offer superior fan speed control and quieter,
energy efficient operation.
For VAV applications, the Johnson Controls Series 100unit uses a VFD to modulate fan
speed and maintain a constant duct static pressure. VFDs offer superior control over the
operation of the unit at part load, and offer the additional benefits of quieter and more efficient operation when compared to IGV.
The traditional approach to HVAC design in commercial buildings has been to supply
conditioned air through extensive overhead duct networks to an array of diffusers spaced
evenly in the ceiling. In Figure 1, the conditioned air is both supplied and returned at ceiling level. Ceiling plenums must be designed large enough to accommodate the supply
ducts that run through them. Return air is typically configured as ceiling plenum return
without any ductwork. This type of air distribution, known as the “well-mixed” type, is the
most common system in use. This conventional HVAC system is designed to promote
complete mixing of supply air with room air, thereby maintaining the entire volume of all air
in the space (from floor to ceiling) at the desired space setpoint temperature. In addition,
to meet IAQ requirements, an adequate supply of fresh outside air must be introduced to
this mix. A key disadvantage to this control strategy is that it has no provisions to accommodate different temperature preferences among the building occupants or to provide
preferential ventilation in the occupied zone.
FORM 100.50-EG12 (918)
With the Johnson Controls FlexSys Underfloor Air System, conditioned air is ducted to the
underfloor plenum. As shown in Figure 3 on page 17, this conditioned air flows freely
throughout the plenum to individual supply discharge outlets. Unlike the larger single supply duct outlets typical of overhead systems, underfloor systems are configured to have a
large number of smaller supply outlets, in close proximity to the building occupants. These
adjustable outlets provide an opportunity for nearby occupants to have some amount of
control over thermal comfort conditions in their local environment. Air is returned from the
room at ceiling level (unducted plenum return is shown). The resulting overall floor-toceiling airflow pattern takes advantage of the natural buoyancy produced by heat sources
in the space and more efficiently removes heat loads and contaminants from the space,
particularly for cooling applications. In fact, some of the most important advantages of
underfloor systems over ceiling-based systems occur during cooling conditions, which
are required year-round in the vast majority of interior office space in many parts of the
United States.
For harsh environmental conditions such as seashore applications, Johnson Controls offers two types of coil protection: copper fin evaporator coils and post coated condenser
coils. Johnson Controls recommends that for corrosive environments that copper fins be
used to protect the evaporator coils. In areas where chemicals that can corrode copper
are present, such as ammonia, Johnson Controls recommends that post coated condenser coild be used for maximum protection.
Building pressure control systems are often necessary when economizers are used to
bring in outdoor air. Without proper building exhaust, the building may become over pressurized. The pressure control system maintains the proper building pressure by expelling
the appropriate amount of air from the building.
Return fans – For high return static applications, such as buildings with ducted return
systems, a powered return fan may be necessary to maintain building pressure control.
Johnson Controls offers a powered return fan that is located in the return plenum. This fan
operates coincidentally with the supply fan and draws return air back through the return
ductwork and into a pressurized plenum. A control damper modulates to exhaust air out
of the building and maintain the building pressure. A second control damper modulates to
provide return air from the ductwork to the unit air mixing section.
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Application Data (Cont'd)
The return fan configuration is available in two forms: with and without an exhaust damper. The option with the exhaust damper provides a means of building exhaust at the unit.
In some applications, the exhaust system is located elsewhere and the unit is not required
to provide building exhaust. In these situations, the Series 100 can be offered without the
exhaust damper to help reduce installed costs.
Exhaust/relief fans – In this application, a powered exhaust fan may be suitable, however careful consideration of the fan type is necessary. Johnson Controls offers a centrifugal powered exhaust fan to perform this function. Some manufacturers use a propeller
exhaust fan, which cannot handle the static pressure requirements.
For systems with moderate to low return static pressure, an exhaust fan is recommended.
The benefit of the exhaust fan is that it does not run all of the time, and may facilitate com-
pliance with the ASHRAE 90.1 fan motor horsepower requirement.
The exhaust fan operates in parallel with the supply fan. In this arrangement, the supply
fan handles the full static pressure requirements of the system. For normal building pressure control, the exhaust fan operates to draw air from the return plenum and exhaust it
out of the building.
The exhaust fan configuration is available in two forms, modulating and non-modulating.
Modulating is the most common and recommended for the majority of applications, while
non-modulating should be used only in certain circumstances.
In the modulating exhaust system, the volume of airflow exhausted from the building is
proportional to the entering volume of outside air. Control is accomplished via either a
discharge damper or a VFD. Johnson Controls recommends the use of a VFD to reduce
energy consumption, sound levels and improved reliability due to fewer moving parts.
In the non-modulating exhaust system, the exhaust airflow is constant whenever the exhaust fan is operating. This type of control should only be used to either assist a smoke
purge system or when a system requires a constant volume of exhaust airflow.
The Series 100 unit is designed for lower sound levels than competitive units by using flexible fan connections, fan spring isolators, double-wall construction, multiple fan options,
and lower speed and horsepower fans. For VAV applications, VFDs are used instead of
inlet guide vanes. Additional sound attenuation can be obtained using compressor sound
blankets when necessary.
Even with these equipment design features, the acoustical characteristics of the entire
installation must never be overlooked. Additional steps for the acoustical characteristics
of a single package unit installation should be addressed during the design phase of a
project to avoid costly alterations after the installation of the equipment. During the design
phase of a project, the designing engineer should consider, at a minimum, the impact of
the equipment location, single package unit installation, building structure, and duct work.
Capacity Steps (Qty x %)6x164x16, 2x184x17, 2x154x18, 2x153x14, 3x19
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP)10–5010–5010–5010–5010–50
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)14,000–29,000 15,550–29,000 15,000–32,000 17,500–36,000 21,000–36,000
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. ESP)0–4 inches0–4 inches0–4 inches0–6 inches0–6 inches
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP)15–5015–5015–5015–5015–50
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. ESP)
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP)
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. TSP)
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP10–2010–2010–2010–2010–20
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. ESP)0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP, total
for two fans)
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)4,000–36,000 4,000–36,000 4,000–36,000 4,000–36,000 4,000–36,000
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. iwg)0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches0–2 inches
Motor Size Range (min. to max. HP, total
for two fans)
Airow Range (min. to max. CFM)4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000 4,000–32,000 4,000–36,000 4,000–36,000
Static Pressure Range (min. to max. iwg)0–3 inches0–3 inches 0–3 inches0–3 inches0–3 inches
Size (square feet)56.956.956.956.956.9
Number of Rows/Fins per Inch4/173/173/173/175/17
Tube Diameter/Surface
Size (square feet)164164164164164
Number of Rows/Fins per Inch1/211/211/211/211/21
Tube Diameter/Surface
Diameter (inch)3636363636
Power (HP each)22222
Size (length x width) (inch)25x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x20
Total Filter Face Area (square feet)
Size (length x width) (inch)25x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x20
Total Filter Face Area (square feet)
Size (length x width) (inch)25x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x2025x16/25x20
Total Filter Face Area (square feet)
1. Electric heat steps and airow range depends on voltage and size. Consult Table 13 on page 50 for minimum allowable airow. Consult
Table 31 on page 60 for the number of steps for a given voltage and unit size.
Weights are for components only and need to be added to the extended cabinet weights. The diffuser is required in the extended cabinet for
any unit with hot water or nal lter option.
MODEL SIZE70758090105
Approximate Unit Weight1046110433104491079910935
1. Unit base weights include the following features: sheet metal, control panels, refrigerant, compressors, condenser assemblies, mini-
mum capacity supply fan, and 2-inch throwaway lter.
2. Base weights shown represent approximate operating weights and have a ±10% accuracy. To calculate weight for a specic congura-
tion, use YORKworks or contact a Johnson Controls sales representative.
MODEL SIZE70758090105
Sheet Metal69946994699469136913
Control Panel200200200200200
OA Damper (30 x 84)11011 0110120120
RA Damper (30 x 84)110110110120120
Right Side OA Hood4646465454
Left Side OA Hood4646465454
Rear OA Hood8282828282
Tray & Liner181181181198198
OA Filters Back Top88888
OA Filters Back Bottom88888
OA Filters Right Top22222
OA Filters Right Bottom22222
OA Filters Left Top22222
OA Filters Left Bottom22222
Exhaust Motor Base, 256 T Frame3030303030
Exhaust Fan
FORM100.50-EG12 (918)
Weight Data (Cont’d)
MODEL SIZE70758090105
Comefri 15-15 FC Class R194194194194194
Comefri 15-15 FC Class II280280280280280
Comefri 18-18 FC Class R306306306306306
Comefri 18-18 FC Class II396396396396396
Return Fan490490490490490
Barometric, (24 x 76)4545455555
Modulating, (24 x 76)7575759090
Fan skid4646464949
Exhaust Hood919191102102
Electric Heat - 80kW (Max)430430430430430
Electric Heat - 108kW (Max)450450450450450
Electric Heat - 150kW (Max)470470470470470
Electric Heat - 200kW (Max)490490490490490
Electric Heat - 250kW (Max)510510510510510
Gas Heat - 375 MBH (Max)162162162162162
Gas Heat - 750 MBH (Max)324324324324324
Gas Heat - 1125 MBH (Max)486486486486486
Hot Water Coil318318318318318
Steam Coil236236236236236
1. The weight given is the total weight of all eight aluminum coils and all eight copper coils, respectively. Indicates that particular option is
not available with that model size.
2. The 0–100% AMS option needs some predetermined minimum airow rate to work.
Cooling Performance Data – 70 Ton Model