Pipe and Equipment Insulations
PVC Insulated Fitting Covers
Installation Instructions for Hot, Cold and USDA Piping Systems

Zeston® PVC Insulated Fitting Covers
Installation Instructions for Hot, Cold and USDA Piping Systems
Installation Instructions for USDA and FDA Piping Systems
The Zeston PVC/Perma-Weld® pipe jacketing
system consists of Zeston PVC fitting
covers, Zeston PVC jacketing (20 and 30 mil
[0.5 and 0.8 mm] material only) and Zeston
Perma-Weld solvent welding adhesive.
The Zeston/Perma-Weld protective jacketing
system meets USDA requirements for piping
systems in meat and poultry processing facilities.
It also meets FDA standards for other food
processing, beverage and pharmaceutical
facilities. In these and related applications, the
Zeston PVC/Perma-Weld system resists
contaminant infiltration and withstands repeated
washdowns while providing a clean, finished
appearance over bare or insulated pipe.
Installation Instructions for Cold Systems
Qualifications for Use
Install the appropriate Hi-Lo
insert by wrapping it completely around the pipe
fitting without overly compressing it or leaving
any voids. Ensure that the insulation insert covers
all exposed surfaces. The Zeston PVC fitting
cover should then be installed over the pipe fitting
and fiber glass insert by securing the throat using
either serrated tacks, Perma-Weld adhesive or
Zeston Z-Tape.
The following sequence describes the installation
of Zeston PVC jacketing and fitting covers with
Perma-Weld solvent welding adhesive.
Temp fiber glass
1. Position the Zeston PVC fitting cover
over the insulated fitting.
1. Zeston PVC insulated fitting covers are
quickly installed over ells, tees, valves
and other pipe fittings. Combined with
HP jacketed pipe insulation,
they provide a complete, color-coordinated system.
Installation Instructions for Hot Systems
1. Zeston PVC insulated fitting covers are
quickly installed over ells, tees, valves,
and other pipe fittings. Combined with
they provide a complete, color-coordinated system.
HP jacketed pipe insulation,
2. Position, tuck, and fold the fiber glass
insulation insert as described below in
steps 2 and 3 for hot systems.
2. Place the pre-cut fiber glass insert
around the fitting, positioning the points
of the insert on the inside radius of the
elbow. For applications with temperatures below 45°F (7°C) or above 250°F
(121°C), additional layers of insulation
may be required.* In such cases, the
first layer is secured by wrapping with
fiber glass yarn.
3. Apply a vapor barrier mastic around the
edges of the adjoining pipe insulation.
3. Butt the ends of the fiber glass insert
against the ends of the pipe covering.
Tuck and fold the insulation so that it
covers all bare surfaces. Keep the fiber
glass fluffed up to the thickness of the
adjacent pipe insulation to assure maximum thermal efficiency.