User Instruction Manual
Joerns® Full Back Disposable Sling
To avoid injury, read user manual prior to use.
Fitting the Sling from a Seated Position
1. Raise the client’s leg and feed the padded leg piece under and up between
the legs. Ensure that the sling is not twisted or creased under the thigh.
Repeat this procedure for the other leg.
2. Feed the right leg support through the strap on the left leg support. Cross
over leg straps, pass one leg strap through the other and attach to hoist
on front hooks.
3. Raise lift to convenient height and attach the shoulder straps as shown.
You may then raise the client to the required height.
Golden Tips:
• The client’s posture can be altered by adjusting both shoulder straps.
• If in doubt, attach to coloured loops.
• Keep shoulder straps at equal length.
1. Draw sheet roll the client onto the sling, ensuring that the top of the commode
aperture is at the base of the spine.
2. Bring the leg support straps up and between the client’s legs and proceed as from
the seated position, attaching to the shortest possible loops. N.B. If you wish to
place the client onto a high bed it may be necessary to lower the client onto an
intermediate surface and adjust the strap length.
Fitting the Sling from a Lying Position
The Joerns® Full Back Disposable sling is an easy t, contoured sling designed to t the
majority of clients. It offers excellent full body support and the correct size will t snuggly
and give full protection for clients who go into extension or have involuntary movements
or behavioural problems. In the interests of avoiding cross-infection, this sling is
specically designed for single client use only.
Statement of Intended Use
A sling is an item of moving and handling equipment that is used with a mechanical
lift in order to facilitate the transfer of a client. It comprises a specially designed and
constructed piece of fabric that is placed under and/or around a client before being
attached to the spreader bar/cradle of a lift to raise, transfer and lower the client. When
selected and used correctly, a sling and lift combination will achieve a safer transfer and
reduce the risks associated with manual handling.
It is the responsibility of a competent person to conduct a thorough risk assessment prior
to using any sling, to ensure that the sling choice, method of positioning in the sling and
procedure for transfer has been correctly determined for the client. For further guidance,
please contact your authorised Joerns Service Provider or Joerns Healthcare.
sling and l ift pro ducts ar e designed to be com patible with on e anothe r.
Using oth er manuf acture r’s products on Jo erns pro ducts i s potent ially
unsafe an d could result in ser ious inju ry to client and/o r caregiver. For
countr y specific guid ance on sling use and c ompati bility, please con tact
your loca l market di stributor or Joe rns Healthcar e.
• For the saf ety of th e client an d carer; b efore using a sling a f ull risk
assess ment must b e conducted to ens ure that t he corre ct sling choice,
method o f positi oning in th e sling and procedu re for tra nsfer has been
deter mined for t he client.
• CHECK sling a nd sti tching b efore each use . Using b leached, tor n, cut ,
frayed o r broken slings is unsa fe and c ould re sult in seriou s injur y or death
to the client.
• DO NOT alter slings. Destroy and discard worn slings.
• NEVER leave a client unatt ended.
• DO NOT exceed the rated capacity of the sling or lift.
• DO NOT at tempt to re- position a client b y pullin g on th e sling l oops.
• Slings should only be used by trained caregivers.
Washing Instructions
DO NOT wash
DO NOT tumble dry
DO NOT dry clean
No smoking
DO NOT iron
Disposable slings are client specic and are designed not to be washed. Washing
will compromise the integrity of the sling and therefore make it unsafe for use.
Technical Specifications
Sizing & Safe Working Load
PLEASE NOTE: Additional slings are available to suit individual needs. You are
advised that you should always seek the advice of an authorised dealer or Joerns
Healthcare before purchasing.
EXTRA SMALL (BROWN) 500Ibs / 227kg
SMALL (RED) 500Ibs / 227kg
MEDIUM (YELLOW) 500Ibs / 227kg
LARGE (GREEN) 500Ibs / 227kg
EXTRA LARGE (BLUE) 500Ibs / 227kg