1. BOOM: Check the attachment of the boom to the mast. Make sure there
ü ü ü
is only minimal side movement of the boom and the boom is free to rotate
on the boom bearing.
2. SLING ATTACHMENT POINTS: Examine the sling hooks and attachment
ü ü ü
clips on the spreader bar and boom for excessive wear.
3. MAST: Check the operation of the mast-locking device. Make sure the
ü ü ü
mast fully engages into the socket.
4. ACTUATOR: The actuator should require no maintenance other than
checking for correct operation and listening for unusual noise.
5. KNEE PAD: Check knee pad adjuster is fastened securely.
ü ü
6. SMART MONITOR: Check the function of the emergency stop button.
Inspect the hand control socket for correct fitting. Check functioning of the
hand control. Check the redundant controls and confirm they operate as ü ü ü
intended. The MINIMUM load required to manually lower the hoist using
the emergency lower function is 30 kg.
7. BATTERIES: The batteries are housed in the power pack and should not
require maintenance other than the regular charging as detailed in the ü
charging instructions. Check that the connections remain clean.
8. BATTERIES (Charging): Confirm the lift is not giving a low battery alarm
when the hand control is operated. If the alarm sounds, do not use and ü ü
place the battery on charge immediately.
9. LEG ADJUSTMENT: Check the legs operate in both full extensions
üü ü
10. CASTORS: Check all castors for firm attachment to the legs. Check for free
üü ü
rotation of the castor and the wheels.
11. CLEANING: Using a damp cloth, wipe clean with ordinary soap and water
and/or any hard surface disinfectant. Harsh chemical cleaners or abrasives
should be avoided as these may damage the surface finish of the lift.
Avoid wetting any of the electrical parts.
12. LOAD TEST: The load test should be carried out in accordance with the
local market test procedures. It is strongly recommended the testing is
carried out by an authorised service dealer.
13. BASE AND WHEELS: Ensure base is even and level
ü ü ü
(all four wheels are on the floor).
14. SLINGS: Check for wear and fraying.
ü ü ü
15. LUBRICATION: Lubricate pivot joints with a silicone based oil, including
mast and boom connections, pedal assembly, spreader bar joint
(only if required).
16. HAND SET: Ensure plugged fully into controller.
ü ü
Before Use