JMNC PS31250, PS31550 User Manual

PS 系列
CNC Hydraulic Punch-shearing Combined Machines PS Series
CNC Hydraulic Punch-shearing Combined Machine
国内首家研制生产的集数控转塔冲床和直角剪床于一体的新型冲剪复合机,将板材冲孔、成型及剪切过程一次完成,由原材料直接生成工 件,替代了传统的冲剪分离加工工序,减少加工时间约60%,节省材料达10%,极大提高了材料的利用率、加工效率,降低了生产成本。并可 提供立体仓库、上料、下料、分选、堆垛等装置,进一步拓展该机的自动化程度。
CNC turret punch press and the right-angle shearing form CNC Hydraulic Punch-shearing Combined Machine with the newly-developed in China. The machine was conceived with process improvement as its guiding principle, and every detail was designed to provide the fi nest in material handling, punching and shearing, programming, diagnostics and controls to facilitate both consistent quality and fl exible manufacturing. The machine is several times than traditional Punch-shearing separate working procedure, and reducing machining time 60%, scanty material 10%, also improve processing effi ciency and reduce production costs. Provide destacking store, automatic loading, automatic unloading, automatic unloading onto stacker, table that can be joined together.
The machines are at domestic leading level and reach the advanced level of overseas the same kind products.
型号 Type
参数 Specification
公称压力(冲 / 剪) Nominal force (Punching/Shearing) kN 300/280 300/280 最大加工板材厚度(冲 / 剪)
Max. thickness (Punching/Shearing) (Mild steel) 最大加工板材尺寸 ( 一次重定位 ) Max. sheet size (One reposition) mm 1250×5000 1500×5000 最大加工板材重量 Max. workpiece weight kg 150 150 滑块行程(冲 / 剪) Ram stroke (Punching/Shearing) mm 30/90 30/90 滑块最大运行速度(冲 / 剪) Max. ram speed (Punching/Shearing) h.p.m 900/105 900/105 最大送料行程(X / Y) Max. moving stroke mm 2500/1400 2500/1500 转盘最大转速 Max. turret rotation r/min 30 30 模位数(含 2 套自转模) Number of stations (2 index stations) set 32 32 最大单次冲孔尺寸 Max. one punching diameter mm 88.9 88.9 最大剪切工件尺寸 Max. shearing workpiece size mm 800×1250 800×1500 加工精度 Accuracy mm + 0.1 + 0.1 数控轴数 Controlling axes piece 5 5 机床重量 Machine weight T 25 26 外形尺寸 Outline dimensions mm 4990×5200×2300 5100×5200×2300
Main Technical Specifi cations
PS31250 PS31550
mm 6/4 6/4