JMC X700AJ User Manual

Course Name
Term Type. This will
typically be Year (Sem) or Year (Tri). If students switch teachers at the Qtr, you may want to choose Qtrs.
Grading Scheme. Every course needs a grading scheme but you should choose the Term Type first.
Elementary and Middle School Scheduling
We strongly recommend that you watch the Elem/MS Scheduling instructional videos on the office professionals page of our website at Click on the scheduling tab. The instructional videos will provide much more detail and tips about the scheduling process. Use this form as a guide while you watch the video.
B) Update your course information. Go to Schedules: Course: Edit Course Data. Make sure each of the items with an arrow below is entered for each course being offered this year. (If you do not know how to add new courses refer to the instructional video.)
Think Ahead! Do teachers take daily attendance from their classroom via Online Attendance twice per day? Put one class in period 1, one in period 2, the rest in period 3 and you can keep the day unchecked. Don’t put classes in period 0 unless you have to.
1) Courses – The first stage deals with reviewing and updating your course information.
A) Review previously entered courses. Go to Schedules: Course: Course Data List to print the courses you already have entered. Set up the screen in the way it looks on the right. This will give you a print out of all the courses already entered into your data. (Make sure to uncheck the “Only Include Courses With Students Enrolled” box or you will get a blank screen because you haven’t registered any students into classes yet.)
Sections. Click the Add New button to add a section.
Check Report Card
B) Highlight the courses into which you want to bulk load students.
C) Choose whether you want to bulk load students by Grade Level or by Advisor. If you have not already assigned students to an Advisor you must do so before you can bulk load by Advisor.
D) Click OK.
E) Repeat this step for all courses to be bulk loaded.
2) Bulk Load Students – The second stage loads/registers all of the students in a particular grade level, or those assigned to a specific advisor, into a course or courses.
A) Go to Schedules: Develop: Bulk Load Courses.
E) At this point you can review the work you have done by viewing a student’s individual schedule in Schedules: Student: Edit Schedules. You will see that the students have been registered/loaded into the classes but they have not been scheduled into the sections of the courses for which they are registered.
F) If you make a mistake and bulk load students incorrectly you can go to Schedules: Course: Drop Courses. This will drop/un-register all students from the course you choose. Then you can go back to Bulk Load Courses to load the correct group into the course.
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