Elementary Report Card Guide for Teachers
This is a brief introduction to JMC elementary report cards. For complete instructions
please visit http://www.jmcinc.com/videos/videos.html and watch the instructional video
“Teacher Elementary Report Card Entry.”
1. Go to File: Office to Teacher. This updates your GradeBook with any information
that has been updated in the office. There is no need to do this daily.
2. Go to Edit: Edit Assessments for a Student if you are a:
• Grade level teacher i.e. Kindergarten Teacher or 2nd Grade Teacher.
• Specialist teacher i.e. Art, Music, PE, Computer, etc. who assesses students in
more than one Standard or Benchmark. For example, if you are an Art teacher
who gives an overall course grade and also assesses benchmarks called
“effort” and “works well with other students.”
Go to Edit: Edit Assessments for a Course or Grade if you are a:
• Specialist, Special Ed, or non-grade level teacher who assesses each student in
only one area i.e. you are the Phy Ed teacher who gives an “effort” grade to
each student.
3. A pop-up item may appear stating – “This appears to be… of the screen.” Click OK.
5. Choose your Grade Level if:
• You are a grade level teacher who has all of the Standards and Benchmarks
instanced to your grade level.
Choose the Course(s) you teach if:
• You are a specialist, special ed, or other teacher who does not teach all of the
classes a student takes.
• You are a grade level teacher whose Standards and Benchmarks are instanced
to the courses you teach.
6. If necessary, choose your subject area from the Subject Area pop-up menu.
7. Click on the “Add” or “Add Initial Assessment Set” button on the top of the screen.
10. Click OK.
11. Start entering assessments and comments (if applicable). Please refer to the screen
guides on the next page to guide you through this process.