Directions for the Master Schedule Building
process inside of JMC
The master schedule building process can be broken done into 6 Stages. I have included a
general over view of the 6 Stages and detailed directions for each stage.
1) Courses -- The 1st stage deals with your current course information. In this stage you will remove any
courses that are no longer being used and add new courses for the upcoming school year. YOU DO
2) Registration -- The 2nd stage deals with loading the students into their courses. The required courses
are quickly bulk loaded and the electives can be entered using Online registration or Add Courses.
3) Analyzing the Registration -- The 3rd stage deals with deciding on how many sections of the courses
you wish to offer and also filling in any constraints you have in your courses.
4)Building the master schedule -- The 4th stage deals with using the Scheduling Aid to build a master
5) Conflicts -- The 5th stage involves analyzing your student conflicts.
6) Scheduling the students -- The 6th stage involves scheduling your students into their classes.
If you need any assistance during the master schedule building process please contact JMC through
any of the following avenues:
800 - 524 - 8182 Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 4:30 pm.
651/345-2215 fax
JMC now has the ability to take control of your computer from our location if you desire.
Master Schedule building process in JMC
1) On the main screen of the 2008-2009 JMC software select Schedules--Course--Course Data List.
Leave the selection as Name and Number. Sort the report by Name and make sure to uncheck the box
labeled “Only Include Courses with Students Enrolled”. If you receive a blank page that means you left
the box checked.
2) The course data list shows you the current course names and associated numbers inside of JMC. If
you offered a course last year and will not be offering it this year you may remove it by selecting
Schedules--Course--Edit Course Data. You may either enter the name or number of the course in the
Find box in the lower right hand corner of the screen. To remove a course simply highlight and remove
the name.
3) ADDING A COURSE -- If you wish to add a course offering for the
2008-2009 school year please print out the Course Data List in step #1
making sure to Sort By: Number. This time the print out will show you all of
the course numbers and the available numbers are the ones with no name
next to them.
Select Schedules--Course--Edit Data and enter the number you wish to
use in the Find box. To create the course simply click in the blank box to
the right of the words Course Name and enter the name of the new
course. Do not worry about the other information on the screen at this point
in time.
use in the Find box. To create the course simply click in the blank box to
the right of the words Course Name and enter the name of the new
course. Do not worry about the other information on the screen at this point
in time.
Master Schedule building process in JMC
1) REQUIRED COURSES -- The courses that are required or taken by the vast majority of the
students in a grade level can be mass loaded using Schedules--Develop--Bulk Load Courses. Select
the Grade Level or Advisor on the right and then highlight the courses you wish to mass load for the
selected group. NOTE: On Windows simply click on each of the courses you wish to mass load for the
selected group. On Macintosh click on the first course and then hold down the Shift key for multiple
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you make a mistake and accidentally mass load the incorrect courses for a group
please select Schedules--Course--Drop Courses. Select the courses you incorrectly loaded and the
student registration will be removed. YOU WILL NEED TO REDO ANY GROUPS THAT WERE
removes student registration, IT DOES NOT REMOVE THE COURSE DATA.
2) If you wish to check the accuracy of your mass loading please select Schedules--Course--Course
3) ELECTIVE COURSES -- There are 3 methods available for loading the electives (choices) for the
student. JMC’s recommendation is to consider Online Registration. Online Registration allows the
student to sign up for the electives themselves saving Office and/or Guidance Professionals the
time-consuming task of entering the electives for each student. DO NOT ENTER ALTERNATIVE
COURSES. You will overload the student and cause conflicts.
The three alternatives for entering electives:
1) Online Registration -- Allows the student to enter his/her electives themselves.
2) Add Courses -- Found under Schedules--Student--Add Courses. This allows for an alphabetical list
of students where you simply click on the course name. You do not need to SAVE after each student.
3) Manual Entry -- Found under Schedules--Student--Edit Schedules. You may either enter the course
number in the CRS column or use the Add Button located at the bottom of the screen.
IMPORTANT NOTE: No matter which of the 3 methods you decide to use, there is one screen which
determines which courses each grade level is allowed to sign up for. If at any time you notice that a
course is not listed as a choice for a certain grade level please select Schedules--Course--Courses To
EACH STUDENTS REGISTRATION by selecting Schedules--Student--Verify Registration.